Back to issue 16496

Who When What Removed Added
rb.henschel 2003-07-06 13:52:37 UTC CC Regina
wolframgarten 2003-07-07 07:33:15 UTC Assignee wg CGU
memberships.20.eugenetswong 2003-07-13 22:35:44 UTC Keywords oooqa
christian.guenther 2003-09-12 15:14:01 UTC Ever confirmed 0 1
Target Milestone --- OOo 2.0
christian.guenther 2003-09-12 15:24:27 UTC Assignee CGU mt
Priority P3 P4
malte_timmermann 2003-09-15 13:07:25 UTC Assignee mt hbrinkm
openoffice 2003-09-25 09:34:30 UTC Status NEW STARTED
christian.guenther 2003-10-01 08:18:47 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.0 OOo Later
robweir 2013-02-07 22:12:56 UTC QA Contact issues
robweir 2013-08-07 15:21:02 UTC Target Milestone OOo Later ---
marcus 2017-05-20 11:08:45 UTC Assignee openoffice issues

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