Thu Jun 6 2024 18:07:41 UTC
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ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
3031 Calc ui niklas.nebel CLOS DUPL Graphics linked to cell don't move with cell 2013-08-07
19336 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Bug in "Sort" 2003-09-10
25485 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Graphics anchored to cells should follow cells when sorted 2004-02-16
87265 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Graphics inside and anchored to cells do not behave in predictable ways 2010-06-22
112535 Calc editing spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Calc sorting with graphic contents 2010-06-22
20977 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL images do not move with sort 2003-10-10
6 issues found.


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