Votes Issue # Summary
Draw (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 27836 import/export filter for Corel Draw formats (Show Votes)
2 33336 Use the preview window for navigating and zooming (Show Votes)
1 69845 Need for a picture-object dialog in draw/impress (Show Votes)
4 votes used out of 5 allowed.

General (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
2 14986 OOo generates weird log messages when accessing a Samba share (Show Votes)
1 61685 Provide a means to remove all easter eggs from release versions (Show Votes)
2 68841 Please provide native (non-macro) means to use EAN13 barcodes in OO docs (Show Votes)
5 votes used out of 5 allowed.

Impress (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
2 54019 Repeated animations do not work (Show Votes)
2 votes used out of 5 allowed.

Internationalization (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
2 51662 Read separators and formats from Windows Regional Settings. (Show Votes)
2 votes used out of 5 allowed.

Math (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 5998 Custom Alignment of Math (Show Votes)
2 74858 Incorrect vertical alignment of "nested" matrices using mline (Show Votes)
2 74859 Add Vertical alignment options/commands (Show Votes)
5 votes used out of 5 allowed.

ui (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
2 28913 Need list of regular expressions in UI to ease "Find and Replace" (Show Votes)
2 votes used out of 5 allowed.

Writer (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 23333 Handling wrong for non-breaking, en- and em-space characters (Show Votes)
1 46165 Regular expressions work inconsistently or not at all when combined. (Show Votes)
1 90025 Find and Replace: Subexpression fails for some regular expressions (Show Votes)
1 91769 «Find & Replace» doesn't search for text font color in paragraph styles (Show Votes)
1 107194 Regexp: Search for '\<' pattern breaks replace with '$n' pattern (Show Votes)
5 votes used out of 5 allowed.

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