This Bugzilla instance is a read-only archive of historic NetBeans bug reports. To report a bug in NetBeans please follow the project's instructions for reporting issues.

Sat Sep 21 2024 00:59:37 UTC
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17 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
171631 editor Settings mkristofic REOP --- Netbeans IDE import of Eclipse Preferences file. 2016-07-10
200768 editor Settings mkristofic REOP --- EditorSettings.getFontColorSettings().getAllFontColors() returns empty collection 2015-09-18
256398 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- When use non-default profile Nowadays, changed code does not show correctly. 2015-11-06
268509 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Some custom Font & Color settings reset on startup 2016-10-21
228303 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- project specific formatting should use current IDE settings as defaults 2015-11-13
270705 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Plug in 2017-05-22
157498 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Per file encoding 2016-12-09
257795 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- org.xml.sax.SAXException: XML parser fatal error in file Editors/text/css/Preferences/org-netbeans-modules-editor-settings-CustomPreferences.xml 2016-02-01
256725 editor Settings mkristofic NEW ---$MyLookup.<init>: LowPerformance took 45171 ms. 2015-11-22
238013 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- org.netbeans.modules.editor.mimelookup.MimePathLookup.beforeLookup: LowPerformance took 33135 ms. 2017-11-21
256635 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- IllegalArgumentException: No parser for mime type: text/x-jav 2018-03-31
267747 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Font setting preview text not clear 2016-08-29
118099 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Extend MimeDataProvider SPI for better mime path inheritance support 2012-01-25
135492 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Easier Fonts & Colors profiles management 2012-06-01
257059 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Code editor input caret is hard to see on dark themes 2016-07-13
144579 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- Add support for child nodes to MimeLookup Preferences 2013-07-18
202389 editor Settings mkristofic NEW --- [71cat] Slowness at org.netbeans.modules.editor.mimelookup.impl.SwitchLookup.lookup 2016-07-20
17 bugs found.
