Sun Jun 16 2024 01:22:16 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
54679 Calc editing niklas.nebel CLOS DUPL Can not move cell when select single cell. 2013-08-07
43059 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL select (and move) a single cell 2005-02-21
72175 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL single cell cannot be dragged using mouse 2006-12-01
77054 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Not able to drag and drop cell contents using mouse left click 2007-06-05
80242 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Can't drag & drop a single cell with mouse 2007-08-02
88216 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Cannot Move A Single Cell via Mouse 2008-08-27
98547 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Drag and drop feature is not working under SPREADSHEET 2009-01-28
78379 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Can't move one cell at at time 2007-06-13
60286 Calc editing requirements CLOS DUPL ease Move/Copy cells via dragging 2008-12-11
9 issues found.


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