Sat Sep 21 2024 01:02:48 UTC
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108 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
11660 Draw formatti issues ACCE --- Zig-zag lines as line style 2013-02-07
94592 Draw formatti issues CONF --- wrong rendering of imported pdf file 2013-01-29
98089 Draw formatti issues CONF --- wrong rendering of imported pdf file 2013-01-29
101413 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Wrap Text around Pictures 2013-02-07
118920 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- while opening a pptx file, images in Impress distorted 2013-06-15
118772 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Users' styles can not be transferred with copy / paste to another drawing 2013-01-29
123143 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Updating styles does not properly update the bundled styles 2013-09-04
117752 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Unexpected text wrap in textbox opened in ppt file 2013-08-07
95214 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Undo of textbox editing does not restore object size 2017-05-20
69931 Draw formatti issues CONF --- The color depth command for embedded images has disappeared 2013-08-07
62288 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Text wrapping in OOo Draw 2013-02-07
114616 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Text in table does not change in size on the screen. 2013-02-07
125227 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Text in shapes does not respect above spacing 2014-07-10
53246 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Text format not preserved when copying draw from OODraw 2017-05-20
74715 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Text Box should offer more alignment options 2013-02-07
100638 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Tape Measure Tool. 2013-02-07
117634 Draw formatti issues CONF --- style is not preserved when I copy a object with style from a document to another document. 2013-02-07
95187 Draw formatti issues CONF --- standard formats can be renamed using non-ascii characters 2017-05-20
67050 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Show layer as property of an object 2013-02-07
112845 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Shape formatting is reset to default after copy-paste (OODraw) 2013-02-07
118773 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Set borders of merged cells in table, it shows wrong 2013-01-29
104176 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Screen Ajustment Issue 2013-11-14
36101 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- RoundedCorner Specifications in Style 2013-02-07
85917 Draw formatti issues CONF --- rotated text with grouped vertical lines gets unrotated when changing length 2017-05-20
63608 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Rotated graphic fails to retain adjusted size when printing 2017-05-20
82434 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- right click on text frame should show font size 2013-02-07
51866 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Resize shape to match another shape 2013-02-07
64765 Draw formatti issues CONF --- resize multiple objects simultaneously 2013-02-07
113347 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Renaming graphics style loses font properties 2017-05-20
68193 Draw formatti issues ACCE --- Problems when applying background color to multi page doc 2017-05-20
111334 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Position mismatch when metafile string converted to polygon. 2013-02-02
13455 Draw formatti issues ACCE --- please support crows foot connector endings in Draw 2013-02-07
97188 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Opening a modal dialog still allows to operate toolboxes. 2017-05-20
120213 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- ODF spec compatibilty problem 2013-01-31
118302 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- No 'Small Capitals' font effect in Draw 2013-01-29
49093 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Need more options in 'alignment' 2013-10-19
8275 Draw formatti issues CONF --- more border types (dashed, dotted, etc) 2013-04-19
84182 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Modify style text anchor fails 2017-05-20
45593 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Measurement unit: Inch - Needs more decimal places 2017-02-24
85183 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Math objects get corrupted after document save and reload 2017-05-20
75965 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Margin settings of page size: No warning occurs if bottom margin smaller than printer margin 2013-02-07
51867 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Lock style assignments or allow cascading styles? 2013-02-07
74892 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Lines, connectors with arrows cannot have a default arrow style 2013-02-07
71067 Draw formatti issues ACCE --- Justify Text not for Last Line 2013-07-30
109467 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Item list on drawing should render a space after the list marker 2013-02-07
99696 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Increase Number of Snap Points for Objects 2013-02-07
122109 Draw formatti issues CONF --- In Documents from OOo (or AOO 3.4) Default Style line color "black" changes to "grey 6" 2013-11-03
70066 Draw formatti issues CONF --- improve picture filter "poster" 2013-02-07
106235 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Improve multiple page printing for large documents 2013-02-07
55030 Draw formatti issues CONF --- IMPRESS: color properties in filiae after cross-fading are not shown 2017-05-20
72881 Draw formatti issues CONF --- implement stacking order of connector elements 2013-02-07
121383 Draw formatti issues CONF --- I'd love connectors with arrows in the middle 2013-02-12
66915 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- hatching lines modified 2013-02-07
48473 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Groupes content should be analysed (bitmaps etc) 2013-02-07
114044 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Graphical styles - changed names are not saved 2017-05-20
