Mon Jun 17 2024 15:26:56 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
14834 Impress code issues UNCO --- Timing summary at the end of a presentation 2013-02-07
15049 ui ui issues UNCO --- Add heading/sub-heading buttons to UI - remove from style drop-down 2013-02-07
15376 Impress code issues UNCO --- Layered backgrounds 2013-02-07
15765 ui ui issues UNCO --- Automatic number recognition in Writer Tables and Calc cells does not display Help Agent 2013-02-07
15845 Draw code issues UNCO --- Polygon with holes, grouping objects... 2013-02-07
16040 Impress ui issues UNCO --- Text on objects: text anchor for 'fit to contour' 2013-02-07
16329 Draw code issues UNCO --- Connectors don't have separate style 2013-02-07
16795 Draw ui issues UNCO --- Add layer toolbar / window or include in navigator 2013-04-20
13774 Math ui issues UNCO --- Allow direct editing of formula's text 2013-02-07
16165 Impress ui issues UNCO --- Moving View/Workspace/* to View/Slide/..., creating submenu 2013-02-07
28713 ui ui issues UNCO --- Shortcut keys for font-size/name-selection-dropdown 2013-02-07
15790 Writer ui issues UNCO --- take RGB sliders into account when exporting brightness level to Word 2015-10-17
16258 ui ui issues UNCO --- Use an elegant model for help & interfaces (UI & API) 2013-02-07
15374 Impress ui issues CONF --- Changes in settings are not recognized 2013-08-07
4638 Writer code issues CONF --- ligature support 2017-05-20
12908 General code issues CONF --- Segfault in Autopilot->Form, Resource not found with ID 1007 2013-07-30
13039 ui code issues CONF --- OOo doesn't see Office templates 2017-05-20
14601 Writer code issues CONF --- Generated HTML should not display footer, or at least display correctly 2013-08-07
14673 Calc code issues CONF --- use http references as values in cell formulas 2013-02-07
14708 Writer ui issues CONF --- add to autocorrect in insert special character dialog 2014-03-21
14855 ui ui issues CONF --- Add HTML Document to the Quick Starter Menu in Windows 2013-02-07
14885 Writer code issues CONF --- Harvard style outlines in writer 2014-03-14
15020 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF document asserts on load 2017-05-20
15026 Base code issues CONF --- List box with dropdown=no has extra item 2017-05-20
15086 General ui issues CONF --- macro recorder : Unintuitive float behaviour when nothing is recorded 2013-02-07
15202 Base code issues CONF --- [RFE] allow faster deletion of table data 2013-08-07
15378 ui ui issues CONF --- Crop option to have the picture actually cropped and new image placed in document 2013-02-07
15382 ui ui issues CONF --- Ability to resize a group of selected objects to the same size. 2013-02-07
15425 Calc code issues CONF --- Date format converts data to fraction 2013-02-07
15458 Impress code issues CONF --- Flash export of presentations with cropped images 2017-05-20
15498 Writer ui issues CONF --- Change default for page style order: Left Page should follow Right Page 2013-02-07
15533 Writer editing issues CONF --- Method of selecting should not determines what is deleted (table/column/row) 2013-08-07
15594 Math ui issues CONF --- Ability to configure Fontparameters in Formular Input Window 2020-06-15
15675 Calc open-imp issues CONF --- Words of stacked text are displayed on top of each other after import instead of being displayed as originally aligned (words are staying parallely). 2013-08-07
15676 Writer ui issues CONF --- OOo Does not warn if file can't be saved 2013-02-07
15753 Writer code issues CONF --- capitalization doesn't understand initial in Russain 2016-10-17
15773 Calc code issues CONF --- Currency symbol left justified, while amount right justified in a cell (accounting notation). 2017-10-17
15795 Writer code issues CONF --- Caption for Picture - enable position of first 2014-04-17
15959 Math ui issues CONF --- Font size different than in presentation 2013-02-07
16115 Writer ui issues CONF --- Allow Two Different Colors for Double Underline 2013-02-07
16632 ui code issues CONF --- Template Preview Needed 2013-02-07
16803 Writer code issues CONF --- Frame positioning option: "exclude other frames" 2014-03-23
16895 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow RTF filter to generate inline images/objects 2017-05-20
17001 Calc ui issues CONF --- Fill-cue in Calc 2013-02-07
17040 Draw ui issues CONF --- Text attributes should be kept between creation of text frames 2019-02-03
17230 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML to PDF Export does not insert page breaks 2013-02-07
17601 Calc code issues CONF --- Can't change cell names with Find & Replace 2013-08-07
21671 ui ui issues CONF --- Place Templates as immediate targets of New on Menu & Quickstarter 2013-02-07
4951 Writer code issues CONF --- COPY PASTE of text adds spaces before and after 2013-02-07
14986 General ui issues CONF --- OOo generates weird log messages when accessing a Samba share 2019-10-13
15209 ui ui issues CONF --- Save dialog File Type should start at format 2013-02-07
15211 ui ui issues CONF --- Save dialog contains confussing name for Drawing - labelled Impress 2013-02-07
15296 gsl code issues CONF --- System Folder Picker does not handle HTTP URLs correctly 2013-02-07
