Sat Sep 21 2024 00:56:35 UTC
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15 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
30132 General ui bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Need more options in change case 2008-09-15
24780 Writer ui bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Addition of Sentence Case to Font Effects 2006-01-31
23864 Writer ui bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL More styles in Case/characters 2006-11-27
60702 Writer formatti eric.savary CLOS DUPL Offer TitleCase and Sentence Case 2006-01-30
48720 Writer formatti fabiohenriquecs CLOS DUPL Function uppercase only to the first caracter of a word. 2006-03-16
82642 Writer formatti michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Title Case MISSING 2007-10-16
66910 Writer formatti requirements CLOS DUPL Change case menu item should be modified 2006-08-07
57973 Writer code requirements CLOS DUPL Extension of Change Case (in order to "toggle" all cases) 2006-11-27
54867 Writer formatti requirements CLOS DUPL Format -> Change Case -> Initial Caps 2006-11-27
61339 Writer formatti requirements CLOS DUPL Give "Sentence case" option in "change case" command, 2008-05-17
54632 Writer editing requirements CLOS DUPL More case options to the Format/Change Case 2007-03-08
65860 Writer formatti requirements CLOS DUPL Option FirstUpper (in Format - Change Case) not exist 2006-11-27
41457 Writer ui requirements CLOS DUPL User Interface Enhancement for Case Options 2006-03-16
77794 Calc formatti stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Change Case 2007-07-25
75218 Writer editing stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Convert Case: Initial Caps 2007-03-08
15 issues found.
