Sat Sep 21 2024 01:31:03 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
21588 General chart issues CONF --- export chart as postscript, image (PNG, BMP...) or pdf 2024-02-14
99021 General ui issues CONF --- Guest Account: none of the four welcome steps should interrupt start center 2013-02-07
49971 General chart issues CONF --- Histogram chart 2023-03-10
98564 General code Mathias_Bauer CLOS WONT Move Hybrid-PDF-feature from PDF Import Extension into the OOo build 2010-05-17
20425 General code issues CONF --- Q-PCD Performance-9 - improve Wizards Perfomance 2013-02-07
36672 General chart issues CONF --- styles concept for chart components 2020-04-14
6 issues found.


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