15369 ui ui issues CONF --- Inconsistencies and trouble with image handling between the four OO modules 2013-02-07
15512 Writer code issues CONF --- Insert symbol ergonomics ... 2013-08-07
15524 Writer code issues CONF --- . (dot) should be word separator 2013-08-07
15559 Calc code issues CONF --- Option to Enable/Disable "Close to Zero" Floating Point Optimization 2013-08-07
15624 ui ui issues CONF --- Add entry to open-file dialog: " document" 2013-02-07
15950 ui ui issues CONF --- feature request - memory for horizontal scrollbar length 2013-02-07
15979 Impress code issues CONF --- Add shadows to bullet points 2013-08-07
16145 Base code issues CONF --- have parameterized queries without user interaction 2013-02-07
16146 Base code issues CONF --- have per-document DB Context / Datasources 2013-02-07
16342 ui ui issues CONF --- Options/Defaults. Grid dots are hard to see (esp. on LCD displays) because default colour is grey 2013-02-07
16348 Calc ui issues CONF --- Moved area range should be highlighted at the row and column headers 2013-08-07
16645 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- incorrect highlight hight for numberals / punctuation in Hebrew documents 2014-04-01
17993 Calc code issues CONF --- Add wildcards to the standard autofilter 2014-03-20
12930 Writer code issues CONF --- Request for command-line translation programs 2013-02-07
13096 Internat BiDi issues CONF --- imitating pango's underlining of a non-RTL word in a LTR text and vice versa. 2013-08-07
14874 Calc code issues CONF --- Autosave window pops open during a manually started save 2017-05-20
15842 ui ui issues CONF --- Additional function for PDF-export: open with AcrobatReader 2013-02-07
14152 Writer ui issues ACCE --- mis-placed pages on printing print preview with different page sizes 2017-05-20
14354 Calc code issues ACCE --- insertString() does not select text in cells 2017-05-20
14471 utilitie code issues ACCE --- Configuration: cannot reinsert removed set elements without intervening commit 2017-05-20
14804 General code issues ACCE --- --help does not work 2013-02-07
14868 Base code issues ACCE --- Form autopilot creates date/time field incorrectly in aligned 2013-08-07
14902 Calc code issues ACCE --- Excel import: Text box size and line spacing 2013-08-07
14993 Draw ui issues ACCE --- problems with import of .dxf files 2013-02-07
15101 Base code issues ACCE --- unbound check box in form appears in "form as table" view 2017-05-20
15140 Calc ui issues ACCE --- rounding errors in imaginary (complex) number add-in functions 2013-08-07
15563 Calc code issues ACCE --- Excel import: drawing objects embedded in charts 2016-12-16
15656 Impress code issues ACCE --- Copy OpenSymbol -> Paste StarSymbol 2017-05-20
15687 gsl code issues ACCE --- Font substitution incorrectly prefers font name over glyph avalibility 2017-05-20
15719 General ui issues ACCE --- some options in the macro assignment dialog for document are invalid 2013-02-07
15841 General ui issues ACCE --- Language Modules checkbox not saved 2013-02-07
15970 Internat BiDi issues ACCE --- [calc] cells with dates in Hebrew format should be RTL automaticly 2017-05-20
16041 Impress ui issues ACCE --- Text on objects: text options 2017-05-20
16158 Writer code issues ACCE --- Macro: Changes in dialog Format/Page are not recorded 2017-05-20
16419 Writer code issues ACCE --- Performance problem on zooming in online layout 2017-05-20
16530 Impress ui issues ACCE --- Spelling error - Impl 2017-05-20
16564 Draw ui issues ACCE --- Import of DXF files is incorrect with arcs. 2013-02-07
17791 udk code issues ACCE --- Basic language: multiple case else instructions allowed in Select Case Blocks 2022-09-02
17984 Calc ui issues ACCE --- Macro: Dialog "Format->Page" needs to record attributes 2017-05-20
18607 Draw code issues ACCE --- linetype other then continous get EPS exported without width 2013-02-07
13321 Writer ui issues ACCE --- Add function "toggle small capitals on/off" to customization possibilities 2013-02-07
14600 Writer code issues ACCE --- Generated HTML changes default spacing 2013-08-07
14639 Writer code issues ACCE --- HTML conversion makes entire document bold 2013-08-07
14705 General ui issues ACCE --- Improve handling of incomplete/invalid libraries 2017-05-20
14900 Calc ui issues ACCE --- Excel supports the ability to print individual objects 2013-08-07
15038 gsl code issues ACCE --- Improperly pastes mixed English and Hebrew 2013-02-07
15155 utilitie code issues ACCE --- Tools - Options - - Appearance - Color scheme - Scheme / Default not translatable 2017-05-20
15206 Impress editing issues ACCE --- Soft formatting also for the Edit Engine 2013-08-07
15355 Writer ui issues ACCE --- OO doesn't put changes in database into existing documents 2013-08-07
15427 Impress formatti issues ACCE --- Easier manipulation of slide backgrounds 2013-08-07
15604 Calc formatti issues ACCE --- Named ranges conflicts 2013-08-07
15667 Calc formatti issues ACCE --- External links aren't automatically removed 2013-08-07
15736 Calc viewing issues ACCE --- multiple page preview 2013-08-07
