Mon Jun 17 2024 03:26:45 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
12662 General ui issues CONF --- Ability to view embedded PDF when document is opened read-only 2013-02-07
12684 Impress code issues CONF --- Support for MNG format? 2013-08-07
12829 Calc code issues CONF --- More graphs 2013-02-07
12871 General code issues CONF --- provide comment/author/etc support to Explorer like MSOffice 2013-02-07
12886 Calc ui issues CONF --- Display the unbreakable space in Calc as in Writer 2013-02-07
13038 gsl code issues CONF --- KDE integration: use colors and fonts from KDE 2013-07-30
13178 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Calc uses too much memory (was: Calc hangs after loading a large Excel Spreadsheet) 2013-02-07
13290 General code issues CONF --- OOo (MS-Windows) should inherit Windows UI settings 2013-02-07
13311 ui code issues CONF --- [RFE] Directory where to export PDF should be remembered 2013-02-07
13402 ui ui issues CONF --- improve the open/save progress bar 2013-02-07
13428 Writer code issues CONF --- DocInfo saved in UTF8 when saving as Word 6/95 2017-05-20
13439 Impress ui issues CONF --- Active Hyperlinks in Impress Slide 2013-02-07
13473 Impress code issues CONF --- LINK tags in HTML export of presentations 2013-08-08
13524 Writer code issues CONF --- More options for PDF export 2013-02-07
13734 Calc ui issues CONF --- Add a way to correct missing external references 2013-02-07
13783 Calc ui issues CONF --- Ctrl-del behaves inconsistently 2013-02-07
13843 Calc code issues CONF --- Optimal Column Width and Automatic Line Break of a cell 2013-08-07
13846 Calc ui issues CONF --- Automatic Line Break not defult value when Paste 2013-02-07
13936 xml external issues CONF --- Document Properties in DocBook 2013-02-07
14008 Writer ui issues CONF --- Allow anchor settings in frame styles (graphic-styles) 2023-01-27
14086 Writer ui issues CONF --- Request links in an HTML document stay within Writer 2013-02-07
14198 Calc code issues CONF --- DataPilot login ask password for wrong datasource 2017-05-20
14231 Math code issues CONF --- Index alignment enhancement 2013-08-07
14259 Calc ui issues CONF --- Moving cells in Calc 2013-02-07
14583 Draw ui issues CONF --- field for rotating snap angle ist unnecessaryly inactive 2014-07-06
14613 Writer code issues CONF --- problem with pictures copied from msword, slash/backslash issue 2014-01-27
14614 Calc code issues CONF --- unable to copy pictures from msword and msie 2013-08-07
14619 Writer code issues CONF --- Modal dialogs for Input Fields prevent API programming 2014-03-25
15707 Impress code issues CONF --- WebCast doesn't show images; scripts apear to have errors. 2017-05-20
15878 Writer code issues CONF --- Create labels for multiple pages 2013-08-07
16211 Writer code issues CONF --- second level headings in page header 2017-05-20
16322 xml external issues CONF --- text:span inserts line break in XML export 2013-02-07
18303 Calc ui issues CONF --- Missing Documentation about Internal Number Representation 2013-02-07
19225 Writer ui issues CONF --- Automatic style selection not useful 2014-03-20
13080 ui ui issues CONF --- Popup menu on right-click 2013-02-07
13366 Writer code issues CONF --- Alow right tab stop to pass right paragraph border 2013-02-07
13389 Impress viewing issues CONF --- Possibility to show hidden slides during the show 2013-08-07
13390 Calc ui issues CONF --- No means to undo "escape" from cell edit 2013-02-07
13896 Calc ui issues CONF --- DataPilot Window is too small 2023-02-06
13478 Impress code issues CONF --- HTML export should specify image height and width 2013-02-07
12672 Draw code issues ACCE --- EPS export does not allow you to select whether to include glyph outlines 2013-02-07
12853 Impress ui issues ACCE --- Flash export needs a way to go back a slide 2017-05-20
12901 General code issues ACCE --- HelpAgent needs to listen for PropertyChangeEvents 2013-02-07
13135 bibliogr code issues ACCE --- Bibliographic indeces show all numbers (years/Volumes) as decimals 2017-05-20
13394 Impress ui issues ACCE --- print out problem 2013-08-07
13406 Draw ui issues ACCE --- circle pie drawing problem with kde3.1 2017-05-20
13459 Calc code issues ACCE --- pls. set the pagesize on the printer object 2017-05-20
13461 Impress code issues ACCE --- pls. set the pagesize on the printer object 2013-08-07
13476 Writer ui issues ACCE --- Visited hyperlink not colored correctly 2013-08-07
13603 Impress code issues ACCE --- swf exporting issues 2017-05-20
13973 Impress code issues ACCE --- I cannot rename a slide as "Slide [number]" 2017-05-20
14544 Impress code issues ACCE --- The formula box is not resized correctly when the equation view is updated 2017-05-20
14570 gsl code issues ACCE --- Scroll wheel gets stuck on forms 2017-05-20
14668 Draw code issues ACCE --- 3D drawings are not exported to EPS by macro 2013-02-07
15262 Impress ui issues ACCE --- Wrong effects icon on main toolbar 2017-05-20
12952 Writer ui issues ACCE --- drag-n-drop images into a table acts does not drop the image where cursor stands. 2017-05-20
13462 Writer code issues ACCE --- pls. set the pagesize on the printer object 2017-05-20
12771 Writer code issues ACCE --- background color assignement via object bar in tables 2017-05-20
13225 General scriptin issues ACCE --- cannot remove deployed script from document using command line interface 2017-05-20
12518 Writer ui issues REOP --- Column drag behavior from Data Source Browser to Writer 2014-03-21
13408 Draw ui issues REOP --- circle arc with arrow flipping is weird 2017-05-20
12790 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ could not connect to psql databases 2006-05-31
12791 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ could not connect to psql databases 2006-05-31
12792 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ could not connect to psql databases 2006-05-31
12793 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ could not connect to psql databases 2006-05-31
13539 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL 1.1Beta: Selecting "Tools/Auto Correct/Word Completion" causes crash 2003-09-08
13761 Base code marc.neumann CLOS IRRE Form AutoPilot unactive 2006-05-31
14180 Base code marc.neumann CLOS IRRE Connecting to Oracle db using a JDBC data source 2006-05-31
14181 Base code marc.neumann CLOS DUPL Connecting to Oracle db using a JDBC data source 2006-05-31
16707 General code Mathias_Bauer CLOS IRRE form controls do not work when document is opened via vbs script ... 2003-07-16
14104 gsl code matthias.huetsch CLOS DUPL OpenOffice is very slow (essentially, useless) in a highly loaded PC 2003-05-06
