Created attachment 29575 [details] test war file within java source Servlet 3.0 Spec. says that Asynchronous processing ... In the event that an asynchronous operation times out, the container must run through the following steps: ■ Invoke the AsyncListener.onTimeout method on all the AsyncListener instances registered with the ServletRequest on which the asynchronous operation was initiated. ■ If none of the listeners called AsyncContext.complete() or any of the AsyncContext.dispatch methods, perform an error dispatch with a status code equal to HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. ■ If no matching error page was found, or the error page did not call AsyncContext.complete() or any of the AsyncContext.dispatch methods, the container MUST call AsyncContext.complete(). (servlet-3_0-mrel-spec.pdf / pdf page 40, Spec page 18) In other words, if there are no AsyncListeners which calls AsyncContext.complete() or any of the AsyncContext.dispatch, the container must perform an error dispatch with 500 error code. But tomcat 7 does not send 500 error response. It sends 200 OK. In org.apache.catalina.core.AsyncContextImpl.timeout(), if (listenerInvoked) { request.getCoyoteRequest().action( ActionCode.ASYNC_IS_TIMINGOUT, result); return !result.get(); } else { // No listeners, container calls complete complete(); } it just calls complete(). So I think it must be spec violation. I've attached the test war file within a test source. Test URL is http://localhost:8080/asyncTimeoutTest/AsyncTimeoutTestServlet .
Fixed in trunk and 7.0.x and will be included in 7.0.33 onwards. "error dispatch" is not defined anywhere I could find in the servlet spec. I implemented based on what I could deduce from the spec text quoted in this issue.
Yes, I haven't seen the def. of 'error dispatch', too. In our product, I just used response.sendError(500) that was internally using forward with DispatcherType.ERROR.