15821 Calc ui issues ACCE --- Accumulation of whitespace with use of IF and a logical operator 2017-05-20
15831 General ui issues ACCE --- IgnoreAllList cannot be unchecked 2013-02-07
15849 General code issues ACCE --- Deleting multiple files in FileSave triggers errormessage on cancel 2017-05-20
16008 Writer formatti issues ACCE --- Author field doesn't appear until after save 2013-08-07
16039 Impress ui issues ACCE --- AutoPilot: New Presentation: Slide transition speed always available 2017-05-20
16192 Calc formatti issues ACCE --- When saving DBF as other format, field names keep type and size info 2013-08-07
16242 Internat BiDi issues ACCE --- When setting a paragraph style, there is no preview of the hebrew/arabic font 2017-05-20
16435 Calc ui issues ACCE --- Automatic row/column names in NLF functionality differs 2017-05-20
16558 General code issues ACCE --- Filter Selection dialog does not react to a mouse double click 2013-07-30
16786 Calc formatti issues ACCE --- Need better control of regexp in vlookup 2013-08-07
17781 udk code issues ACCE --- Basic interpreter doesn't check missing parentheses 2017-05-20
28260 Draw code issues ACCE --- Implement 'atend' EPSI comment for bbox detection 2013-02-07
14973 Calc configur issues ACCE --- Calc does not regard starting day of week 2013-08-07
17784 udk code issues ACCE --- Strange behaviours of old basic objects 2017-05-20
17946 udk code issues ACCE --- Basic: inconsistencies in params checking 2017-05-20
14860 utilitie code ab CLOS FIXE return type mismatch - return by value assigned to reference 2003-06-20
15340 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS WONT Objects in presentations are misplaced! 2003-09-08
15344 Installa code dirk.voelzke CLOS FIXE Last checkin to setup2/source/service/interface.cxx broke W32 2003-09-08
14442 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE xmkmf not in PATH 2010-10-22
14864 Writer code foskey CLOS FIXE return type mismatch - return by value assigned to reference 2013-08-07
15693 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ OOo crashes when dragging from data source 2006-05-31
15808 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE Printing Writer documents with tables causes OO hang 2013-08-07
16396 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Jamming of 1.1Beta2 taking 100 % CPU 2013-08-07
14891 Installa code joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Unable to run setup on Citrix if Office is in use 2003-09-08
15974 udk code joergbudi CLOS FIXE W32-tcsh doesn't build pyuno 2003-07-31
14861 Internat code khendricks CLOS FIXE return type mismatch - return by value assigned to reference 2013-08-07
14866 Calc code khendricks CLOS FIXE return type mismatch - return by value assigned to reference 2013-08-07
15164 Math code michael.ruess CLOS IRRE 1.1beta2 crashes on editing created formula 2013-08-07
15599 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS IRRE OO crashed when opening a Word 2000 file 2003-09-08
15749 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Word Formatting incorrect 2003-09-08
14241 gsl code nesshof CLOS FIXE vcl/unx/source/gdi/gcach_xpeer.cxx breaks beta2 2004-02-17
14751 porting code nesshof CLOS NOT_ Building with MSVC 6, .NET, gcc-3.0 fails 2003-05-22
14752 porting code nesshof CLOS NOT_ Building with MSVC 6, .NET, gcc-3.0 fails 2004-02-07
15060 General scriptin noel.power CLOS FIXE cannot execute deployed java class files on or SO6.1 2003-06-10
15601 Calc code oc CLOS DUPL Wrong numeric-keypad decimal separator in Calc! 2003-09-08
15796 Calc ui oc CLOS IRRE Problem in Spreadsheet 2003-09-08
14362 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS NOT_ the beta2 installation is unsuccessful 2003-09-08
14405 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS FIXE missing from install set 2003-09-08
14847 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS IRRE Installation procedure cannot find existing JRE 2003-09-08
15017 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS WONT setup fails after unpacking files 2003-09-08
14377 Writer code openoffice CLOS FIXE crashes with unrecoverable error on opening a htm type file 2013-08-07
14542 Native-L cs pavel CLOS FIXE Slovenska OOo1.1beta 2 nestartuje 2012-02-04
14862 gsl code philipp.lohmann CLOS FIXE return type mismatch - return by value assigned to reference 2003-06-12
14318 Installa code quetschke CLOS FIXE tcsh-w32 build fails in setup2/util with jdk 1.4 2003-11-23
15957 Build To code quetschke CLOS FIXE W32-tcsh doesn't build boost, icu 2003-06-26
14280 gsl code tino.rachui CLOS FIXE beta2 breaks in dtrans 2003-05-14
16270 General code andreas.treumann CLOS FIXE pthread_mutex_unlock: mutex is locked by a different thread 2003-07-29
21114 General code Armin.Le.Grand CLOS FIXE SubTask: Avoid creating too many system bitmap ressources for handles 2005-01-12
10706 Installa code bettina.haberer CLOS WONT Windows installation can be in 8.3 format (*.html -> *.htm) 2003-11-12
15480 Impress ui bettina.haberer CLOS FIXE Slideshow: Busy wait when switching slides 2004-04-08
14287 General code carsten.driesner CLOS FIXE Top-level menu items and help menu items of Add-Ons are disabled 2003-06-12