13188 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL sqrt no longer works 2003-09-08
13189 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL cdot no longer works 2003-09-08
13713 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL sqrt and nroot are not rendered 2003-09-08
13143 marketin www nedrichards CLOS FIXE Can't find 900 page developer's guide 2004-10-15
14348 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL map point in numeric keyboard into decimal separator when are different 2003-09-08
12747 Base code ocke.janssen CLOS FIXE re-fetch of every row in a DB-Table 2006-05-31
12762 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS NOT_ SETUP.EXE cannot find UNICOWS.DLL 2003-09-08
12751 Installa code philipp.lohmann CLOS DUPL does not start on debian woody 2003-09-08
13912 Build To code simonbr CLOS FIXE problem with unicows.lib 2004-08-23
13822 Math code thomas.lange CLOS WONT 4 trigonometric functions are not recognized 2003-09-08
12996 Writer code thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL 1.1b crashes on selecting Keyboard in Configure... 2013-08-07
14743 Writer code bettina.haberer CLOS WONT Document info (Properies) is not copied to template. 2013-08-07
13242 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Pasting text causes crash in impress 2003-09-08
13243 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Right-click on mispelled word causes crash 2013-08-07
13289 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Macromedia Flash output is incorrect 2013-08-07
13692 Draw code christian.guenther CLOS IRRE ooimpress crashes in kde (only) after opening a presentation 2003-09-08
15419 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Presentation painted on desktop 2003-09-09
13132 gsl code christof.pintaske CLOS FIXE cannot print document to file 2003-04-21
13217 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE assignment to all application events do not work 2004-01-07
12962 Calc code frank CLOS IRRE Umlaute to export from csv to dbf 2003-09-08
12756 ui ui frank.schoenheit CLOS FIXE Drag&Drop from DataSource to Text/Spreadsheet >> "Unrecoverable Error" 2003-05-20
13548 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS DUPL Paramater Name Substition Fails after two concurrent (form based) filters that yield zero results 2006-05-31
14564 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ Wrong Cursor positions after brows navigation in Tableviewed Datasource 2006-05-31
12744 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE can't print multiple copies of document 2013-08-07
13053 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Form letter / Mail merge display and print failure 2013-08-07
13099 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Inserted Image Deletion 2013-08-07
13101 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Cut/Paste of a frame or picture jumps back to the top of the document 2003-09-08
13303 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Deleting image -> jumps to head of document 2008-04-09
13401 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Startup blocked unless one process killed 2003-09-08
13993 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL open office writer doesn't open certain features in word 97 document 2003-09-08
14279 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Jump to top of doc when deleting a figure 2003-09-08
14638 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL HTML conversion makes entire document bold 2003-09-08
12934 marketin www jason CLOS IRRE OOo 1.1 Final Logo 2005-03-27
12701 ui ui Joost.Andrae CLOS IRRE Race cond with WM when opening new window 2004-11-04
13002 Impress ui marc.neumann CLOS IRRE Presentation Autopilot goes into infinite loop on RedHat Linux 8.0 2003-09-08
12713 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE RTF import adds lots of rubbish at the begging of the document 2013-08-07
12761 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Embedded wmf rendered incorrectly 2013-08-07
13304 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS IRRE when creating a sxw file with an image, saving to a doc file and reopening it with Word, the image doesn't appear if the "Page mode" isn't selected 2003-09-08
13992 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE open office writer doesn't open certain features in word 97 document 2013-08-07
14361 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS WONT First line in paragraph-styles using numbering-style misbehaves. 2003-09-08
14407 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL When converting MSWord97 doc : linked objects do not get converted to linked objects 2003-09-08
13445 gsl code nesshof CLOS FIXE Subdir X11 missing from external in 11beta 2004-08-29
14276 Writer code nesshof CLOS FIXE Multipage printing 2013-08-07
14595 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL Regular expression don't work 2003-09-08
13959 Base code ocke.janssen CLOS FIXE crash when trying form based filter in form with sub-sub-forms 2006-05-31
14439 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL when installing unable to find Java Runtime Enviroment when its installed 2010-11-10
17422 Math code requirements CLOS DUPL Equation Editor Deficiencies 2008-02-23
12496 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS IRRE moving a menu entry via drag and drop freezes SO6.1beta ... 2003-04-13
12904 porting code stefan.zimmermann CLOS FIXE sal/tests does not compile 2004-02-06
14041 Draw code stephan.wunderlich CLOS FIXE Crash when close generated Draw document while Macro still running 2004-04-21
14412 Native-L cs t8m CLOS FIXE Chybny text prekladu v dialogu Draw->Format->Umisteni a velikost 2012-02-02
13472 Installa code tom CLOS FIXE WebWizard and pictures 2003-09-08
15103 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE Add support for editing and debugging scripts 2003-12-09
15105 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE Cannot edit Rhino scripts stored in documents 2003-06-13
15106 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE Scripting Framework install clobbers some menu items 2003-06-13
10882 Draw code wolframgarten CLOS FIXE EPS export doesn't work properly (Text width is not correct) 2003-09-08
13762 xml external aidan.butler CLOS DUPL Save as Docbook, xhtml, xml... create empty file 2003-05-22
14310 Calc ui andreas.treumann CLOS FIXE hyperlink in calc cell does not work if mozilla browser not already open 2013-08-07
12735 Draw code Armin.Le.Grand CLOS IRRE gradient fill closed curve crashes OOo 2003-09-08
14154 Draw code Armin.Le.Grand CLOS FIXE broken line/curve Connect function 2013-08-07
