Sat Oct 5 2024 21:58:08 UTC
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14 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
61244 document Online h issues RESO FIXE error in help for Basic function len 2023-04-23
124372 General ui issues RESO FIXE the tooltip is "Number %NUMBERINGSAMPLE" 2023-05-23
125400 Writer open-imp issues RESO FIXE CJK numbering ordered list fallback to Arabic numerals 2023-03-02
126366 Math code issues RESO FIXE Do not remove outer braces 2023-10-08
126367 Math code issues RESO FIXE existing command text is repeated, when insert formula 2023-10-08
126476 Writer formatti issues RESO FIXE Set Firstline Auto Indent to 2 Chars for Chinese 2023-10-08
126557 Calc ui issues RESO FIXE Formula wizard: increase number of lines of dropdown of category listbox 2023-10-08
126753 General code issues RESO FIXE Invalid parse of GSUB of OpenType font 2023-02-28
127895 General code issues RESO FIXE Possible access to unintended variable in "openoffice/main/sfx2/source/doc/sfxbasemodel.cxx" line 940 2023-04-23
128313 App Dev scriptin issues RESO FIXE Image control - wrong picture in AOO Help 2023-10-09
128566 Calc code issues RESO FIXE cell displacement problem 2023-04-11
127544 Build To code pescetti RESO FIXE Remove extra files from source package (clog, config.out) 2023-05-21
120336 Calc code issues CLOS FIXE Spelling error in function wizard 2023-03-14
126680 Calc save-exp issues CLOS FIXE Unable to save a document in ODS with builds using non-Latin alphabets, due to changes of transliteration rules at runtime 2023-11-26
14 issues found.
