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53 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
34732 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Word documents generated by FrameMaker 6/7 throw ClassCastException 2015-03-22
53378 POI HWPF dev NEW --- When a new para is added to the attached document and saved, document is corrupted. 2012-06-07
53528 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Inserting consecutive character runs with different character properties not works properly 2015-03-15
54272 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Lack of Picture insertion implementation 2017-09-11
54790 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Word Document loading strategy is memory hungry and causes OutOfMemoryError 2019-06-18
54860 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Range.getTable(...) doesn't initialize previous Paragraph for comparison 2017-11-04
55487 POI HWPF dev NEW --- can't turn graphical objects to picture when turn doc files to html files. 2016-04-07
55497 POI HWPF dev NEW --- lost mark of emphasis 2016-04-07
55935 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Inner table rendered outside 2014-01-02
56344 POI HWPF dev NEW --- WordToHtmlConverter cannot create table in table (fix inside description) 2014-04-10
56384 POI HWPF dev NEW --- [PATCH] Nested Field Codes are not parsed correctly 2015-08-10
56783 POI HWPF dev NEW --- convert word to html 2017-04-10
58355 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Paragraph not first in table exception when processing first page footer 2016-01-05
58804 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Broken images depending on Layout options 2016-01-25
58805 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Header and footer corruption on Run text replacement 2016-01-05
58858 POI HWPF dev NEW --- hidden characters not removed 2023-08-07
58992 POI HWPF dev NEW --- failed to extract the correct paragraph direction 2016-02-11
59323 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Unable to process the document having bookmarks 2016-05-17
59324 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Unable to get a list within a table that is removed when 'Track Changes' is enabled 2016-05-17
59700 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Ability to update header with an image using HWPF 2016-06-14
60097 POI HWPF dev NEW --- when the doc file contains some form of a table, the doc file written by HWPF can not be opened. 2019-08-29
60500 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Incorrect rowspan attribute value when converting a Word file containing a table with merged rows to HTML 2017-04-10
60952 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Figure out how to map font to runs/text pieces in Word 6.0 files 2017-04-04
60953 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Improve Big5 handling for Word 6.0 2017-04-05
60975 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Error converting doc with excel correspondence to html 2017-06-16
61098 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Certain documents containing forms and XML data get corrupted adding custom properties 2017-09-26
61157 POI HWPF dev NEW --- HWPF doesn't support rotated string watermark in a word document 2017-06-16
61265 POI HWPF dev NEW --- AIOOBE when reading doc file (Section table parsing) 2017-07-09
62489 POI HWPF dev NEW --- set table's cell width dont work 2018-06-26
62848 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Throw Exception for doc and docx protected by Rights Management service. 2018-12-22
63813 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Special character (greater than equal) converts to '(' text in word documents 2019-10-10
63944 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Support alternative text for Escher images 2019-12-15
64689 POI HWPF dev NEW --- WordToHtmlConverter does not support "Text Wrapping: Around" for tables 2020-12-30
66245 POI HWPF dev NEW --- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at org.apache.poi.hwpf.sprm.SprmOperation.initSize 2022-08-31
66422 POI HWPF dev NEW --- WordExtractor.getParagraphText() - capitalized text 2023-02-10
66467 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Unsupported Sprm operation: 58 (0x3A) when extracting data from a Word 97 document 2023-03-11
57597 POI HWPF dev NEW --- No support for multiple sections in HeaderStories 2015-02-23
57599 POI HWPF dev NEW --- Associate comment with it's referenced paragraph 2015-02-18
57603 POI HWPF dev NEW --- failed to create Word 2003 with seven or more columns 2021-03-02
51604 POI HWPF dev REOP --- replace text corrupts doc file 2017-01-21
51834 POI HWPF dev REOP --- Opening and Writing .doc file results in corrupt document 2014-03-11
55604 POI HWPF dev REOP --- AIOOBE from SprmBuffer class when reading body of some .doc files 2016-10-18
50052 POI HWPF dev NEED --- Add support for formating of list numbers 2015-10-07
55869 POI HWPF dev NEED --- createToc - detecting Page 2014-02-26
55936 POI HWPF dev NEED --- [PATCH] Tabstop alignment and leader 2016-12-23
56880 POI HWPF dev NEED --- Non-extended character Pascal strings are not supported in RevisionMarkAuthorTable 2016-07-17
57847 POI HWPF dev NEED --- doc to html conversion does not create bullet points 2015-04-24
58878 POI HWPF dev NEED --- Calling getName() on an instance of StyleDescription from paragraph returns the localized style name 2016-02-12
60912 POI HWPF dev NEED --- Bullets font and color 2022-12-27
61915 POI HWPF dev NEED --- Not copy mainDocument to _fibRgCswNew in FileInformationBlock's constructor 2017-12-18
62763 POI HWPF dev NEED --- HWPFDocument(POIFSFileSystem pfilesystem) Constructor exception 2018-09-28
64853 POI HWPF dev NEED --- IndexOutOfBoundsException from PicturesTable.getAllPictures() 2022-12-26
57596 POI HWPF dev NEED --- OfficeDrawing doesn't return diagram escher records 2017-06-08
53 bugs found.


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