14170 Draw code Armin.Le.Grand CLOS IRRE Merge converts circle to polygon 2003-09-08
14415 Draw code Armin.Le.Grand CLOS FIXE 3 lines won't connect to form closed triangle shape 2009-12-29
13545 Calc ui bernard.moreton CLOS FIXE printing is not intuitive 2013-08-07
9954 gsl code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL PDF suggestions 2003-09-10
10760 Writer code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Include option to hide blank lines when generating labels 2013-08-07
13144 ui ui bettina.haberer CLOS FIXE paragraph background, color fields scale wrong 2017-05-20
13145 General ui bettina.haberer CLOS NOT_ Have a default menu entry [Help|Community Support] 2010-05-22
13648 Writer code bettina.haberer CLOS WONT 'Title case' should also format the rest of the word to lowercase 2013-08-07
13696 ui ui bettina.haberer CLOS FIXE Add "Assign" button to macro recording dialogue 2004-04-08
14020 document Online h bettina.haberer CLOS IRRE Command line options to be included in help 2004-07-12
14392 Calc ui bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Request for Time and Date Shortcut Keys in Calc 2007-07-22
14418 Writer code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL php tags should not be replaced 2005-01-06
14575 Calc ui bettina.haberer CLOS IRRE Deleting cells or rows from multiple worksheets does not work. 2013-08-07
15331 Draw code bettina.haberer CLOS NOT_ new "standard export format" in preferences 2010-05-22
19226 Writer ui bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Spaces not displayed where line wraps 2010-10-23
12658 udk code bluedwarf CLOS NOT_ Compilation error in "javaunohelper" 2003-06-03
11699 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE exported slides not displayed properly PowerPoint 2003-09-08
12722 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS WONT error on exit unable to write script.xlc 2013-08-07
12723 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS WONT can't link to Java client upon startup 2013-08-07
12946 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Font smoothing all wrong with Fly in effects. 2013-08-07
13164 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Navigator doesn't appear in slide show 2003-09-08
13351 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS IRRE .pps file cannot get viewed while browsing through Explorer 2003-09-08
13477 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Character Errors in ShockWave Flash export 2003-09-08
13520 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Fonts display as black even when other colors are selected. 2003-11-22
13867 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Formulas not shown during the "slide show" 2003-09-08
14401 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Equations don't display in presentation 2013-08-07
14693 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS IRRE "relocation error" opening PPS file 2003-09-08
14850 Writer ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Problems with GDI metafile import 2013-08-07
16995 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS IRRE textbox aspect ratio 2003-09-08
16996 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS NOT_ Textbox problem (2) 2003-09-09
17205 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Presentation mode does not honour Xinerama dual screens 2004-01-08
13989 gsl code christof.pintaske CLOS NOT_ Print to File no longer works 2003-05-05
14633 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE Report generated by autopilot doesn't respect field order if sorted 2006-05-31
14646 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE dBase memo field is reported as having length "0" 2010-11-11
18486 Impress ui christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE Supporting a presenter view during slideshow 2008-08-12
12371 Native-L cs dan CLOS FIXE Wrong locale data for date formats in spreadsheets 2012-02-15
13980 Calc code daniel.rentz CLOS NOT_ Function - days in month 2003-09-08
13158 Internat BiDi Dieter.Loeschky CLOS DUPL OO Calc: No UI to control sheet drectionality 2003-04-22
14191 Internat BiDi Dieter.Loeschky CLOS WONT Thai language in Bi-di mode 2003-08-20
14590 Internat BiDi Dieter.Loeschky CLOS DUPL LTR text ending with punctuation in RTL paragraph misordered 2003-08-20
12847 Installa ui dirk.voelzke CLOS FIXE Installation infobar color 2003-09-08
13211 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS NOT_ different events listed in configure and assign script to events dialogs 2003-06-13
14018 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE Need to be able to bind to scripts on filesystem 2003-06-13
13098 ui ui e.matthis CLOS FIXE Confusing text in data source dialog 2003-04-09
12736 Writer code eric.savary CLOS IRRE Master Document creation fails & crashes in 1.10 beta 2013-08-07
12743 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS IRRE Cursor position is wrong when added footnote 2003-09-08
12765 Writer code eric.savary CLOS NOT_ indexes and tables, strange links, delete one, or two for the same price. 2003-09-08
12789 Writer code eric.savary CLOS NOT_ 1.1Beta style Sheet dysfunction 2003-09-08
12836 gsl code eric.savary CLOS FIXE PDF Export: exported file does not retain links to external URLs 2004-11-18
13126 ui code eric.savary CLOS FIXE AT tool (ZoomText): Edit fields are not read 2004-02-10
13251 ui code eric.savary CLOS FIXE test please ignore 2003-04-10
13252 ui code eric.savary CLOS FIXE test please ignore 2003-04-10
13253 ui code eric.savary CLOS FIXE test please ignore 2003-04-10
13264 ui ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE AT tool (ZoomText): poor repaint moving draw object 2005-11-21
13286 ui ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE AT tool (ZoomText):Toolbox item status is not read by ZoomText 2005-09-29
13315 Writer code eric.savary CLOS NOT_ Save as HTML... unusable 2003-09-08
4449 Writer ui falko.tesch CLOS NOT_ missing language settings for paragraphs 2013-08-07
13610 Build To code foskey CLOS NOT_ Unable to Build OOo 1.1 beta - Error(s) on Compilation of idlc 2003-05-22
14129 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE Variable PORTBR not set in Configure 2004-02-07
12794 Calc ui frank CLOS FIXE No extra operations in Status Bar (ie only Sum displayed) 2013-08-07
13157 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Wrong sorting of some words 2013-08-07
13212 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Wrong clipboard format (localized data) 2013-08-07
13331 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Date field in csv/txt file not imported completely 2013-08-07