15847 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Presentation with missing pictures 2004-01-29
15912 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Sound not working, presentation loosing text on actual presentation 2003-09-08
16371 Internat BiDi Dieter.Loeschky CLOS NOT_ a dash distorts order in R2L paragraph 2003-07-30
14896 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE GUI installer fails to location OpenOffice1.1 beta2 installation 2003-06-13
16574 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE Add Rhino & Beanshell jarfiles to external project 2005-01-06
15453 Internat ui falko.tesch CLOS FIXE Can't disable spacing between CJK and LATIN characters 2013-08-07
14771 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE IRIX Port: dmake fails to build on 1.1 beta 2 2003-05-26
15527 Calc code frank CLOS DUPL OOo Fails to Open File with "invalid named references" result in core dump 2003-09-08
15015 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS FIXE java.lang.NullPointerException + Office-Loop when invalid JDBC connection is attempted 2006-05-31
15449 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE hangs when opening particular sxw 2013-08-07
15523 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS IRRE OOO(writer) Crashes when trying to save 2003-09-08
15647 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL postscript fonts are not rendered under XP 2010-10-23
15679 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Auto-correct user-exceptions 2003-09-08
15791 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS IRRE lost graphics after Data Source Access 2013-08-07
15711 Internat code ivo.hinkelmann CLOS FIXE localize core dump 2013-08-07
15029 utilitie code joerg.barfurth CLOS FIXE configmgr build breakage: cppugen typelist is incomplete 2003-06-12
15986 General scriptin joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Add Scripting framework to install sets 2004-06-16
15607 udk code joergbudi CLOS FIXE Pyuno on Solaris (dmake runtest in test fail) 2003-09-06
13778 Draw ui jogi CLOS FIXE Connector shape is using wrong mapunit if storing XML Writer document 2004-12-06
16543 Writer code jogi CLOS FIXE XSLT-Test-Dialog shows source with wrong encoding 2013-08-07
15201 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE loop when deleting records from MySQL table (not all records visited, yet) 2006-05-31
15248 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE crash/obscurities in forms when required fields are not filled in 2006-05-31
16847 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Crash when switching off Navigation bar before Print Preview 2006-05-31
15059 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ table of contents unformatted when viewed in word 2003-09-08
15253 Math code michael.ruess CLOS IRRE the formula frame change size 2013-08-07
15799 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE MS-Word import fails, FlatXMLWriter produces invalid XML 2013-08-07
15853 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Crash when saving this word-document 2013-08-07
15933 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS IRRE Word table pass page delimiter 2003-09-08
15965 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE 11rc crashed 2013-08-07
14367 Build To code nesshof CLOS FIXE can't build boost on recent Linux' 2003-07-20
14560 Build To code nesshof CLOS FIXE Add SLOVAK to resource manager 2003-05-20
15539 udk code nesshof CLOS FIXE Python integration issues in beta2 2003-06-22
14776 porting code nickb CLOS FIXE IRIX port: putc overloaded in filter/source/placeware/zip.cxx 2004-02-15
14777 porting code nickb CLOS FIXE Return type is incorrect 2004-02-15
14779 porting code nickb CLOS NOT_ IRIX Port: odk/util/ has spelling error in ifdef IRIX 2004-02-15
14785 Internat code nickb CLOS FIXE Comparison of Bytestring incorrect 2013-08-07
15350 porting code nickb CLOS FIXE GCC 2 Bug: calling member function in array initialises breaks build with gcc2 2004-02-15
15351 porting code nickb CLOS FIXE IRIX Port: Add file to NOOPT list in rsc 2004-02-15
15352 porting code nickb CLOS FIXE IRIX Port: Increase lgot_buffer size in sc/util 2004-02-15
15438 General scriptin noel.power CLOS FIXE Scripting fails to assign rhino script 2003-06-10
15471 General scriptin noel.power CLOS WONT error reported when user attempts to assign script to menu, key or event 2003-06-10
15726 General scriptin noel.power CLOS NOT_ Ofifce cores after user assigns script to All applications, close application 2005-01-19
15777 General scriptin noel.power CLOS FIXE Office crashes on Linux when attempting not to run a document macro 2003-06-20
14936 porting code non-migrated CLOS FIXE IRIX Port : Build breaks in icu, as IRIX uses LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH 2003-05-28
14383 Internat code oc CLOS FIXE Provide correct sk_SK.xml locale 2013-08-07
16065 Calc ui oc CLOS DUPL Block on size of legends in piecharts 2003-09-08
21995 Calc code oc CLOS IRRE Trouble Saving over pre-existing file 2003-11-03
14823 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL Can't set Java Env for Debian 2003-09-08
