Issue 60661 - Impress converts jpg images to png resulting in big files and slow performance
Summary: Impress converts jpg images to png resulting in big files and slow performance
Alias: None
Product: Impress
Classification: Application
Component: editing (show other issues)
Version: OOo 2.0.1
Hardware: PC Windows XP
: P3 Trivial with 1 vote (vote)
Target Milestone: OOo 2.x
Assignee: wolframgarten
QA Contact: issues@graphics
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-01-16 20:54 UTC by ulfplarsson
Modified: 2006-05-31 09:20 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Issue Type: DEFECT
Latest Confirmation in: ---
Developer Difficulty: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this issue.
Description ulfplarsson 2006-01-16 20:54:14 UTC
A Impress converts included jpg images to png.
1)I start with slide show including two slides. 
2)On each slide insert 3 jpg images (size of images 1.5 Mb).
3)On the first slide add animation (on click) to the images on the first slide.
4)Save this file check the unzip the saved file check that the images are in jpg
5)Change the presentation order of the images in the first slide 
6) Save this in a new file and check the unzipped odp still jpg images.
7) Start and run the presentation
8) Save the presentation in an new file unzip and at least one jpg file is
converted to png. This save operaton takes much longer time.

9) Create a big presentation whith a lot of images chnge animation orders for
the images.
10) Run this presentation for a customer you try to impress ;( 

Comment 1:
In presentations including 10 slides with 2-3 images on each slide. Will result
in very big files and takes looooong time to save. This presentation has lousy
Comment 2:
There are a lot of chat about lousy performance and big files in the forum.
Mayby this is one of the reasons.
Comment 1 wolframgarten 2006-01-16 21:50:07 UTC
Priority changed.
Comment 2 wolframgarten 2006-01-17 09:57:56 UTC
Can you add a little more detail about system (RAM, CPU etc.)? Thanks.
Comment 3 wolframgarten 2006-01-17 10:00:22 UTC
Some images are definetely converted to png. Is this wanted and if so - why?
Comment 4 ace_dent 2006-01-17 10:13:31 UTC
This seems to relate to issue 15508 (raised 2003). Since this is a long standing
issue and IMHO a defect rather than an enhancement, would it be possible to set
a firmer target?

Comment 5 ulfplarsson 2006-01-17 11:41:15 UTC
The conversion is not wanted. se comments

Computer systems:
1) HP desktp with Intel 3GHz Pentium 4, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Disks,  
2) ACER Ferrari 3200.
Comment 6 clippka 2006-04-04 16:24:01 UTC
retargeting, I will have a look at this issue
Comment 7 clippka 2006-05-30 17:20:44 UTC
cl->wg: I can't reproduce it, can you? how?
Comment 8 wolframgarten 2006-05-31 09:20:14 UTC
Not reproducible anymore with an internal m4.
Please try the same on a current version of with the soon coming 2.0.3. There
have been improvements made in the meantime. Thanks for your help.
If you still have the same problems please feel free to reopen the issue. Thanks.
Comment 9 wolframgarten 2006-05-31 09:20:57 UTC