13399 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Date format gets lost when saving as MS Excel 2013-08-07
14840 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE No display of cell background colors with dark windows background 2013-08-07
13013 utilitie code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ addresstemplate(.cxx and .hxx) have wrong include definitions 2004-05-14
13594 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS FIXE Dragging from Data Sources to Hyperlink dialog crashes OOo 2006-05-31
13618 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS DUPL unreliable search results from ODBC or MySQL connectivity 2006-05-31
13736 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS FIXE ODBC is not working in Linux 2006-05-31
13801 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ cannot edit / insert record when more or less than one primary key defined 2006-05-31
14085 ui code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ icons in save window disappear 2003-10-14
14496 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ Report Autopilot Crashes when started 2006-05-31
14565 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS DUPL Cursor Navigation in Database Tableview 2006-05-31
14692 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS DUPL unable to add MySQL data source then crash 1.1beta 2006-05-31
16532 Draw ui groucho266 CLOS OBSO field for rotating snap angle ist unnecessaryly inactive - Impl 2014-07-06
12647 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE Export to PDF exports wrong document 2013-08-07
12680 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS NOT_ DocBook Missing 2003-09-08
12729 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE file save... problem? 2013-08-07
12754 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS IRRE Default setting to show images in word document 2013-08-07
12777 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE multiple images paste into footnote area not main page 2003-09-08
12801 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE Problems with PDF export 1.1 Beta (W2K) 2013-08-07
12824 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE PDF Export of files with Symbol, Webdings, Wingdings results in no inbeded font in Win98, but works in Win2000 2013-08-07
12826 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Writer Crashes when exprorting to PDF and document contains Marlett font 2013-08-07
12890 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Deleting graphic moves cursor to top of document 2013-08-07
12916 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Outline Heading Numbering is 'forgotten' if no instance in document 2003-09-08
12925 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Printing Causes Font Change 2003-09-08
12964 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Crashes on Configure->Keyboard 2003-09-08
12966 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Border around frame in envelope 2003-09-08
12977 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Word processor seems to word-wrap now on . in use in words/abbreviations. 2003-09-08
13005 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL "delete to end of word" takes out two words at once 2003-09-08
13021 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL URLs/Hyperlinks in PDF do not work 2013-08-07
13154 ui ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE PDF Export: wrong order of "Save as" and "Options" dialog 2007-05-11
13630 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL PDF export: include hyperlinks and bookmarks 2003-09-08
13768 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS NOT_ Entering three or more hyphens produces a line that cannot be removed 2003-09-08
13817 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Embedded graphics was transformed into linked graph, when saving as RTF 2004-03-18
13903 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Deleting an image using Del key sends user to start of document on completion of delete 2003-09-08
14016 printing www h.ilter CLOS FIXE Pages with wrong scaling in brochure printing/print preview printing 2003-07-23
14025 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Check box, button, lists box not converted to pdf 2013-08-07
14091 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Templates cannot be changed 2003-09-08
14264 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL lost Data from Database after saving 2003-09-08
14422 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE RTF file format is read incorrectly 2003-09-08
14455 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Custom quotes not using correct font 2003-09-08
14523 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE allow more non-breaking characters 2003-09-08
14707 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Hebrew fonts doesn't display well however print well 2003-09-08
14944 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE PDF creation mangles line art (originally in JPG format) 2010-10-23
15520 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS NOT_ URL insertion only works if URL is followed by a ' ' 2003-09-08
15606 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Skipped records during mailmerge 2003-09-08
19024 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Values of mail merge fields get lost while printing a document. 2004-03-18
12697 gsl code hdu CLOS FIXE non-printing chars not aligned right between Chars in 1.1Beta 2003-09-24
14069 Internat BiDi hdu CLOS FIXE Problems with placement of Hebrew vowels (nikud | diacritics) in Linux 2013-08-07
15460 Math ui hdu CLOS NOT_ sqrt symbol not displayed 2013-08-07
14325 utilitie code hennes.rohling CLOS WONT A Lunar Calendar 2003-06-12
14416 Writer code CLOS DUPL Import fails on MS 6/7 DOC created from WordPerfect 8.0-Linux 2013-08-07
12678 Writer ui issues CLOS OBSO Request for enhancement: make the underline icon a drop-down 2019-07-23
12775 General ui issues CLOS OBSO Generic Printer cannot be deleted or renamed 2019-07-23
12937 bibliogr www issues CLOS DUPL bibliography references numbers get out of sequence 2003-05-22
12984 Writer code issues CLOS WONT sort user-defined index or improve alphabetical index 2017-05-20
13071 ui ui issues CLOS OBSO Audio Feedback 2017-05-20
13442 Impress code issues CLOS IRRE crash on opening ppt file 2004-04-04
13720 Writer code issues CLOS FIXE PDB, AportisDoc-Filter 2017-05-20
13744 Native-L cs issues CLOS FIXE incorrect PDF export from OODraw 2012-02-06
