Problem: Tomcat 7.0.23 startup freezes at "INFO: Deploying web application directory ..." Nuances: - no errors are displayed in logs - tomcat process can't be shutted down with script - http request on 80 port wait forever - it's a multi host configuration - the same setup works well on all previous build, including 7.0.22 - when lib/*.jar files of tomcat-7.0.23 are replaced with lib/*.jar files of tomcat-7.0.23 - everything works just fine fix it asap! thank you! fill free to contact for details:
Bugzilla is not a support forum. Please use the users mailing list.
it's not a support issue, it's a bug that somebody of programmers have made developing from 7.0.22 to 7.0.23. fix it asap. thanks.
the correct webapp works on <=7.0.22 and doesn't work on 7.0.23. IS IT A SUPPORT ISSUE? i guess not. fix it.
This works for everyone else including the ASF Jira instance and the full TCK suite. You have misconfigured your server. That is not a bug. Further support is available from the users mailing list. Please stop re-opening this issue.
details to reproduce:
Good to see that the users mailing list has done its job and we now have a valid bug report. Thanks are due to Michael Zampani who took the time to do some investigation and provided the necessary steps to reproduce the issue as well as a potential work-around. This appears to be a regression caused by the new threaded deployment (bug 46264). The syncs in ContainerBase all need to be reviewed as there may be other potential deadlock triggers.
Fixed in trunk and 7.0.x and will be included in 7.0.24 onwards.
Good to see you have finally fixed the bug :)
*** Bug 52276 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***