Back to issue 32705

Who When What Removed Added
wolframgarten 2004-08-09 07:40:41 UTC Assignee wg bh
ahz001 2006-10-31 16:13:54 UTC Summary soplayer or -play command line argument soplayer or -play command line argument to automatically play slide show
Keywords oooqa
CC '' 'aziem'
masaya.k 2007-03-05 03:15:25 UTC CC 'aziem' 'aziem,masayan'
bettina.haberer 2010-05-21 14:57:21 UTC Assignee bh requirements
robweir 2013-02-07 22:13:49 UTC QA Contact issues
robweir 2013-02-07 22:35:21 UTC Assignee requirements issues

Back to issue 32705