14428 Draw code issues CLOS OBSO Trim and snap tools 2019-07-23
14548 Writer code issues CLOS NOT_ Separate printing of graphics and text 2017-05-20
14665 bibliogr ui issues CLOS DUPL bibliography as spreadsheet doesn't work 2004-04-26
16533 Draw ui issues CLOS OBSO field for rotating snap angle ist unnecessaryly inactive - QA 2014-07-06
14019 ui ui jack.warchold CLOS NOT_ Can't disable ActiveX control from being integrated with Internet Explorer. 2003-12-01
15674 Writer ui jack.warchold CLOS IRRE After printing, underlined texts is screwed up. 2003-11-27
15890 Writer ui jack.warchold CLOS IRRE read/format error in text document 2003-09-10
17219 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS IRRE Copying styles in organiser corrupts styles 2003-11-27
18756 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS IRRE Crash on insert graphic when graphic is previously selected 2004-02-10
14772 ucb code jharrop CLOS IRRE WebDAV ucb forgets authentication info after a URL in another domain has been opened 2003-09-01
14786 ucb code jharrop CLOS NOT_ Writer file open dialog doesn't use ucb WebDAV, but rather, Web Folders 2003-05-23
12720 Calc code joerg.skottke CLOS IRRE Macro recorder doesn't record paste/paste special 2003-09-08
14585 General code joerg.skottke CLOS WONT Basic IDE checks code when switching to dialog and locks 2003-09-15
12712 xml external jogi CLOS FIXE cannot save docbook type documents 2010-10-22
13938 xml external jogi CLOS FIXE tabulators and docbook 2009-07-20
12842 Calc code john.marmion CLOS NOT_ data exchange between excel, OO, and gnumeric 2013-08-07
13429 Calc code Joost.Andrae CLOS IRRE Saving Files as pocket excel crashes the data inside the file 2003-09-08
17786 printing www Joost.Andrae CLOS NOT_ print select 2003-10-13
13214 Native-L cs josef.cacek CLOS NOT_ V pruvodci pro vkladani grafu nefunguje CTRL+V s textboxech 2012-02-15
12664 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE [RFE] allow to override table privileges as got from the system driver 2006-05-31
12742 Base code marc.neumann CLOS DUPL data source view - The data content could not be loaded 2006-05-31
12921 Base code marc.neumann CLOS DUPL Unable to set default of date field to NULL for new records 2006-05-31
12992 Base code marc.neumann CLOS IRRE Screen corruption when scrolling in DSB grid view of a table 2006-05-31
12994 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Searching strings in a table not functional via the UI 2006-05-31
13034 Impress code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Flash export doesn't look right 2003-09-08
13318 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE [RFE] don't generate table aliases if not necessary 2006-05-31
13806 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE form working improperly when loading control content partially failed 2006-05-31
13926 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE entering data in bug doc MS Access (MDB) table fails 2006-05-31
13950 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE list box in table control not working properly 2006-05-31
14296 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE parse error with left/right join using postgresql jdbc 2006-05-31
19370 Base code marc.neumann CLOS IRRE Scrolling down with arrow-key in Table works only for 10 dataset 2006-05-31
19373 Base code marc.neumann CLOS IRRE Autovalue in Forms doesn't work 2006-05-31
13017 ui code Mathias_Bauer CLOS FIXE Ctrl-W closes OOO 2005-05-10
16251 Writer ui max.odendahl CLOS NOT_ note insertion feature: box & font too small, text should wrap 2010-10-23
12832 Base code mbr CLOS FIXE Autopilot->Report only works as user root 2006-05-31
13726 xml definiti michael.brauer CLOS IRRE OpenOffice output compatibility with XML Spy 2003-05-22
12945 gsl code michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE Rotate text does not work in text document 2003-10-15
14297 Writer code michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE FontWork slant horizontal/vertical shows repetition of first character. 2003-11-05
14578 Writer code michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE bad translation of some national when imported from excel 2003-10-29
12098 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE crash while loading a .doc file 2013-08-07
12642 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE can't open .doc file 2013-08-07
12707 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL rbrace symbol messed up 2003-09-08
12726 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL square root is displayed incorrect 2003-09-08
12730 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS IRRE Problems when importing a word document 2003-09-08
12804 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Crash after opening CHARACTER if a formula is on a table! 2013-08-07
12806 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL OpenSymbol is broken on win32 version 2003-09-08
12831 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Word filter should not hardcode default lang when writing 2013-08-07
12854 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE 1.1beta display problems and instability in editing 2013-08-07
12856 Math code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE The size of bracket in imported formula is small 2013-08-07
12857 Math code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE The overline is displayed over symbol subscripts in impoted formula 2003-09-08
12918 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Square root display strangely 2003-09-08
13014 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE closing quotes dropping on the next line after punctuation 2013-08-07
13139 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE "word is" -> "Word is" 2013-08-07
13227 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS IRRE Writer opens embedded excel table in MS excel instead of calc 2003-09-11
13240 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE converting "sdw" documents with formulas to "sxw" 2003-09-08
13327 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL sqrt rendering problems 2003-09-08
13434 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS IRRE Invisible parentheses for grouping expressions 2003-09-08
13468 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Word-Export: when creating an OO document with an internal link and saving as a word file, the link is lost ! 2013-08-07
13486 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Saving some .doc documents to RFT causes corruption of some non-latin1 symbols 2013-08-07
13590 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Regression: DOC document with tables 2013-08-07
