Back to issue 5955

Who When What Removed Added
rheavy2 2002-06-19 06:50:21 UTC Summary Export as EPS, but JUST the drawing? Export as EPS, but JUST the drawing?
abacaxi 2002-06-19 23:50:53 UTC Version 1.0.0 current
Product drawing documentation
Component code www
Target Milestone --- not determined
wolframgarten 2002-06-21 09:36:22 UTC Assignee wg ft
scarr 2003-02-26 04:46:26 UTC Status NEW STARTED
brat 2003-09-10 03:51:58 UTC Status STARTED RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
frank.loehmann 2007-01-31 17:28:14 UTC Status RESOLVED CLOSED

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