Mon Jun 3 2024 17:35:52 UTC
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11 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
103502 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL now have to click 2009-07-13
101607 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL When opening a password protected document, one cannot confirm the password using the <Enter>-Key 2009-05-07
100962 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL Password dialog: ENTER KEY Failure 2009-05-05
104098 Writer viewing swneedsconfirm CLOS DUPL Password field behavior is inconvienient 2009-08-08
104080 General ui swneedsconfirm CLOS DUPL OK button is not the default button in Password dialog 2009-08-07
107293 Calc ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL "Enter" key does not close password confirm dialog 2009-11-30
101558 ui ui spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Confirm Password for a Protected Document unintuitive 2009-05-05
104621 Calc open-imp spreadsheet CLOS DUPL Enter key disabled in the password window 2009-09-04
99847 Calc open-imp spreadsheet CLOS DUPL <Enter> key does not work when entering password of a file 2009-03-30
105176 General code mikhail.voytenko CLOS DUPL password dialog: no default push button 2009-09-18
108665 App Dev api jsc CLOS DUPL OK Button 2013-02-24
11 issues found.