13687 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL square root 2003-09-08
13739 General code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE MSExport produces wrong metafile in case of CJK symbols 2003-09-22
13858 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Footnote not rendered, or replaced with I Ching characters, when importing .doc file from Word 2013-08-07
13860 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE crash while importing rtf file from Word 2013-08-07
13886 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Table of Contents not correctly exported to Word format 2013-08-07
13900 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Graphics and text is not well embedded in header 2013-08-07
14045 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Background pictures from MS Word are displayed on the front 2013-08-07
14058 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS WONT Hebrew End-Line Punctuation 2013-08-07
14093 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE CJK support in OpenOffice Math 2013-08-07
14250 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Document won't convert to .doc 2013-08-07
14254 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Microsoft Word Filter errors 2013-08-07
14376 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ word ducument not correctly imported 2004-04-27
14480 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL math-font error: SQRT, NROOT 2010-11-11
14509 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Export to MS Word 97/2000/XP destroys formating 2013-08-07
14517 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Hyper links inside text boxes missing when reopened in word doc 2013-08-07
14576 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ Background picture in MS Word ducument is moved to left after imBackground picture in MS Word document is moved to left after import + lots of other importing bugs 2003-09-11
14624 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ compatibility problem with m$ word 2004-04-27
14700 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE crash: freeze on opening MS Word file 2003-09-08
15293 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Text Form Fields from Word to Open Office don't Convert 2003-09-12
15386 Math code michael.ruess CLOS IRRE 'cdot' bug with alignment and printing 2004-01-06
15407 Math code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ Display bug underbrace & overbrace 2003-09-08
15408 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL rbrace display bug 2003-09-08
15410 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Square root display bug 2003-09-08
15462 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Equal sign not display 2003-09-08
16905 Math code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL hats tildes vectors display too low 2004-04-26
11592 Installa ui nesshof CLOS FIXE provide localized readme for OOO1.1 2003-09-08
13058 porting code nesshof CLOS DUPL no error message when /bin/domainname not there 2003-05-22
14187 Calc code nesshof CLOS IRRE wrong or missing reference to portuguese_brazilian in sc/source/ui/src/toolbox.src 2004-02-17
14738 Writer code nesshof CLOS FIXE sw/startmath/source/register.cxx - diff breaks solaris builds 2004-02-17
13426 Base code nils.fuhrmann CLOS FIXE Selecting source database-wrong cs translation 2006-05-31
12905 General scriptin noel.power CLOS FIXE Document integration for XFunctionProvider 2005-01-07
12906 General scriptin noel.power CLOS FIXE Scriptiung Framework/StarBasic integration 2004-11-29
12837 Writer code non-migrated CLOS DUPL Bugs found in writer 2013-08-07
14493 Base code non-migrated CLOS FIXE Query Designer prompts twice to save unsaved query 2006-05-31
12514 Calc code oc CLOS FIXE A defect of pasting HTML document on to the spreadsheet 2013-08-07
12866 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL More conditions in conditional formatting in calc.... 2003-09-08
12868 Internat BiDi oc CLOS FIXE complex languages appear fuzzy in formula bar 2003-05-28
13050 Calc code oc CLOS NOT_ empty excel workbook causes openoffice to crash 2003-09-08
13152 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL There is no TextToColumn option in OOo. 2003-09-08
13156 Calc code oc CLOS NOT_ Autocorrect issues when importing a file 2003-09-08
13159 Internat BiDi oc CLOS FIXE OO Calc: No UI to control sheet directionality 2013-08-07
13161 Calc ui oc CLOS FIXE Subtotals are wrong when grouped by several columns 2013-08-07
13176 Calc code oc CLOS FIXE SYLK import applies formats to wrong cells 2013-08-07
13232 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL I didn't see text rotated 2003-09-08
13493 Calc ui oc CLOS IRRE Call-out print problem 2003-09-08
13503 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Fit to page ignores manually inserted page breaks 2003-09-08
13504 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Fit to no. of pages should use 2 entries, wide and long 2003-09-08
13506 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Increase max number of rows in table 2003-09-08
13521 Calc ui oc CLOS IRRE No display of background colors in calc. 2003-09-08
13557 Calc code oc CLOS FIXE Some CJK formats not imported correctly from Excel 2013-08-07
13569 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Cannot insert a tab/comma delimited external text/CSV file into a spreadsheet 2003-09-08
13717 Calc code oc CLOS IRRE Error when printing... & suggestions/wish list 2003-09-08
13844 Calc ui oc CLOS NOT_ Automatic Line Break off and default aligment 2003-09-08
13913 Calc code oc CLOS NOT_ Formula imported from Excel doesn't calculate correctly 2003-09-08
13970 Calc ui oc CLOS IRRE templates not obvious (calc) 2003-09-08
14215 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Sheets with saved with Protect Workbook Structure in Excel XP cannot be opened 2003-09-08
14216 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Excel Workbook Sheets won't print/preview sheets without Print Range defined 2003-09-08
14235 Calc code oc CLOS NOT_ Filters based on regular expressions doesn't works. 2003-09-08
14244 Calc code oc CLOS IRRE Dialog to delete Print Ranges in group/all at once 2003-09-08
14245 Calc code oc CLOS NOT_ Imported Excel Print Areas BuiltIn_Print_Area are not deleted when removed 2003-09-08
14356 Calc code oc CLOS FIXE Excel macros and userforms not inserted as comments in imported doc 2013-08-07
14456 Calc code oc CLOS FIXE Excel doc containing PivotChart causes Calc to crash 2013-08-07
