Apache OpenOffice (AOO) Bugzilla – Issue 100535
RPT: Time in Report will fall of to 00:00
Last modified: 2009-11-17 12:14:06 UTC
I one case the timefield that was generate by Insert/Date and Time falls of to 00:00. To see what i mean, -Open attached database -Open report "Tier" by double click => Look at the time field on the left hand side that shows the correct time in the Page Header. => Look at M Pagecount in the Page Header that will couting up to 72 After that is ready, => The time will fall of to 00:00 => Please notice, that every time/page field was original build by function without manual work. I checked this with 310m7 and SRB 1.1.0 Beta3, WinXP, SP3, Java 1.6.0_12 If i open the same database with OOO3.0.1 and Sun Reportbuilder 1.0.6 the time field is OK -Create an new report with the wizzard. -Insert Date and Time from Insert/.. in Page Footer or Header -Run the Report => The time will stay -Insert "Page N" from Insert/.. in Page Footer or Header -Run the Report => The time will stay -Insert "Page N of M" from Insert/.. in Page Footer or Page Header -Run the Report => The time will fall of to 00:00
Created attachment 61167 [details] Example that works as the report says
Hi Please take a closer look at the generated document. In my case it shows two side effects. 1)The first Timefield on Page 2 from the detail section is lost. I have no idea why. You can see it, before every "<-Time is OK" has to be an time. 2)The timefield in the header ignores the default format (hh:mm) If you think this needs another issues, let me know. Thanks Ulf
can reproduce in OOO310.m10. Does not happen in OOo 3.0.1 => regression. We're too late in the 3.1 cycle to fix this for 3.1, but definitely should for 3.2.
The time never contains the correct value. When executing the report, switch the resulting doc from read-only in edit mode and choose Tools->Update->"Update all" and you see that the time value in the header is gone. A new writer formula is needed like the date function.
Fixed in cws dba32d The time value in the group header is not handled. See issue 102432
Please verify. Thanks. You have to use the SRB from the cws.
fs->msc: please verify in CWS dba32d
verified in CWS dba32d. When check in master you need to reload the created report . Then the time should not go to 00:00 find more information about this CWS, like when it is available in the master builds, in EIS, the Environment Information System: http://eis.services.openoffice.org/EIS2/cws.ShowCWS?Path=DEV300%2Fdba32d
If i take another report and insert there a new Date and Timefield, i became on the first page not the right date and time. See attached screenshot taken with 1.1.0m57 Reportbuilder -to reproduce open new attached file -edit rpt_tiere -insert date & time by "insert dialog" -run the report =>first page is different from following pages
Created attachment 64593 [details] Screenshot
Created attachment 64594 [details] New Example
fs->ud: I could reproduce the new problem. However, I outsourced it to a new issue (issue 104911), since it's not really the same what is described here: In the original issue, the date/time was displayed correctly initially, while what you describe here looks to me as if date/time stopped working completely. I am not *sure* that those are really different problems, but think a new issue can't hurt.
Closed because remaining problem was outsourced to issue 104911 and this was fixed as showstopper for 3.2.