Sat Sep 21 2024 00:59:16 UTC
"The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out" - Richard P. Feynman
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16 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
60948 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- Large TCP timeout delays hcheck disabling a node 2024-07-05
66636 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- hc https handshake tls1.0 (expecting tls1.2) 2023-06-09
66367 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- How to define a connection timeout for health check only 2022-11-29
66111 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- Mod Hcheck works only inside virtualhost 2022-06-09
66030 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- Fail on changment of status with load balancer and hcheck of proxy module 2022-06-06
66042 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- hcuri is not being properly logged 2022-04-28
65697 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- Initial state of proxy backend is 'Ok' when healthcheck was not run yet 2021-11-23
65566 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- When using hcmethod=GET the default path is "" 2021-09-10
65156 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- hcmethod tcp logs status code 400 in tomcat access log 2021-02-22
64152 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- mod_proxy_hcheck is not compatible with WSS/WSS 2020-02-18
64146 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- mod_proxy_hcheck is not compatible with h2/h2c protocol 2020-02-16
63466 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- unable to use hctemplate 2019-07-20
63385 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- hcuri is ignored when used with OPTIONS hcmethod 2019-06-14
63348 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- SSLProxy* settings no longer applied for healthchecks since 2.4.39 2019-04-15
61576 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- proxy run on cross-compile arm segfault 2019-03-07
62837 Apache h mod_prox bugs NEW --- SNI extension not set in healthcheck requests 2018-10-24
16 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "mod_proxy_hcheck" component of the "Apache httpd-2" product