Apache OpenOffice (AOO) Bugzilla – Issue 13524
More options for PDF export
Last modified: 2013-02-07 22:38:28 UTC
It would be very useful to add more options to native PDF export (i.e. include fonts, picture resolution, compatibility level, apod.) This would anable OOo to be used also for simple DTP, and it would be easier to prepare pdf files for professional printing. Tihis is not only question of the writer, but I did not know exactly where to post this issue.
Adding myself to CC:.
Reassigned to BH
I do not know how hard it is to make, but adding a possibility to convert RGB images to CMYK in the .pdf would be a great help as well.
If I have a look on GS, the options in OOo really seem poor. On the other hand, these few options in OOo make the feature easy to handle. How can we get a list (base might be GS!) with required options _and_their_priority_? Tomas, you started this issue, can you do the first step? This might be a base for a feature like "Extended PDF Export Options". Rainer
I changed summary from "More detailed PDF export" to "More options for PDF export" Rainer
sorry for the spam, wront issue! This issue does not depend on issue 13514 Rainer
OK, I will think over the possible values. I have plenty of other work at the moment, so it might take a while. This extended options could appear after pressing a special button, thus the basic simplicity would of the PDF export dialog would remain. It would be good to explain in detail in the Help file what exactly these settings mean. As far as I know it is not there yet. Does anybody of You know if it is technically possible to add the conversion from RGB to CMYK clorors in the dialog? This would be a very handy feature, but I really do not know if it is possible or not.
The feature I would like to see the most is support for prologue.ps and epilogue.ps. They allow pre and post render processing of the pdf. Acrobat Distiller supports this feature and we use it to place an ISO 9001 required watermark on all of our rendered documents
Many options added now (ie. 2.1). Still missing though: include fonts, compatibility level, apod.(?) color conversion. May I suggest you close this broad issue and create separate issues - one for each feature request.
It would be very useful to add almost one option to native PDF export : I mean tne ability to choose between color and "Black and White". This would enable me to used OOo to prepare pdf files for professional printing.
Hello, Thanks for this great tool, that I already use for DTP jobs. The CMYK is one of the missing functionnality and it would be great to have it ;) From the export PDF windows, we could have a menu RVB/CMYK/B&W that would automatically convert texts, graphic objects and imported images into the proper color mode. I know that there are today many specifications with the color profiles (ICC), but a simple conversion would be enough for most of us. If it can help, here is a link to an algorithm for RVB->CMY and CMY->CMYK conversion : http://www.easyrgb.com/index.php?X=MATH#text11 Best regards, Igor Barzilai. - I hope my english is allright, Iām a frenchie ;)
See also issue 81097 which request more options of colour coding of text at pdf export. So there could be seperate options for text and for (different sorts of ?) graphics/images: no conversion (default) convert to RGB convert to CMYK convert to gray (only black ink) convert to black and white (+ option to set black level: 0-255)
Similar issues already for this: - Colour matching using ICC profiles: Issue 18647 (this may require a lot of work) - Image Resultion: Issue 4499 (Plugin available for PNG, JPG & TIFF, could maybe added for embedded JPG in PDF?)
Sorry for Colour matching it should be Issue 18674 ... mistype, my bad!
To grep the issues easier via "requirements" I put the issues currently lying on my owner to the owner "requirements".