14574 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL Formatting text right does not work--stays flush left, using both menus and right clicking. 2003-09-08
14579 Calc code oc CLOS NOT_ Importing Excel document can't be printed properly 2003-09-08
14622 Calc code oc CLOS IRRE Excel filters reads wrong values 2003-09-08
15291 Calc ui oc CLOS NOT_ Alignment problem 2003-09-08
15294 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL Formula bar doesn't display cell contents 2003-09-08
15898 Calc code oc CLOS NOT_ dsum formula not operating 2003-09-08
17505 Calc ui oc CLOS IRRE Why is it not possible to turn of Auto completion i Calc ? 2003-09-08
19344 Calc ui oc CLOS NOT_ Incorrect Information within Online Help about SHEET() & SHEETS() 2003-09-10
13495 Base code ocke.janssen CLOS WONT accessing a dBase file via ODBC impossible 2006-05-31
12681 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS FIXE kde integration assumes .kde2 2003-09-08
12682 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL dialog boxes appearing with black border until moved 2003-09-08
12755 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS FIXE Install does not detect previous version 2003-09-08
12784 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL can't read fonts 2003-09-08
12929 ui code olaf-openoffice CLOS FIXE Cancelling Report AutoPilot crashes OOo 2003-05-15
12993 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS NOT_ oo 1.1 beta Installation hangs on Win98se 2003-09-08
13035 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS IRRE Issue during installation process 2003-09-08
13064 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS FIXE user/config/* files installed read-only 2003-09-08
13616 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS IRRE Crash - Cannot Uninstall 2003-09-08
13782 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL OOo 1.1Beta doesn't recognize my j2sdk1.4.2 JRE 2003-09-08
13824 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS NOT_ Installation problem 2003-09-08
13873 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL I cannot install the beta version of 1.1 2003-09-08
14060 Installa www olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL MS Office file type association 2003-09-08
14084 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL unicows.dll error message 2003-09-08
14146 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL Error while trying to install OO 1.1 beta onto a Win98 machine 2003-09-08
14207 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS FIXE Company name drops certain characters 2003-09-08
14395 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL Missing library file on install - UNICOWS.DLL 2003-09-08
13069 ucb code oliver CLOS IRRE File locking causes problems with webDAV 2003-04-07
14197 bibliogr code oliver.thilmann CLOS NOT_ Bibliography database crashes when 'clicking around' 2017-05-20
13299 Calc ui ooo CLOS IRRE Turkish Character Collating Problem 2013-08-07
13025 Writer ui openoffice CLOS IRRE Zoomtext magnifier fails on tracking new paragraphs 2013-08-07
13124 Calc code openoffice CLOS WONT AT tool (ZoomText): Different reading problems with specials signs 2013-08-07
13125 Writer code openoffice CLOS DUPL AT tool (ZoomText): Magnifier doesn't follow text frames 2013-08-07
13206 Writer code openoffice CLOS FIXE ZoomText doesn't read context menus initially 2013-08-07
13246 Installa code openoffice CLOS WONT AT tool (ZoomText): ZT doesn't read checked state in tree list boxes 2006-09-25
13258 ui ui openoffice CLOS FIXE AT tool (ZoomText): ZT reads status of non focused elements 2006-09-25
13260 ui ui openoffice CLOS IRRE AT tool (ZoomText): Last word is not read 2007-09-06
13274 ui ui openoffice CLOS NOT_ AT tool (ZoomText): ZT doesn't read the state of ToggleButtons correctly 2007-09-06
13278 ui ui openoffice CLOS FIXE AT tool (ZoomText): presence of submenues not read 2004-02-05
13281 ui ui openoffice CLOS IRRE AT tool (ZoomText): CJK characters crash ZoomText 2003-08-13
14571 Writer ui openoffice CLOS FIXE Shapes disappear from hidden sections 2013-08-07
13531 Writer code os_ooo CLOS DUPL dashes and hyphens - report based on 1.1beta 2013-08-07
12395 Native-L cs pavel CLOS FIXE Crashing with glibc 2.3.1 (not a bug in oo) 2012-02-06
12820 Writer ui philipp.lohmann CLOS FIXE incorrect display of fonts 2013-08-07
13037 gsl code philipp.lohmann CLOS DUPL pop up blocks mouse action within inactives windows 2003-04-08
13119 gsl code philipp.lohmann CLOS FIXE Hatching PDF rendering 2003-11-10
13346 Draw ui philipp.lohmann CLOS NOT_ Tear-off menus open w/o a close button 2003-09-08
12818 Build To code quetschke CLOS FIXE Hash signs need escaping 2003-06-27
13966 Build To code quetschke CLOS FIXE "' not found, and can't be made" 2003-05-06
12773 Build To www sander_traveling CLOS FIXE The system requirements for OOo 1.1 have changed 2004-08-12
14584 General code schulten CLOS NOT_ No doc-embedded macros for UNO dialogs? 2003-07-01
13999 Native-L fr CLOS FIXE FitOO Beta1 - Non Linear Fitting using Calc 2012-02-07
55195 Calc code spreadsheet CLOS DUPL relative links 2013-08-07
12250 Writer ui stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE non-breaking space breakes display of cross-referenced text in 644m4 2013-08-07
12475 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS IRRE OpenSymbol is empty at 644m4 and 1.1 beta 2003-10-07
12703 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL New dialog boxes open with black areas 2003-05-21
12728 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Switches focus all the time when creating new document from template 2010-11-11
12848 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS NOT_ Totally corrupted icons 2003-05-06
12926 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Alt key handled by OOo when intended for window manager 2003-06-17
13045 Base code stefan.baltzer CLOS WONT Data Sources window can't be moved 2006-05-31
13072 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Dockable toolboxes 2003-06-04
13073 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Dockable toolboxes 2003-04-07
13087 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL In Configure dialog, clicking Keyboard tab crashes OOo 2003-04-07
13088 Internat ui stefan.baltzer CLOS NOT_ Multi_key key combinations are not honored 2003-10-30
13090 Internat BiDi stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Cursorbar position is off in RTL mode 2010-11-10
13093 Internat ui stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Display of zero-width unicode characters 2003-05-21
