Sat Sep 21 2024 01:04:34 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
125373 Build To GNU make issues UNCO --- --with-system-nss should add rpath to libdir and use includedir from nss.pc 2014-08-06
118397 Build To GNU make issues CONF --- [gbuild] convert filter 2017-05-20
118386 Build To GNU make issues CONF --- [gbuild] convert officecfg 2017-05-20
64400 Build To GNU make issues CONF --- Test Summanry 2017-05-20
125364 Build To GNU make issues UNCO --- While linking gcc-compiled scalc on Solaris some symbols are hidden 2014-10-04
116355 Build To GNU make issues CONF --- Wrong check for empty SYSBASE in solenv/gbuild/platform/ 2013-01-29
6 issues found.


File a new issue in the "GNU make" component of the "Build Tools" product