94403 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Graphic Objects with transformations are loaded wrong. 2017-05-20
5266 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Formula not resizable 2021-06-17
102453 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Formatting (styles) of table objects in OOo Draw gets altered on opening a file 2017-05-20
97771 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Format Paintbrush tool causes the font size of formatted text to be larger than the reference text. 2013-01-29
66085 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Format - Charcter Dialog should display selected text 2013-02-07
124036 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Fontwork (old) - baseline shapes missing 2014-01-16
111726 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Font context menu limited to about 50 entries 2013-01-29
99210 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Font color palette reverts back to default color after using a non-default font color 2013-02-07
101146 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Floating Table is not compatible with various file types 2013-02-07
101768 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Fit page to selcted objects 2013-02-07
118685 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Feature request: Text highlighting. 2013-02-09
93571 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- DTP features missing in Draw 2013-02-07
54141 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Drawing tool does not save user-styles containing special characters, e.g. '-' 2017-05-20
124880 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Draw fails to recognize alpha layer (transparency) of .tiff 2014-06-24
83932 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- draft mode needed for text, filled objects and pictures 2013-02-07
108095 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Does not see diagonal line in table. 2017-05-20
122622 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Direct formatting added when copy-pasting pages 2013-06-28
120825 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Curve bitmap conversion problem 2012-09-05
59563 Draw formatti issues CONF --- copying line from gallery results in 'invisible' object 2017-05-20
96305 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Copy+Paste from Draw to Writer loses connector settings 2013-08-07
118757 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Copy/paste a table from a writer document to draw, most table settings are ignored or misinterpreted 2013-01-29
54140 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Copy-Paste Font color problems in multirow text 2017-05-20
105438 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Connectors unable to target shape centers 2013-01-29
60713 Draw formatti issues CONF --- connector lines should not strike out text 2020-02-12
50971 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Connector lines should arc/hop over other perpendicular (unrelated) connectors 2013-04-18
49316 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- connect rectangles on 8 points 2013-02-07
44098 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Column formatting for text 2013-02-07
95158 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Color of Filled Area (including Notes) resettet upon Config 2017-05-20
100319 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Character attribute "Overline" not correctly displayed in Draw Objects 2013-08-07
82058 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Cannot format character styles inside drawings 2013-02-07
124303 Draw formatti issues CONF --- bullet property undo with wrong order and skips steps if paragraph selected 2014-03-07
46200 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Borders are not part of the elements width 2013-02-07
123580 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Bitmap pattern should not be antialised in fillings 2013-10-31
73088 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Automatic text field resize broken for search/replace 2017-05-20
109750 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Auto-Hyphenation in draw and shapes in impress 2013-02-07
99211 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Area Style/Formatting tool reverts back to Invisible rather than last option selected. 2013-02-07
118687 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- Applying different style to connector reroutes the connector. 2013-01-29
1044 Draw formatti issues CONF --- align objects relative to the object that was selected first 2013-09-12
39718 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Adding snap line doesn't prompt save on quit 2017-05-20
125695 Draw formatti issues CONF --- Add new shapes in basic elements with colored and adjustable text area 2014-09-30
102673 Draw formatti issues CONF --- 3.10 Draw ignores Table Spacing to Contents 2017-05-20
75509 Draw formatti issues CONF --- 180° rotation of wmf-picture has wrong text 2013-08-07
101857 Draw formatti issues CONF --- [ZH] Numbering becomes Bullets when saving and reloading doc 2017-05-20
125329 Draw formatti issues REOP --- [SVG] The selector * is not read 2017-05-20
125330 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- [SVG] The attribute value "inherit" is not honored 2017-05-20
105781 Draw formatti issues CONF --- "Spacing to borders" in shapes is limited 2017-05-20
83766 Draw formatti issues CONF --- "Resize shape to fit text" does not get applied after reload for flowchart decision symbol 2017-05-20
70078 Draw formatti issues CONF --- "Pop Art" filter effect doesn't work as described 2013-02-07
67298 Draw formatti issues CONF --- "keep scale" with cropping not exact 2017-05-20
53214 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- "Insert fields" should be to currently selected layer 2013-02-07
101069 Draw formatti issues CONF --- "fit width to text / fit height to text": unexpected growth of width 2013-02-19
79758 Draw formatti issues CONF --- "Area" dialog confused when area color is not in palette 2017-05-20
89355 Draw formatti issues UNCO --- .wmf file with text created by openoffice-draw not compatile on linux and window OS 2014-07-24
108 issues found.


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