14851 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS DUPL 1.1 beta2 install cannot find Java 2003-09-08
15228 Installa ui olaf-openoffice CLOS IRRE Installation aborts with an error. 2010-11-10
15335 Installa code olaf-openoffice CLOS FIXE crash with -nogui (patch) 2003-09-08
16661 porting code oliver.bolte CLOS FIXE Unable to compile OpenOffice with 4NT shell version 5.00U 2003-07-31
15100 Writer code os_ooo CLOS FIXE Mail Merge with Hidden Paragraphs suppresses lines with data depending on page number 2013-08-07
14374 Build To code pavel CLOS FIXE English date in Confirm File Replacement dialog in Czech and Slovak version 2003-06-20
14379 Internat code pavel CLOS FIXE Add missing pieces of Slovak support to 2006-03-11
15877 Build To code pavel CLOS FIXE SRX645 not defined in stand.lst 2003-06-24
14044 gsl code philipp.lohmann CLOS FIXE undefined symbol: _Z16XineramaIsActiveP9_XDisplay 2003-10-31
13954 ui AccessBr ralf.unger CLOS FIXE AccessibleHypertext is not exposed for documents 2003-06-13
14064 General code sander_traveling CLOS FIXE New requirement for build of beta2: javax.xml.transform.Transformer 2003-09-06
14381 Installa code sander_traveling CLOS FIXE Add missing pieces for Czech and Slovak support 2003-09-08
13377 General code steffen.grund CLOS FIXE SfxAsyncExec_Impl does not catch UNO excpetions 2005-10-10
14563 Base code stephan_schaefer CLOS FIXE X11 pasted text into text field of database not saved 2006-05-31
14430 Draw code sven.jacobi CLOS FIXE beta2 breaks in svx with VC6 SP5 2003-09-08
15021 General code thorsten.martens CLOS IRRE extreme sloth when resuming work on a file 2004-03-22
14755 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE Rhino runtime does not support loading of Java classes packaged with script 2003-06-13
15244 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE Netbeans parcel-descriptor.xml for java incomplete 2010-11-08
15588 General scriptin tomaisoc CLOS FIXE NetBeans does not offer java script option 2003-06-18
15978 Writer ui ulf.stroehler CLOS DUPL Quote marks turn line to garbage 2004-07-16
15005 Impress code wolframgarten CLOS IRRE 3D Object can't deleted completely 2003-09-08
15503 udk code ab CLOS WONT drag of dialog window in dialog editor 2007-06-18
15731 udk code ab CLOS FIXE crash, when trying to access function in password protected basic library 2003-07-23
16179 udk code ab CLOS IRRE saving of a new basic library not possible while OO is runing ... 2009-02-05
17783 udk code ab CLOS DUPL Basic interpreter allows to assign an object to a string array 2005-02-22
17948 udk code ab CLOS FIXE Basic: private variables are public ? 2005-01-31
15692 xml external aidan.butler CLOS FIXE Patch: This adds Quotation support to docbook XSLT files 2005-04-14
15456 Writer code andreas.martens CLOS FIXE Encoding largely ignored in HTMl export 2013-08-07
15664 General code andreas.schluens CLOS FIXE Usage of obsolete BUILD environment variables causes problems 2003-07-04
16439 Draw code Armin.Le.Grand CLOS NOT_ Open arrow-heads are never joined to their line 2017-05-20
17825 udk code CLOS FIXE basic: where is the Byte type? 2006-05-11
14703 gsl code berend.cornelius CLOS FIXE (form) control event behaviour changed 2003-07-25
8405 gsl www bettina.haberer CLOS WONT Document Page -> Paper sizes all wrong 2004-01-30
13809 Writer ui bettina.haberer CLOS WONT Ruby Text top and bottom in dialog 2003-09-08
14769 Calc code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Inserting and Deleting Columns and Rows while merged cells in range 2007-03-31
14881 Calc ui bettina.haberer CLOS WONT merge cells icon missing 2013-08-07
14981 General code bettina.haberer CLOS IRRE Simple quick start script 2009-08-05
15173 marketin www bettina.haberer CLOS WONT No slide/picture show during install 2009-06-18
15302 Impress ui bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Flash Export Automatic Slide Transition 2005-06-09
15432 Calc ui bettina.haberer CLOS IRRE How many cells are selected? 2013-08-07
15587 General code bettina.haberer CLOS FIXE Increase number of undo/redo levels 2008-05-17
15884 Draw code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL Add PDF import. 2003-09-08
15913 Impress code bettina.haberer CLOS NOT_ "Fade Object with Color" seams to be buggy or uncomfortable 2017-05-20
15997 Calc code bettina.haberer CLOS DUPL AutoFilter doesnţt have support for (blanks) and (non blanks) 2013-08-07
16217 Calc code bettina.haberer CLOS WONT Add color editing to have custom colors. 2013-08-07
16300 Impress code bettina.haberer CLOS IRRE shadow on slide background colour?? 2003-09-11
16333 Base code bettina.haberer CLOS FIXE Spin buttons on Form controls should have an auto repeat option 2006-05-31
14284 Build To code chris CLOS DUPL Parallel build fails in automation/util - libsts644li not found 2005-04-25
14285 Build To code chris CLOS NOT_ Parallel build fails in scptools/source/compiler - yyparser.cxx: No such file 2005-01-21
16252 Build To code chris CLOS FIXE Initial support for Kaffe: build officecfg with Kaffe 2003-11-20
14155 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS NOT_ Text box font-style export to PowerPoint broken 2013-08-07
