Mon Jun 3 2024 17:36:44 UTC
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12 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
61608 Writer formatti michael.ruess CLOS WONT Bullet symbol is strikeouted if bulleted text is strikeouted at once 2006-02-07
49978 Calc code issues CONF --- Choosing "decimal point" character when importing .csv files 2014-09-18
35178 Base code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Data are lost from user's view in mail merges based on spreadsheet data 2010-06-22
24317 Writer code issues CONF --- Highlighting - incorrect export to DOC 2015-03-12
8824 Impress ui wolframgarten CLOS FIXE Increase/decrease font size icons 2009-09-09
1820 Calc ui thorsten.martens CLOS FIXE Inputting decimal numbers with Spanish (Spain) keyboars in StarCalc 2013-08-07
9899 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Mail merge from Calc or Excel - embedded fields not updating on refresh 2011-03-07
44891 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE New record is not opened in the subform after inserting a new record into the main form 2007-04-23
31927 General ui issues CONF --- No activity report during long lasting operations 2013-02-07
1596 Writer editing eric.savary CLOS FIXE Select rectangular region of text should be possible 2013-08-07
36719 Calc code requirements CLOS DUPL Selection lost after preview 2013-08-07
58602 Impress save-exp issues CONF --- Warning if characters aren't available while export to SWF 2017-05-20
12 issues found.
