Issue 113277

Summary: Math: Format/Greek character style
Product: Math Reporter: thomas.lange
Component: uiAssignee: AOO issues mailing list <issues>
Status: ACCEPTED --- QA Contact:
Severity: Trivial    
Priority: P3 CC: issues, nesshof
Version: DEV300m83   
Target Milestone: ---   
Hardware: All   
OS: All   
Issue Type: FEATURE Latest Confirmation in: ---
Developer Difficulty: ---

Description thomas.lange 2010-07-20 11:26:38 UTC

Because of the problem with formulas using Greek symbols created with the old
OpensSymbol/StarSymbol font (up to OOo 3.2 / SO 9.2, see issue 113276), the user
in OOo 3.3 is faced with the problem that that the default layout of the Greek
symbols in OOo 3.3 may or may not be the preferred/correct one. 

Also note that this problem can not be addressed properly on import (since at
least one of the three variants described in issue 113276) will always fail.
Thus the user would be required to modify the whole formula text (which may
contain many Greek symbols) in order to get the desired result.

A great help would be if the user could choose for each formula if the default
layout for the symbols in the 'Greek' symbol set (and only for those, NOT the
ones from the 'iGreek' symbol set) should be slanted by default or not.
Having such an option would allow the user to change the display for all Greek
symbols in the formula with just one click. And thus no or only a few symbols
need to be changed manually.

Thus there should be a sub menu entry such as 'Format/Greek character style'
with the following entries.
.  a) straight (all 'Greek' symbols should be straight by default)
.  b) slanted (all 'Greek' symbols should be slantedby default)
.  c) LaTeX (all uppercase 'Greek' symbols should be straight and
.            all lowercase 'Greek' symbols should be slanted)

Implementation note: This must not apply for operators (like sum, prod, operator
%KAPPA, ...)
Comment 1 thomas.lange 2010-07-20 11:26:58 UTC