Today I wasted a few hours with debugging my application, and later in the tomcat code, why some of my requests return just a HTTP 500, while the response objects do have the correct return code, even in the localhost_access_log. Jersey was set to trace mode, so it is writing a lot of response header data, and there was a hidden HeadersTooLargeException while processing which leads to the 500 response code. There was no log and no sign in the response hinting to look at the response headers. There should be at least an log entry if that exception occures.
Fair point. Thanks for the report. This has been fixed in the following branches: - 9.0.x for 9.0.0.M11 onwards - 8.5.x for 8.5.6 onwards - 8.0.x for 8.0.38 onwards - 7.0.x for 7.0.73 onwards
*** Bug 63397 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***