Issue 31764 - Need to support GPOS kerning
Summary: Need to support GPOS kerning
Alias: None
Product: gsl
Classification: Code
Component: code (show other issues)
Version: OOo 2.3.0 RC1
Hardware: PC All
: P3 Trivial with 44 votes (vote)
Target Milestone: AOO PleaseHelp
Assignee: AOO issues mailing list
QA Contact:
: 107324 107739 (view as issue list)
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Blocks: 107739
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Reported: 2004-07-20 12:16 UTC by phil82
Modified: 2017-05-20 11:29 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

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Issue Type: TASK
Latest Confirmation in: ---
Developer Difficulty: ---


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Description phil82 2004-07-20 12:16:25 UTC
OOo's Font-handling:
- kerning doesn't work with truetype following opentype-spec
- line-spacing doesn't work as it is described in TrueType spec

Our Project works on a GPL TrueType using FontForge as Editor. Following TTF can
be seen as indicator of the problem (, download latest
After the problem came up, the FontForge maintainer
( and me had a discussion about where the
bug is located. After having had a look into his work and the specification he
decided that it must be a bug in OpenOffice. On windowsXP, both, Word and
Illustrator work very well with the font, Kerning works and line-spacing is
right. In OpenOffice kerning doesn't work and line-spacing is much too huge.
I suppose that other fonts using the latest TrueType/OpenType spec aren't
displayed correctly either.
Comment 1 stx123 2004-07-20 21:31:10 UTC
Reassign issue to owner of selected subcomponent
Comment 2 christof.pintaske 2004-07-21 11:10:59 UTC
cp->hdu: no clue what that means, please have a look
Comment 3 2004-07-26 15:18:55 UTC
Yes, currently GPOS based kerning is not yet implemented, just the traditional
"kern" table based kerning. What is the name of the thread on the fontforge
mailing lists? Or even better, can you provide a link?
Comment 4 2004-09-17 08:08:04 UTC
Rewording issue subject.
Comment 5 2004-12-02 10:41:48 UTC
target as discussed with cp
Comment 6 phil82 2004-12-21 09:33:08 UTC
Is still somebody working on this issue? I'd say as opentype fonts are getting
more and more important, especially on windows machines, kerning should be
supported, shouldn't it? Would be nice if this would still go into 2.0 as it is
quite a basic feature for a writer software.
Comment 7 phil82 2007-11-23 11:18:59 UTC
Please note, that issue 43029 is linked to this issue. The interpretation of
GPOS tables is elementary for upcoming fonts. The only fact why WinXPs i.e.
Times New Roman shows a working kerning in OO is, that the font contains both
old and new tables. This is - as far as I know - not a convention and is in some
sourroundings even misinterpreted in the way that the values from both tables
are summarized (Pango). So please make an interpreter for the GPOS tables so
that good TTFs (that fulfill the convention) are displayed and printed correctly
as well as the PS/CFF-based OpenTypes! This must at least come for OO-3.0!
Comment 8 nmailhot 2009-07-01 20:38:29 UTC
@phil82: please expand on any problem you know of pango-side in
Comment 9 michael.ruess 2009-11-30 15:39:51 UTC
*** Issue 107324 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***
Comment 10 2010-05-21 13:56:18 UTC
*** Issue 107739 has been marked as a duplicate of this issue. ***
Comment 11 Marcus 2017-05-20 11:29:30 UTC
Reset assigne to the default "".