Votes Issue # Summary
Calc (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
2 30215 Support 1048576 rows (was: Further thoughts on row limits) (Show Votes)
2 92056 localize the separators in formula expressions (Show Votes)
4 votes used out of 5 allowed.

General (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 22133 CALC, Draw, IMPRESS: Editing Hyperlink is too difficult; add context menu entry like in writer (Show Votes)
1 vote used out of 5 allowed.

Writer (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
2 7311 Hyperlinks can not be removed easily (Show Votes)
2 votes used out of 5 allowed.

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