Sat Sep 21 2024 00:59:33 UTC
We've got to do something. This is something. Let's do it. (from Yes Minister, I think)
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224 bugs found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
38571 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- CustomLog directive checked by apachectl configtest 2006-02-08
39807 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- large files / filesystem corruption can cause apache2 to eat up all available memory 2006-06-19
43762 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Misleading tips in an error message about internal redirects 2007-11-12
45905 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ErrorDocument and default URL 2008-09-26
47392 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- <FilesMatch> is using the wrong directory 2009-06-26
47778 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- wrong exit value on graceful restart 2009-09-06
48639 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Add htcacheclean as a core monitored process 2010-01-29
48361 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Add global server option for specifying desired DSCP/QoS markings 2010-09-24
50278 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- -DFOREGROUND and ap_unixd_killpg()/ap_os_killpg() 2010-11-16
50436 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- VirtualHost could behave like people expect it to 2010-12-08
50926 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- unexpected <Directory> file-matching behavior 2011-03-14
51107 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- SetOutputFilter and SetInputFilter should allow "none" to disable output filter 2011-04-22
50796 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- record time between keepalives in access log 2011-08-07
51725 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Multiple Range: request accepted as "Range: n-m" 2011-09-09
23911 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- CGI processes left defunct/zombie under 2.0.54 2011-09-14
47719 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Broken symbolic link (symlink) causes wrong ErrorDocument to be returned 2011-09-25
36676 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- time() bug in httpd/os/win32/util_win32.c:wait_for_many_objects() 2011-11-16
52505 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Include with directory wildcards gives errors for some valid configurations 2012-01-23
52683 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- add a symlink option that rechecks the access permission with the resolved symlink 2012-02-16
52851 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Core TimeOut directive doesn't work 2012-03-08
52978 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Binding to an interface instead of an address 2012-03-23
53002 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- <Location> and auth_form (trailing slash problem?) 2012-03-29
52995 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- httpd -V does not print the default Mutex 2012-03-30
52824 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Conflicts between AllowOverride and AllowOverrideList (Manual is completely wrong!) 2012-07-11
46578 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Flawed header 2012-07-22
54222 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ServerTokens checking is not complete 2012-11-29
54363 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- make time conversion caching functions thread-safe in util_time.c and mod_log_config.c 2012-12-31
54546 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- httpd crashes on first HUP after change Listen directory in config 2013-02-11
54785 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Random crash when httpd server is stopped 2013-04-02
54816 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- AH00566: request failed: invalid characters in URI 2013-04-08
54953 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- <VirtualHost> matches IPv6 2013-05-11
55068 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- root permissions when writing to per vhosts errorlog (security) 2013-06-09
55096 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Make not running on httpd configure Solaris 2013-06-12
55098 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- does not listen to IP4 when both IP4 address and IP6 wild card address is used on host where IP6 is not bridged to IP4 2013-06-18
55344 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- missing ap_hook_monitor on windows 2013-08-02
55460 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- allow service names to be used in the Listen directive 2013-08-21
55362 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache httpd sends "400 Bad Request" to client due to IPvFuture (RFC 3986) format IP address Hostname Host Header 2013-09-09
55192 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- htaccess error messages missing request context 2013-10-04
55670 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Startup may fail silently at post_config 2013-10-19
46634 Apache h Core bugs ASSI --- Requests sometimes take too long, wrong time taken reported in logs 2013-12-16
54905 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Apache2 loops in child Segfaults 2014-01-20
54578 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Bad docs or unchecked code for "LimitRequestFields"? 2014-02-13
52832 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- numerical configuration entry can be mistakenly interpreted without users' awareness 2014-04-02
56473 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ETags don't change when headers do 2014-05-01
56500 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- vhosts priority order with wildcard 2014-05-16
56879 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Information disclosure 2014-09-29
57212 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Headers returned by scripts are limited to 8190 bytes 2014-11-15
57515 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Define/Undefine don't work reasonably outside of global scope 2015-01-30
39287 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Incorrect If-Modified-Since validation (due to synthetic mtime?) 2015-03-10
57756 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Config options for handling of pipelined request 2015-03-25
57774 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- httpd.conf <IfModule proxy_html_module> content error 2015-03-28
57784 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- [RFE] Multiple ErrorLog directives 2015-03-31
57742 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- "reliable piped logging" doesn't work for ErrorLog anymore 2015-04-01
57800 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- High CPU usage in ap_core_output_filter 2015-04-14
57976 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Server threads stale when sending 500 status with big body (mod_perl2) 2015-05-30
