Sat Jun 1 2024 16:26:32 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3886 gsl code hdu CLOS DUPL Does not have sub-pixel (rgb) AA on Linux 2008-08-05
4499 Draw code wolframgarten CLOS FIXE Export to bitmap file has fixed DPI (resolution) 2019-10-05
33723 Calc editing issues CONF --- NF-DATE: Ability to turn off Number Recognition for incomplete dates in Calc 2015-02-20
3395 Writer formatti issues CLOS WONT Reveal formatting codes 2017-05-20
41002 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- TOC in an imported MS Word file does not honour tabs from an autonumbered list 2017-05-20
39418 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- Writer incorrectly importing MS Word captions with custom numbering 2017-05-20
63355 Impress open-imp requirements CLOS DUPL MS Publisher-style desktop publishing 2013-08-07
14725 Writer ui issues CONF --- Allow page numbers to include text before and after the number 2013-08-07
28526 Draw viewing wolframgarten CLOS FIXE Allow anti-aliasing of drawing objects 2009-02-09
9 issues found.
