Mon Apr 29 2024 20:27:20 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
20048 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL cannot open txt file with openoffice spreadsheet 2003-09-25
82601 Calc open-imp spreadsheet CLOS DUPL can't import a html file 2007-12-12
46860 Calc open-imp spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Opening html document in Calc opens Writer/Web 2005-04-13
42078 Calc viewing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Cannot open in Spreadsheet html document named .xls 2005-02-11
22456 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Open csv file doesn't work if extension is txt (not csv) 2003-12-11
5 issues found.


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