This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Sat Sep 21 2024 00:59:27 UTC
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79 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
136653 xml Code issues RESO WORK consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2012-04-26
136654 versionc CVS issues RESO WONT consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2008-06-17
136656 versionc Subversi issues RESO FIXE consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2008-10-31
136661 versionc Mercuria issues RESO FIXE consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2008-10-31
136655 uml General issues NEW --- consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2008-06-06
136663 soa Composit vchellasamy NEW --- consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2008-06-06
136662 profiler Base issues RESO INVA consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2009-04-14
108861 platform Outline& saubrecht RESO WONT Problematic in-place editing of watches 2008-12-22
136659 platform Options& jskrivanek RESO WONT consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2008-12-22
33281 platform Outline& saubrecht RESO FIXE Rewrite TreeTableView 2008-12-22
37100 platform Outline& saubrecht RESO WONT [TTV] API for the visibility of the collumn chooser very strange 2008-12-22
37626 platform Explorer apireviews RESO FIXE Fast track review of PropertyPanel rewrite API changes 2008-12-22
35083 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Value from combobox isn't set when combobox oversides NB main window 2008-12-22
31501 platform Outline& saubrecht CLOS WORK [TTV] right mouse menu availability 2008-12-22
37673 platform Dialogs& pzavadsky VERI FIXE CSH broken in Options Window 2008-12-22
37721 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE ComboBox in a properties view does not work 2008-12-22
37743 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Values in LOCAL VARIABLES are unreadable 2008-12-22
34163 platform Explorer tboudreau RESO FIXE Default boolean property editor 2008-12-22
34169 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Clicking on a read-only cell does not place the keyboard focus there 2008-12-22
34170 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] keyboard focus is moved "strangely" 2008-12-22
34172 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Hyperlinks display with a grey background after being activated 2008-12-22
34173 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Hyperlinks do not show underlines ordinarily 2008-12-22
34177 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Can't seem to start editing an editable cell from the keyboard 2008-12-22
37057 platform Window S tboudreau VERI DUPL [w2k LF] IAE when dragging prop sheet column 2008-12-22
34178 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Keyboard focus indicator seems too small 2008-12-22
41579 platform Outline& tboudreau CLOS FIXE Cannot call context menu in Debugger Window columns 2008-12-22
37835 platform Property tboudreau VERI FIXE one-click opening of property editors doesn't work when Help window is open 2008-12-22
41612 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI WORK Tools/Javadoc manager throws a NullPointerException under Windows Look and Feel 2008-12-22
37838 platform Property tboudreau VERI FIXE "null is not a valid value for Enabled" while disabling the WEB module 2008-12-22
33023 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE PropertyPanel too slow when used as CellRenderer 2008-12-22
36304 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE SheetTableTest.testGrayMarginEdgePaintedWhenSortByCategory fails: Gray margin edge not painted in sort by category mode 2008-12-22
17510 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Property panel is not affirmed by focusLost 2008-12-22
31807 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE One-click boolean editor is not possible in SheetButton 2008-12-22
29612 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Keyboard focus not shown when it is in the first column of a tree table 2008-12-22
19266 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [JDK1.4] No cells are editable by the keyboard 2008-12-22
44856 platform Outline& saubrecht CLOS FIXE Debugger views do not get focus 2008-12-22
37186 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Very large properties window. 2008-12-22
31896 platform Explorer tboudreau RESO FIXE Rewrite PropertyPanel to use infrastructure from new PropertySheet 2008-12-22
36410 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Property Sheet: Focus lost after keyboard entry 2008-12-22
35534 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE Text "shifts" when editing a value 2008-12-22
35539 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE Wrong value not updated in variables and watch view 2008-12-22
36421 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] [L&F] for properties both foreground and background are same colose when a row is selected 2008-12-22
21686 platform Property tboudreau RESO FIXE Make boolean-toggling easier by using checkboxes instead of comboboxes 2008-12-22
19527 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Property Marking vanish after invoking Property Editor 2008-12-22
39523 platform Outline& saubrecht CLOS WORK [JDK1.5.0] First line of todo table not whole visible 2008-12-22
9691 platform Explorer tboudreau RESO FIXE allow the user to fix illegal property 2008-12-22
36608 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE IAE - if you set illegal value for double, long, short, byte, float property 2008-12-22
36613 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Empty value displayed for some types of editors 2008-12-22
37337 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE [WinLAF] down-arrow button is not visble 2008-12-22
37360 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE table editor components should not have borders 2008-12-22
36708 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE java.langIllegalArgumentException from propertysheet 2008-12-22
26350 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Property Value too narrow for Event Handlers 2008-12-22
22996 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] cells in the tree table should be truncated when they are too wide 2008-12-22
36719 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE The height of propertysheet's textfields is short 2008-12-22
36723 platform Window S tboudreau VERI FIXE [XP] Property sheet doesn't hightlight node titles 2008-12-22
37448 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE Single click boolean toggle for setup wizard enabled modules pane 2008-12-22
38478 platform Window S dsimonek RESO FIXE Fix problematic UI components 2008-12-22
36013 platform Window S dsimonek RESO FIXE UI tuning of winsys 2008-12-22
36801 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE when category is selected its forground becomes white 2008-12-22
36802 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE help button looks very ugly in windows LAF 2008-12-22
36026 platform Window S tboudreau RESO FIXE XP - overall color correction of property sheet 2008-12-22
36829 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI FIXE [TTV] Variables with underscore (_) in name do not show properly 2008-12-22
37575 platform Explorer tboudreau VERI FIXE Enabled value for category is changed to "null" if you disable one of the modules 2008-12-23
36781 platform Outline& tboudreau CLOS FIXE exception is thrown when pushing Add/Module... menu item 2008-12-23
39160 platform Outline& tboudreau VERI INVA pushing SHIFT+TAB throws exception 2008-12-23
36037 platform Outline& saubrecht VERI WONT [TTV] scrollbar does not move line properly 2008-12-23
76522 platform Outline& jrechtacek VERI WONT tagged property editor has many problems inside TTV 2009-11-02
43660 platform Outline& mentlicher NEW --- TTV uses the display name of the root node as the title for the first column 2010-10-07
136660 javame -- Other psuchomel NEW --- consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2008-06-06
26367 guibuild Code issues RESO FIXE Empty drop-down list for Event Handler values 2004-02-05
33994 guibuild Code issues RESO FIXE EventProperty.EventEditor extends deprecated EnhancedPropertyEditor and will not work correctly with the property sheet rewrite 2004-02-06
24758 debugger Code issues VERI WONT keyboard access to hyperlinks in the stack component 2003-11-26
136658 debugger Code mentlicher VERI FIXE consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2009-02-19
24964 debugger Code issues CLOS WONT Implement some support for Hyperlinks 2010-04-29
37757 debugger Code mentlicher CLOS FIXE Ability to add and edit watch expressions in-place 2010-04-29
44575 debugger Code mentlicher CLOS FIXE Watches - provide drag and drop of expression from editor 2010-04-29
153004 debugger Code mentlicher CLOS FIXE Local Variables does not show full list of variables 2010-04-29
40130 contrib Tasklist tasklist-issues CLOS FIXE Sorting by due date places non-due task to begining 2005-07-21
136664 apisuppo Project mkozeny NEW --- consider replacing TreeTableView with OutlineView 2013-02-14
79 bugs found.
