Apache OpenOffice (AOO) Bugzilla – Issue 100850
inserting dl envelope into document incorrect size
Last modified: 2013-08-07 14:44:35 UTC
Hi I have tried this in openoffice 2.4.2 and 3.0.1. I am trying to get the correct size envelope when inserted into a document. However even though selecting the DL envelope in the format dialogue it seems to insert a DL envelope onto a C5 envelope size background. I have found that due to my printer - an epson dx4050 - that I need to select in the printer dialogue button, the 4th image/icon. When selected it throws the insertion out of sorts, and results in what I have mentioned. Strangely when selecting any other setting for the printer feed the DL envelope inserts into the document as it should. Cheers
I have found a work around for this problem. Go to create and insert a DL envelope. The envelope is inserted into the document albeit not the correct size. Right click on the envelope to bring up a dialogue. From here select 'page'. When this dialogue opens it shows the Format to be User. Click the arrow on the drop down box and select DL. Then in the same dialogue I notice that the Top margin is set at 4.13". I set this to 0" and click OK. The envelope is then looking as it should on the page. All that needs to be done then is to move the address to where it should be.
We should really rebuild the envelope dialog!
I suppose needles to mention but the issue remains in openoffice 3.1.
*** Issue 110485 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***
I do not reproduce the problem with OOo 3.2.0 (FR) nor OOO320m14. As described in duplicate issue 110485, I use following steps : 1/ create a new text document 2/ menu Insert > Envlop 3/ Tab Format > Choose DL 4/ click on button "Insert" 5/ move the cursor in the first page (the envlop) and choose menu Format > Page > tab Page ==> paper size is correct : 22 x 11 cm It works for me. Did I have misunderstood something? Regards. JBF
Created attachment 68699 [details] text doc with DL envelop as it was generated
I have a feeling this problem is to do with incompatibilty in certain respects to libraries on the users distro that out of control of openoffice. Or am I just being kind to openoffice developers. I mean to say that when I upgraded the distro i use ie slackware, the issue disappeared. Not to say that openoffice should have been more thoroughly tested in the first place. But either way the problem no longer exists.
Ok, so closing as "worksforme". Feel free to reopen if you encounter this problem again. Thanks.
It's a very very strange behavior. It seems that this problem happens in a very aleatory way. I've tried several situations both with OpenOffice.org 3.2 and StarOffice 9.1, both on Windows and Linux. Some PCs (the most) presents the problem other not. This happens both on Windows XP and Linux. It seems it's definitively correlated with the PC, because installing OOo/SO on a clean machine it doesn't make any difference. Any of them run, others present the problem. I can help in tracing such bug but I need some support to do it.
Its still present in 3.1.1 albeit on an intermittent basis. I have just had the same dificulty with one doc, followed my steps given on this page, and the problem is gone. I am still using slackware 13 as I have been doing for the past year or so. cheers
Will printing envelopes in openoffice ever be viable. I know that this is an open source project and really as its free I should not complain. But then again I feel I should as after all you present the opportunity of printing envelopes, and have done so in many versions of openoffice over the years. I am beginning to get the idea that I have been hoping in vain. That this is really not a concern for you. that really I should use something else - and you know what maybe I am going to do just that. All I can say is "so long and thanks for all the fish".
PL has fixed a similar issue in CWS vcl112 that was integrated in DEV300m84 snapshot build, so it should be resolved in next feature release
Thats good to hear, and I'm sorry for the rant yesterday. All the best.