Sun Jun 2 2024 13:19:02 UTC
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26 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
12666 Calc formatti zhanglu.aoo CLOS FIXE autofilter works just on one sheet (only one auto-range per document) 2017-05-20
63399 Draw editing Armin.Le.Grand CLOS FIXE Pasting Draw objects with hyperlink fails 2017-05-20
51662 Internat localeda erack CLOS DUPL Read separators and formats from Windows Regional Settings. 2017-05-20
112141 General ui arielch CLOS FIXE Reintroduce color codes for mime type icons 2017-05-20
86328 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Selection toolbar resets to Unary/Binary after switching to other OO apps 2010-10-14
33336 Draw ui issues REOP --- Use the preview window for navigating and zooming 2017-05-20
60823 Draw ui issues ACCE --- Draw/Impress:Behavior of the right click menu on "page pane". 2017-05-20
74858 Math ui issues ACCE --- Incorrect vertical alignment of "nested" matrices using mline 2013-08-07
7512 ui ui issues ACCE --- Selection colour 2013-02-07
85253 Base code issues CONF --- Ability to customize database interface 2013-02-07
26919 Calc code issues CONF --- Calc fails to colour cell references while editing formulas 2017-05-20
27363 General chart issues CONF --- choose a chart type per series 2013-09-25
38992 Math ui issues CONF --- color in levels of () [] & {} 2013-02-07
48170 General chart issues CONF --- free positioning of data labels 2014-05-07
100616 Impress viewing issues CONF --- Handout view shows empty thumbnails 2017-05-20
74467 Impress viewing issues CONF --- Impress - Custom Animation - Movie Credits too fast. 2017-05-20
69845 Draw ui issues CONF --- Need for a picture-object dialog in draw/impress 2013-02-07
28913 ui code issues CONF --- Need list of regular expressions in UI to ease "Find and Replace" 2013-02-07
33723 Calc editing issues CONF --- NF-DATE: Ability to turn off Number Recognition for incomplete dates in Calc 2015-02-20
24500 Writer ui issues CONF --- Pasting table content into existing writer tables 2017-05-20
54019 Impress viewing issues CONF --- Repeated animations do not work 2017-05-20
28503 General chart issues CONF --- user defined text labels for specific values on axis - vlookup 2013-09-25
75842 Base code issues CONF --- Very limited clipboard functionality 2013-08-07
51904 Base code issues CONF --- Wizard to import table to database 2022-05-13
56648 Writer save-exp issues CONF --- WW8: hard character format reverts to style's settings on export 2017-05-20
67809 Writer open-imp issues CONF --- WW8: object in grouped drawing positioned incorrectly on import 2013-08-07
26 issues found.