57996 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Symlinks erroneously not followed when target inode number >32 bits 2015-06-03
57999 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ap_getparents() may remove start slash of uri 2015-06-04
58050 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ErrorDocument does not always work 2015-06-17
55793 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- DTrace/SystemTap support 2015-06-17
58180 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ErrorDocument original URL in subsequent <Location> 2015-07-24
58334 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- WebDAV HTTP access does not include meta tag for charset 2015-09-06
58423 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache >= 2.4.8 PCRE_DUPNAMES causes build failure on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 2015-09-18
58602 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Priority issue on DirectoryMatch directive 2015-11-11
55072 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ErrorLog doesn't work well when apache shutdown 2015-11-26
58732 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Error Log isn't writing When Apache Shutdown with rotatelogs 2015-12-14
59395 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Wrong timezone 2016-04-29
59644 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- It is possible to have uncontrolled httpd instance 2016-05-31
59688 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Path normalization: dot segments with extra slashes resolves to unexpected path 2016-06-09
56718 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Cleanup request Host headers when absolute URI are used 2016-07-13
60118 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Cannot assign Samba/CIFS subtree as docroot: "DocumentRoot must be a directory" 2016-09-12
59374 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- "AH00169 ... shutting down" : not caught using ErrorLog program 2017-02-28
59371 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Warning : Config variable ${myvar} is not defined 2017-03-02
60309 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Graceful restart sometimes causes connection problems 2017-03-02
60660 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Memory Limit 2017-03-02
59938 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Expose remote host port as an expression 2017-03-02
57506 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- <If> directive doesn't work within a <Location> section 2017-03-02
60796 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Missing error message in Directive parsing portion of module 2017-03-03
60908 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Add expires parameters in Apache-issued cookies 2017-03-24
60945 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache doesn't manage PidFile's properly 2017-03-30
60999 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- pre_config hooks can't log reliably 2017-04-17
60964 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- EXEC_ON_READ directives can't log at levels above DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL 2017-04-19
61009 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- httpd -V runs a configtest if MPM DSOs are enabled 2017-04-19
61019 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Depreciation of NameVirtualHosts breaks -D DUMP_VHOSTS 2017-04-21
61074 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- More helpful logfiles when limits are reached, should mention the actual value of the limit 2017-05-05
61239 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apach2 configtest does not warn on invalid hostname 2017-06-29
61242 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- LogLevel in htaccess for mod_rewrite 2017-06-30
60699 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Negative response time in an Apache HTTPD access log 2017-08-21
60706 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Undefined behavior in http_protocol::ap_method_name_of 2017-09-11
61811 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Environment variable for duration of SSL handshake 2017-11-28
61968 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ab fails to connect to localhost (111) 2018-01-05
55069 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- notice message in error_log even when LogLevel error 2018-01-16
54415 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Please tell the root cause of mutex and scoreboard generation failure! 2018-01-17
61926 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- [PATCH] Race Condition with Piped Logging and multiple Graceful restarts 2018-01-22
62079 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Connection timeout after 60 seconds 2018-02-07
61927 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Excessive sendfile() calls 2018-02-12
58921 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Compiler removal of code to clear password buffer 2018-04-09
54339 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- piped log entries > PIPE_BUF can be interleaved 2018-04-10
62418 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Be able to apply directives to a single file 2018-05-30
62440 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- When exporting request headers to HTTP_* environment variables, drop TO DRASTICLY variables 2018-06-08
62456 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- LogLevel core:debug needed to see reason for HTTP 400 bad request; unusual setting for prod 2018-06-14
62532 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Continuously getting cores from httpd 2018-07-12
62543 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Protocols directive incorrect or not documented properly 2018-07-16
62519 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Getting 500 error code in AJP logs intermediately 2018-07-20
54519 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- httpd already running 2018-08-13
62646 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Core was generated by load balancer with termination signal 2018-08-21
60988 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Make the pre-exit pause duration configurable 2018-08-23
62590 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- performance drop after moving from apache 2.2 to apache 2.4 2018-08-30
62727 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Apache graceful restart crash 2018-09-17
62820 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- IPv6 does not follow RFC3986 on [IPv6]:port format 2018-10-12
40953 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Should not send any data in 1xx/204/304 reply from CGI/PHP/Servlet 2018-11-07
45257 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- add (en)force option for UseCanonicalName 2018-11-08
52178 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- IPv6 IPs as ServerName not allowed 2018-11-08
62903 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Better handling of a thread limit forced by cgroups via systemd 2018-11-12
62973 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- feature request - nicknames support for ErrorLogFormat 2018-12-02