14667 Math code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE MS Equation editor formula cannot be converted into OO format 2013-08-07
15068 Internat BiDi christian.guenther CLOS FIXE DEV C++ is written as ++dev C, with ++ fonts slightly skewed 2013-08-07
15178 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Slide show doesn't work 2003-09-08
15257 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS DUPL impress files come up with a blank password 2013-08-07
15474 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE switching to slides view permanantly looses menus 2003-09-08
15481 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Master View: Wrong tab selected 2003-09-08
15643 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS DUPL automatically set the compatibility mode for documents written in OOo 1.0.1 2013-08-07
15659 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Switching from "Drawing View" to "Notes View" leads to another slide 2005-02-28
15745 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Opening Star office 5.2 presentations 2003-09-08
15807 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS WONT Presentation start slide (page) 2003-09-08
15927 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE fixed linespacing needs to be implemented 2003-09-22
15962 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS IRRE Presentation toolbar - suspected typo 2003-09-08
15977 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS NOT_ ppt file causes OOo to crash 2003-09-08
16227 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE OO 1.0.2 Presentation Broken in OO 1.1b2 2013-08-07
16713 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Impress: copy/paste in slide view incorrect 2008-11-14
17379 Impress code christian.guenther CLOS DUPL Embedded images suddenly lost and password required 2004-01-29
19065 gsl code christian.guenther CLOS FIXE OO1.1 Beta2 crashes with PDF Export, with the same document when printing 2004-05-13
30407 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Menu Format Impress/Draw: unable to customize - Impl 2004-09-01
30408 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Menu Format Impress/Draw: unable to customize - QA 2004-11-30
32098 Impress ui christian.guenther CLOS FIXE Menu Format Impress/Draw: Panel>Pane 2004-12-02
14232 Installa ui christian.jansen CLOS FIXE Setup Bitmap outdated 2004-03-23
14871 gsl code christof.pintaske CLOS DUPL Screen fonts look terrible again 2003-06-16
14979 gsl code christof.pintaske CLOS FIXE printing greek text 2003-06-16
14740 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE image controls display old content in record without image 2006-05-31
15191 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE White space around text in Form TextBox in multi-line not correct 2006-05-31
15214 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE Drop down text field not editable 2006-05-31
15278 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE unable to delete row from bugdoc table 2006-05-31
15851 Base code christoph.lukasiak CLOS FIXE field format coding not working in flat-import from text files 2006-05-31
16856 porting code dan CLOS DUPL revert gcc 2.95 for MacOSX gcc in xmloff 2007-06-25
16241 Calc ui daniel.rentz CLOS DUPL Excel filter: constant source data for chart series 2013-08-07
15621 Internat code Dieter.Loeschky CLOS FIXE Japanese installer collapses messages 2013-08-07
16298 Internat BiDi Dieter.Loeschky CLOS DUPL When underlined fonts are substituted, spaces are lost 2003-07-30
12679 Installa code dirk.voelzke CLOS IRRE install script unneccesarilly requires X access 2013-08-07
14080 Installa ui dirk.voelzke CLOS FIXE Workstation install symlnks don't handle paths with capital letters 2003-09-08
14704 Installa code dirk.voelzke CLOS WONT redundant files installed by installer (?) 2003-09-08
15064 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE when using assign dialogs and user selects file in FIlesystem, a Basic runtime error occurs 2003-06-13
15066 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE when using edit dialogs and user selects file in Filesystem, a basic runtime error occurs 2010-10-22
15067 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE Browse button should be greyed out for all Locations other than filesystem 2003-06-13
15069 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS WONT scripts are not listed in assign dialog when location set to filesystem 2003-06-13
15516 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE Selecting language Java with location Filesystem causes basic error 2003-06-13
15552 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE cannot unassign script to event 2003-06-16
15583 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE Browse filesystem-only label not enabled/disabled with button 2003-06-19
15724 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS DUPL cannot assign a script to prtin form letters and change page count events 2003-06-18
15725 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE cannot assign a script to print form letters and change page count events 2003-06-17
