Back to issue 57858

Who When What Removed Added
thb 2005-12-08 15:02:29 UTC Status NEW RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
thb 2005-12-08 15:04:03 UTC Status RESOLVED REOPENED
Resolution FIXED ---
thb 2005-12-08 15:05:25 UTC Assignee thb wg
thb 2005-12-08 15:05:35 UTC Status NEW RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
andre.schnabel 2005-12-08 15:05:35 UTC CC '' 'andreschnabel'
wolframgarten 2006-03-27 07:50:10 UTC Status RESOLVED VERIFIED
wolframgarten 2006-03-27 07:50:38 UTC Status VERIFIED CLOSED
robweir 2013-08-07 15:20:39 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.0.2 ---

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