26153 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Apache cygwin directory traversal vulnerability 2019-01-06
63145 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- <FilesMatch> not work inside <If> <ElseIf> <Else> 2019-02-17
63186 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Error pages aren't compressed (404, 410) 2019-02-24
63263 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- New issue appeared after update, ServerName directive was not set 2019-03-15
63283 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- -DFOREGROUND not usable due to SIGWINCH 2019-03-25
57453 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- 403 error when virtualhost configured with non-existing directory 2019-05-06
62663 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- REQUEST_URI includes query string, contrary to documentation 2019-05-07
63461 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- HEAD request with a 404 and custom ErrorPage causes corrupt and mixed-up responses 2019-06-05
63501 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- PATH_MAX artificially restricts Location path matching length less than LimitRequestLine 2019-06-18
41685 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Implement optional HTTP Authentication in a standards-compliant fashion 2019-06-30
63581 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Named VirtualHost - multiple listings of same NVH entry for an IP:port from differing DNS data. 2019-07-22
63606 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Can't add more SSL VirtualHosts 2019-07-24
63607 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Inconsistent translation of error code in server/util 2019-07-24
48888 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- DOCTYPE definitions nearly 11 years out-of-date 2019-08-06
52817 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Long directory path sucks (but it's really a valid path!!!) 2019-08-07
63649 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Graceful reload causes incorrect evaluation of IfDefine blocks 2019-08-09
63783 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apachectl configtest did not warn on a configuration error 2019-09-29
63784 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apachectl configtest doesn't warn on use of curly quotes 2019-09-29
63881 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- The server starts and terminates instantly if port 80 is blocked but there is nothing logged either from the startup or the error. 2019-10-25
63102 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Enable TCP Fast Open 2019-11-11
43502 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Verify that log directories exist in httpd -t config test 2019-12-20
64181 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- UseCanonicalPhysicalPort 2020-02-27
63504 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Invalid port in redirects behind load balancer 2020-03-16
63437 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- MergeSlashes option breaks protocol specifier in URIs 2020-03-25
45187 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Long File name requests gives FORBIDDEN response 2020-04-10
63434 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Multiple Cookie headers combined to one comma-separated header line 2020-04-20
64449 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- semaphore leak on restart 2020-05-19
54118 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Handle leak on parent httpd process when rotatelogs is used with CustomLog directive 2020-06-23
64538 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- not serving given IP number 2020-06-28
55573 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- FileETag needs MTimeSeconds, MTime with granularity of 1 second 2020-07-20
64655 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- impossible to handle path names longer than 255 characters with Aapache on FreeBSD 2020-08-08
61179 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- TTLimit directive to set maximum allowed IP_TTL 2020-08-15
64665 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Inconsistent error handling when file cannot be opened 2020-08-15
64708 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Put AH00561 at WARN level instead of INFO 2020-09-03
64866 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Too small Content-Length validation breaks SSTP 2020-11-02
61860 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Headers duplication when 416 status code occurs 2020-11-10
64987 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Exit status isn't set when sending signal fails for "httpd -k stop" 2020-12-14
52439 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- It should be possible to treat errors in .htaccess as nonfatal 2020-12-24
65082 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Duration of request is calculated wrong when ap_process_async_request is involved 2021-01-18
65093 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- with UseCanonicalName=Off, the server should still use only known Names 2021-01-20
65097 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- reverse proxy ask for mutiple authentication and answer 400 and 401 2021-01-21
65193 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- <Files> directive does not only match the basename 2021-03-18
40266 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- berkeley db support in httpd is screwed 2021-03-30
64035 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- mod_proxy_ajp: ProxyPass directive seems to be susceptible to Timeout in httpd.conf 2021-04-14
65248 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Enhancement: Call apache binary within apachectl with "exec" e.g. to ensure PID 1 in Docker 2021-04-18
65225 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Return 505 HTTP Version Not Supported if protocol is HTTP and if version is not supported! 2021-04-20
65357 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- TraceEnable Off Returns Empty Allow to TRACE request 2021-06-04
35768 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Missing file logs at far too high of log level 2021-07-16
54319 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ProxyPass has no effect in <Location> if rewrite occurs 2021-08-07
65544 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- timeout setting in httpd.conf is not working 2021-09-02
65596 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Apache Hang after some time 2021-09-29
65629 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ErrorLogFormat not applied when starting the http server 2021-10-12
65313 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- fix graceful restarts so it happens when new instance is ready to go. 2021-10-26
65679 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache throwing error 400 "Bad Request" for long request URL using GET method 2021-11-11
65791 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- salt-minion service enters reloading state on executing apache.modules from salt master 2022-01-07