15737 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE navigation with keyboard in assign dialogs is confusing 2003-06-18
16575 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE Move the debugger launcher scripts from examples 2004-01-07
16576 General scriptin duncan.foster CLOS FIXE Add beanshell interpreter to solver 2004-01-07
30096 Writer ui e.matthis CLOS FIXE Menu Format Writer: unable to customize - String Review 2013-08-07
30270 Calc ui e.matthis CLOS FIXE Menu Format Calc: unable to customize - String Review 2013-08-07
30406 Impress ui e.matthis CLOS FIXE Menu Format Impress/Draw: unable to customize - String Review 2004-07-08
6639 Writer code eric.savary CLOS DUPL Navigator doesn't display sublevels of headings after saving 2013-08-07
13703 ui ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE ZoomText fails to track selected objects. 2004-02-05
13894 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE ZoomText doesn't read drawing text boxes correctly 2013-08-07
14102 ui AccessBr eric.savary CLOS FIXE A11y: No expanded state change events for tree nodes 2010-01-08
15030 Writer code eric.savary CLOS IRRE Openeing HTML file hangs Writer 2003-10-28
15050 Writer code eric.savary CLOS NOT_ Import russian characters from StarOffice 5.2 2013-09-21
15280 ui code eric.savary CLOS FIXE Accessible name for combo boxes and list boxes 2003-07-16
15677 Internat ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE Some pages of the Basic help are still in English 2013-08-07
15981 Writer code eric.savary CLOS FIXE Document as email/Html conversion: blue background 2003-11-06
16571 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE Record Number Field does not print out with Mail Merge 2013-08-07
29875 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE Menu Format Writer: unable to customize - Impl 2013-08-07
29876 Writer ui eric.savary CLOS FIXE Menu Format Writer: unable to customize - QA 2013-08-07
14326 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE Remove the static library version from the 2003-07-31
15078 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE Add catalan to config_office/ 2003-05-30
15778 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE configure should add python variables to environment script 2004-02-07
15816 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE The dmake program does not cleanly end tempfiles with a linefeed 2003-12-20
15893 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE Implement GTK test into configure. 2003-07-31
15939 Build To code foskey CLOS FIXE dmake create_patch does not work in stlport directory 2003-12-20
14845 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Size of .sxc files and loading time 2003-09-08
14918 Calc ui frank CLOS FIXE Vertical text in a cell does not display. 2013-08-07
14974 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Date processing is iffy on imported files using =sumif() 2013-08-07
15509 Calc code frank CLOS FIXE Q-PCD affiliate: Clipboard format support for CSV 2013-08-07
18331 Calc code frank CLOS NOT_ only one "Grand Total" line given even if 2 or 3 groups 2003-09-08
14684 Installa ui frank.loehmann CLOS FIXE possibility to add links to XML readme 2003-12-15
15039 General ui frank.schoenheit CLOS FIXE "create document" event: sample macro code executed (partially) twice 2003-07-15
15168 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS DUPL database connection methods mixed up 2006-05-31
15221 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS IRRE linking an existing form to a data source does not work 2006-05-31
15557 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS DUPL Dates displayed incorrectly with JDBC driver (mysql and postgresql) 2006-05-31
15638 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS NOT_ database, hidden cells, can't actuallice, mail-merge 2006-05-31
16798 Base code frank.schoenheit CLOS DUPL Updates to spreadsheet data source fields are not recognised until OOo restarts 2006-05-31
9569 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Fields with 'conditional text' show the condition not the dates after reload 2013-08-07
14911 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE incorrect (too large) formula bounding box after loading 2004-03-24
14920 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Converting Mathtype to OoMath doesn't work 2003-09-08
15055 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Page margins & table of contents not set correctly 2010-11-10
15057 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Page Margin and Indent Bug 2003-09-08
15058 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Add hyperlink support in TOC 2003-09-08
15134 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE Using Insert - File to insert a second Writer file cause picture misplacement 2013-08-07
15148 General code h.ilter CLOS IRRE very bad layout in the help browser compared to 1.0.x 2003-08-05
15171 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Nimbus fonts are not available on OOo 1.1beta2 Writer (MDK 9.1) 2003-09-08
15193 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL XSLT Filters to HTML format? 2003-09-08