13104 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Forms Autopilot - Select datasource does not bring up list of tables first time 2003-05-20
13136 Internat ui stefan.baltzer CLOS IRRE Displaying problem in bengali unicode font (probably a defect in ctl feature) 2003-10-30
13367 Internat BiDi stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Font Change does not catch for RTL font 2003-06-26
13501 General ui stefan.baltzer CLOS NOT_ When opening a document, an empty document is created 2003-10-07
13502 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS NOT_ cannot be started due to an error in accessing configuration data 2003-05-21
13697 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS DUPL Add "Assign" button to macro recording dialogue 2003-05-07
13784 Internat www stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE cy-GB not reconised by OpenOffice spellchecker interfaces 2013-08-07
13840 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Keywords field on file properties summary tab shows incorrect value 2003-11-04
13872 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS NOT_ Ctrl + S + D + T does not work anymore :) 2003-09-19
14214 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Alt key changes focused window from Stylist to main app window 2003-11-04
14573 ui ui stefan.baltzer CLOS FIXE Wrong ALT key-press behaviour 2003-05-22
14515 ui code steffen.grund CLOS FIXE Support new accessible state INDETERMINATE 2003-06-25
13765 QA www stx123 CLOS FIXE Distribute Japanese localized 1.1 beta win version, and beta for FreeBSD 2003-05-01
14147 General code stx123 CLOS DUPL It would be great to have an option to allow OO to run without consuming so much memory 2003-05-19
13301 Draw code sven.jacobi CLOS NOT_ OO Draw does not import DXF files in ASCII Format 2003-09-08
13396 Draw code sven.jacobi CLOS DUPL Export function - impossible to export drawing in specific resolution 2003-09-08
14222 Impress ui sven.jacobi CLOS DUPL Impress gradients reverse direction. 2013-08-07
18582 Calc ui thomas.klarhoefer CLOS FIXE Insufficient Online Help about Hidden Columns: (how not to lose column "A") 2013-08-07
12998 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL File association fails 2003-05-21
13081 General code thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL file association not updated 2003-05-21
13172 General code thorsten.martens CLOS IRRE Quickstart opens Writer on Systemlogon 2003-05-20
13173 General code thorsten.martens CLOS FIXE OO 1.1 Beta 1 establishes dial-up connection @ program start 2003-05-20
13182 General code thorsten.martens CLOS NOT_ Slow startu of QuickStart and posible solution 2003-05-22
13234 General code thorsten.martens CLOS WONT don't save with extension 2003-05-22
13276 General code thorsten.martens CLOS FIXE soffice doesn't startup after installation 2003-05-20
13323 General code thorsten.martens CLOS IRRE Slow startu of QuickStart and posible solution 2010-10-23
13436 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL Defeatable splash screen 2003-09-19
13489 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL Alt-switching leaves menu selected 2003-05-21
13505 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS FIXE Floating Dockable Windows Forget Position 2004-03-19
13679 General code thorsten.martens CLOS IRRE customising or assigning toolbar icons no longer works 2003-05-20
13930 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS WONT Autosave popups to save a new untitled file 2003-05-22
14021 ui ui thorsten.martens CLOS FIXE Running soffice -help gives a windows which is not all the information 2003-07-17
14034 General ui thorsten.martens CLOS IRRE Files Cannot be Saved 2004-03-18
14604 General code thorsten.martens CLOS DUPL Fonts double-spaced in both installer and UI on RH8. User text fonts ok. 2003-05-20
14606 General code thorsten.martens CLOS NOT_ Save dialog ignored on machine shutdown 2003-07-23
13599 Installa code tom CLOS FIXE Add Czech extras 2003-09-08
12660 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE command line tool deployment documentation needs correction 2003-06-13
13215 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS NOT_ command line deployment will not create Scripts directory 2003-06-13
15104 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE Command line tools have hardcoded dependency on Xerces parser 2003-06-13
12779 Writer ui ulf.stroehler CLOS IRRE inconsistency btwn foreign sxw saved in 1.02 opened in 1.1beta 2003-09-08
12821 gsl code ulf.stroehler CLOS FIXE Maximising windows in Windowmaker 0.80.1 (SuSE 8.1) fails 2003-05-20
12981 General code ulf.stroehler CLOS FIXE Beta 1.1 Changes Font and renders text unuseable 2004-06-04
13974 Internat BiDi ulf.stroehler CLOS IRRE pasting certain text into the program causes overlapped words. 2004-07-20
14072 Internat BiDi ulf.stroehler CLOS FIXE Resizing BiDi letters to 14 causes them to pass delimiters 2013-08-07
14413 General ui ulf.stroehler CLOS DUPL Redhat 8.0 installation fonts 2004-07-16
13180 Calc code uwefis CLOS FIXE Reset button in Validity dialog does nothing. 2013-09-18
13112 Draw code wolframgarten CLOS IRRE PDF export fails with some drawing files 2003-09-08
13313 Impress code wolframgarten CLOS DUPL Exporting PDF 2003-09-08
13482 Draw code wolframgarten CLOS FIXE Text in WMF imported as rectangles 2003-09-08
13609 Draw code wolframgarten CLOS IRRE 3D graphics problem (but not exported!) 2003-09-08
13766 Draw code wolframgarten CLOS IRRE exporting to pdf crashes 2003-09-08
14199 ui ui wolframgarten CLOS FIXE Accessibility: Form text and form button read in hyperlink dialog 2005-06-10
14435 Draw ui wolframgarten CLOS IRRE Ungroup keyboard short cut 2003-09-08
14557 Draw code wolframgarten CLOS FIXE SVG export bug with wide pages 2005-02-10
14681 Draw ui wolframgarten CLOS IRRE "combine" converts curves to polygons 2003-09-08
12885 Installa ui bettina.haberer CLOS WONT installation program hardcoded to use /tmp 2005-10-14
12683 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Exporting arrows to MS PowerPoint from Impress 2013-08-07
14530 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Presentation does not refresh margin comments when maximised 2003-09-08
15269 gsl code christof.pintaske CLOS NOT_ incorrect chars on openoffice interface 2003-06-16
13665 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE doubled entries in "customise toolbar" dialogue 2013-08-07
13897 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL opening a word file using tabulator with fill characters works or not depending on the position of the tabs stop 2003-09-08
This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.