59311 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Do not send "Upgrade: h2" header to HTTP/1.1 clients when SSL/TLS is used 2022-01-14
61975 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Error page reports an ErrorDocument problem when a RewriteRule has set the status code 2022-02-09
65880 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- log reload/restart messages into domain specific error.log-s 2022-02-13
56395 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Allow SERVER_ADDR environment variable to be optionally undisclosed 2022-02-25
61152 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Hardcoded message for ErrorDocument should have text/plain type 2022-03-22
59565 Apache h Core bugs NEED --- Apache 2.4.20 AddDefaultCharset doesn't work 2022-03-22
65699 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- "AddDefaultCharset UTF-8" not honoured for redirects 2022-03-22
65974 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Default page does not set charset 2022-03-22
65980 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- clarify rotatelogs -n and maybe improve truncation 2022-03-28
66033 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Latent read beyond bounds in ap_is_matchexp() [zhbug_httpd_46.2] 2022-04-27
61386 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- expression parser cookie support 2022-05-15
64252 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Upgrade PCRE to PCRE2 2022-05-24
65835 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- core: log_tid support on FreeBSD 2022-06-16
66124 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache newer than 2.4.52 does not work with mod_php56 (5.6.40) 2022-06-19
66119 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Segmentation fault in libpcre when processing Location regex match for a long request path when MPM worked is used in 2.4.53+ 2022-08-08
66228 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache fails to start with "(38)Function not implemented: AH00141: Could not initialize random number generator" 2022-08-17
60439 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Program terminated with signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 2022-09-07
66280 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ap_uname2id() / ap_gname2id() disregard errno (esp. EINTR) from getpwnam() / getgrnam() 2022-09-28
66286 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Replace ap_pbase64decode with apr_pbase64_decode 2022-09-29
66290 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ErrorDocument is not sent when mod_security changes error code in phase 3/4 2022-09-30
64623 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache converts silently status code 418 to 500 logging status code 418 2022-10-14
66374 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- Error directive unintuitive when wrapped in <If> 2022-12-06
64675 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- missing ServerAlias in httpd -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS output 2022-12-23
57339 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- ErrorLogFormat doesn't allow logging in Internet date/time format 2023-01-11
66403 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- AH00124 details 2023-01-26
66494 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- [feature request] MaxRequestWorkers per vhost 2023-02-27
66583 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- The Apache2.4.57 service crash with php7.3 Every few days 2023-04-28
66596 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Query parameter ($1) is not passed right, by an if statement and a proxy pass. 2023-05-10
66599 Apache h Core bugs REOP --- DOS / Memory OOM from .htaccess 2023-05-12
60681 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Increase severity of "request failed: error reading the headers" 2023-05-17
66603 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache dosn't terminate request properlly, local DOS 2023-05-17
66642 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- invalid response treated as http/0.9 by proxy 2023-06-14
67183 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Feature Request: Drop Connection Without Response 2023-09-03
67379 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Debugging Memory leak in httpd , leads to generate core 2023-09-15
67861 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Logging issue for piped logs vs file 2023-10-21
68118 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Feature Request: ErrorLogFormat does not log Request_URI/QueryString or Request_Method 2023-11-10
68257 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- FallbackResource causes DirectoryIndex to fail after first try 2023-11-28
68429 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- SERVER_ADDR missing from expressions 2023-12-30
68446 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- When using an ErrorDocument, a HEAD request still sends the full body 2024-01-04
54962 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache will set incorrect Content-Length header and may serve partial files 2024-01-26
68860 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Segmentation fault when disabling config with SSLStaplingCache shmcb and two graceful reloads 2024-04-05
68912 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Use RFC9110 HTTP status code names 2024-04-17
51223 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- 304 HTTP Not Modified strips out CORS headers 2024-06-04
59921 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- RewriteRule cannot be made to inherit the matching Directory directive rules in .htaccess files 2024-06-13
69186 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Apache httpd generates body for 205 status code 2024-07-12
65698 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- AH00026 level error 2024-08-02
68907 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- replace ap_trust_cgilike_cl with a validating CL filter 2024-08-04
39916 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Core Filters & non-blocking Sendfile 2024-08-05
44757 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- adding stderr buckets to mod_cgi 2024-08-05
68833 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- AH02426, AH00567 & AH10242 should be logged as warning 2024-08-05
69275 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Incorrect define of strchr, strrchr, strstr 2024-08-20
69310 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- Continuously seeing the cores in FIPS enable mode 2024-09-06
69313 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- httpd doesn't start with config file from network share 2024-09-11
43666 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- CGI works, but client denied error messages in error.log Tue 19:49
69330 Apache h Core bugs NEW --- default or primary server not well defined through ServerName Wed 21:05
224 bugs found.


File a new bug in the "Core" component of the "Apache httpd-2" product