Sat Sep 21 2024 01:04:19 UTC
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16 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
81899 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Allow system-wide configuration of JDBC classes 2010-02-22
12666 Calc formatti zhanglu.aoo CLOS FIXE autofilter works just on one sheet (only one auto-range per document) 2017-05-20
8811 Calc editing oc CLOS FIXE Allow multiple users to edit the same spreadsheet through workbook sharing 2013-11-26
8275 Draw formatti issues CONF --- more border types (dashed, dotted, etc) 2013-04-19
59583 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS FIXE Feature Request: OOo should tell by which user a document is opened with writeaccess 2017-05-20
39527 General ui issues REOP --- Saving Ms-Office documents with password protection 2013-02-03
65002 General ui issues CONF --- [Samba] can't create backup copy on cifs samba shares 2013-02-07
54567 General ui hennes.rohling CLOS DUPL Input/output error on network-shared documents 2008-11-05
70147 General code ab CLOS FIXE invalid link entries to shared basic-librarys installed via unopkg add while a concurrent OOo process is running 2017-05-20
79196 Impress open-imp issues CONF --- Images broken when importing ODPs created with earlier OOos 2013-08-07
60471 ui ui issues ACCE --- Add custom categories and commands to Tools/Customize../{Menus,Toolbars}/Add.. 2013-02-07
33737 Writer ui orw CLOS FIXE Allow for in-place editing of input field (turn off pop-up) 2017-05-20
71626 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Manual page breaks surrounded by hidden text must become disabled when text is hidden. 2013-08-07
77357 Writer editing issues CONF --- relative position of bookmarks get lost, if two bookmarks are ending at the same position and text is inserted into one bookmark 2013-08-07
77358 Writer editing issues CONF --- pressing return at the end of a bookmark extends the bookmark 2013-08-07
77637 Writer code issues CONF --- hide/unhide of text sections is not reliable 2017-05-20
16 issues found.
