Sat Sep 21 2024 00:56:18 UTC
What do I think of Western civilisation? I think it would be a very good idea. -- Mahatma Gandhi
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57 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
49353 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- [patch] change logfactor userdir name to hidden directory 2010-05-28
44308 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- [Patch] JMX component for managing Logger configurations 2009-10-10
43820 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- [PATCH] Layered Configurator Patch 2007-11-09
44727 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- Add missing Logger#isErrorEnabled and isWarningEnabled methods 2008-08-02
43282 Log4j - Other log4j-dev REOP --- Add OSGi packaging info to log4j and companions 2011-10-14
40611 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Bad subclass example; NullPointerException in Loggers created outside Hierarchy 2006-09-26
45939 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Cannot drop HierarchyDynamicMBean from LoggerRepository 2008-10-02
50213 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Category callAppenders synchronization causes java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED - synchronization can be avoided by using immutable AppenderAttachableImpl 2014-02-17
58062 Log4j - Other log4j-dev REOP --- Close IO Streams in finally statement 2015-06-25
37734 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Customize Event ID and Event Category with NTEVentLogAppender 2010-05-12
50844 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance() is very expensive, we can cache it to improve performance 2011-05-05
41214 Log4j - Other log4j-dev ASSI --- Deadlock with RollingFileAppender 2015-03-26
54455 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- DynamicImport-Package in MANIFEST.MF not working in Eclipse 2013-01-23
36789 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- Empty control flow statement in org.apache.log4j.lf5.viewer.configure.ConfigurationManager 2006-08-01
56291 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- EnhancdedThrowableRender does not handle java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError's 2014-03-20
54975 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- File size is not reset if delete a content of the log file 2013-05-15
40251 Log4j - Other log4j-dev REOP --- Hard coded JMX domain name for MBean instances 2007-02-01
53415 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- JDBCAppender cannot reconnect after connection closed 2012-06-14
48141 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- Log file rotation issue in Linux VM 2009-11-08
50800 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- log4j 1.2.16 has duplicate import-package entries in 2011-11-23
45932 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Log4j JMX MBeans not cleaned up 2008-10-01
51164 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- log4j should not dump errors to stdout on interrupt 2011-05-06
51721 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Log4j snapshots should be in the Apache Snapshot Repository 2012-05-26
49481 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Log4j stops writting to file, and then causes server to lockup 2014-01-16
55229 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- log4j-1.2.16.jar checksum mismatch on 2013-07-10
38883 Log4j - Other log4j-dev REOP --- LogFilePatternReceiver fails to process multi-line event if message field is delimited on both sides 2008-08-02
51784 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- logger adapter, delagate call to logging method 2011-09-09
48027 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- Logger statements in a particular class file is not printed always 2009-11-08
37638 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- logging doesn't fall back with FallbackErrorHandler if PRIMARY appender is used by multiple loggers 2009-10-08
48220 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- LoggingEvent.mdcCopy serialization with non-serializable MDC-values 2009-11-19
51047 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Move org.apache.log4j.Category to reentrant read/write locks 2015-06-26
53471 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- mvn fails with s.addTestSuite(; in CoreTestSuite 2012-06-28
44557 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- no close call to Appender after replacing the root logger 2008-08-02
50830 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- NPE in ISO8601DateFormat.hashCode and toString 2011-02-25
4913 Log4j - Other log4j-dev REOP --- org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog should allow external interrupt() 2014-08-29
50930 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- org.apache.log4jPriority methods toString(), toInt() and getSyslogEquivalent() should not be 'final' 2011-03-14
48679 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- performance of getEffectiveLevel can be significantly improved 2010-02-04
51438 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Pipe characters issue in log() method 2011-06-27
30055 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Problem with registering Appenders with the same name in the LoggerDynamicMBean 2005-03-20
36654 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- Provide better error messages for "Please initialize the log4j system properly" 2006-11-12
53392 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Rolling file cannot be written, suspecting infinite loop with log4j 1.2.16 2012-06-11
56019 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- RollingFileAppender not working if destination directory does not exists 2014-01-16
44834 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- SimpleSocketServer looses buffered logs, produces spurious error on exit. 2008-08-12
53299 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Simplify log4j Build 2012-05-30
48244 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Socket Server configuration does not handle not reverse DNS resolvable hosts 2009-11-20
40385 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- SocketServer cannot find config file when passed an IP address 2006-09-13
49003 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- SocketServerTestCase.test8 fails on Apache Harmony 6 2010-03-27
45482 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- Source contains unused variables 2008-08-05
46941 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Sub Level Logging Technique 2009-04-03
57568 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Suggestion: provide sources for apache-log4j-extras 2015-02-11
54009 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Thread is getting Blocked 2012-10-17
53948 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- ThrowableInformationPatternConverter does not need to import ThrowableInformation 2012-09-29
45629 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- TopicConnection is not closed 2008-08-13
55961 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- Typo - **Retreiving** an instance of org.apache.log4j.getLogger(). 2014-01-06
45304 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- using log4j with OAS for some reasone all the logging activty hangs from all the applications deployed 2009-01-15
45236 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEED --- Wriring output to an out-dated file. 2008-08-02
58470 Log4j - Other log4j-dev NEW --- xml message 2015-10-06
57 bugs found.