15240 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL sudden silent crash ... (how get error message)? 2013-08-07
15322 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Embedded graphics lost 2004-03-18
15354 Writer code h.ilter CLOS NOT_ Text prints in Symbol font if wrap is enabled around an image 2013-08-07
15391 Writer code h.ilter CLOS NOT_ HTML Editor - cell background color not saved in HTML 2003-09-08
15411 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE VM size grows up when saving a writer document, and ... 2013-08-07
15482 Writer code h.ilter CLOS NOT_ Import of SGML docs does not format 2003-09-08
15495 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Crash when opening big documents 2013-08-07
15538 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Graphic captions disappear 2003-09-08
15543 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE Writer doesn't give warning for "Unknown graphics format" 2013-08-07
15623 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Custom quotation marks appear large and badly spaced 2003-09-08
15858 Writer code h.ilter CLOS NOT_ Backward search identfies wrong text 2003-09-08
15901 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL changes of table content in OO1.0.2 document 2003-09-23
15931 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS IRRE Word completion substitutes 'Jandi' with 'Sandi' unexpectedly 2003-09-08
16103 Writer code h.ilter CLOS WONT Thesaurus doesn't work when focus is on graphic 2013-08-07
16126 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Writer hangs opening a large file 2003-09-08
16135 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE Wide font spacing in printed document 2003-09-08
16178 Writer code h.ilter CLOS IRRE Pdf Print on Chinese Code Error 2013-08-07
16199 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS IRRE application error in connection with imported graphics 2013-08-07
16269 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS IRRE Insertion of emdash corrupts line 2003-09-08
16313 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE This file crashes OOo 1.1beta2 Writer on opening 2013-08-07
16397 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL deleting a number doesn't remove the tab 2003-09-08
16534 Writer code h.ilter CLOS FIXE PDF converting for graphics very bad!! 2003-09-08
16680 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS DUPL Veritical ruler units not displayed correctly 2003-09-08
16883 Writer code h.ilter CLOS DUPL Writer crashed while editing document 2003-09-08
17174 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Right table border comes to the left at any column-resize by mouse 2013-08-07
29877 Writer ui h.ilter CLOS FIXE Menu Format Writer: unable to customize - Doc 2013-08-07
14307 Build To code hans-joachim.lankenau CLOS FIXE Parallel build fails making resource files: SRS dependency lost 2003-06-12
14380 Internat code hans-joachim.lankenau CLOS FIXE Add RES_SLOVAK 2013-08-07
15353 Build To code hans-joachim.lankenau CLOS FIXE Parallel build: paralle build breaks in automation/util 2003-07-03
15919 Internat code hans-joachim.lankenau CLOS FIXE when using $L10N_framework, get dmake error: `/so_predeliver_ooo_boost' not found, and can't be made 2003-09-11
13254 Internat BiDi hdu CLOS DUPL identation of hebrew RTL paragraph idents and treats spaces as letters 2013-08-07
15013 gsl code hdu CLOS NOT_ Tamil Unicode: Some few glyphs are incorrectly rendered in "Print Layout mode" 2011-04-04
15120 Internat code hdu CLOS FIXE PDF export misinterprets Chinese punctuation marks 2003-06-06
15242 Internat BiDi hdu CLOS DUPL Hebrew spaces ``eaten'' 2003-06-06
14067 utilitie code hennes.rohling CLOS FIXE external/gcc3_specific not used in beta2 2003-06-12
15198 porting code hennes.rohling CLOS FIXE Enable crash report for Solaris X86 2003-07-29
15200 porting code hennes.rohling CLOS FIXE Crashreporter should be linked dynamically against GTK 2003-07-29
15270 Installa code hennes.rohling CLOS DUPL Move crash reporter binary installation from scp_so to scp 2003-09-08
15271 Installa code hennes.rohling CLOS DUPL Move crash reporter binary installation from scp_so to scp 2003-09-08
15275 porting code hennes.rohling CLOS FIXE Move crashrep sources to cvs module /porting/crashrep 2003-06-20
15843 porting code hennes.rohling CLOS FIXE crashrep: pkg-config and other... 2003-07-23
15657 Draw ui ian.mcdonnell CLOS FIXE Open a file format 2013-08-07
14201 Installa code CLOS FIXE Required Java Version for all Linux is 1.4.0_02 2003-09-08
15272 Installa code CLOS FIXE Move crash reporter binary installation from scp_so to scp 2003-09-08
15907 Installa code CLOS DUPL OOo 1.1 RC does not start, want to be repaired 2003-09-08
14157 Installa ui issues CLOS OBSO modifies StarOffice 5.x associations 2019-07-23
14812 Native-L de issues CLOS IRRE QA für deutsche 1.1beta2 2012-02-14
14930 General code issues CLOS WONT open file types on an application should not launch an other application 2017-05-20
15177 Installa ui issues CLOS IRRE Please put readme.txt file at end of Install 2017-05-20
15179 Installa ui issues CLOS OBSO Please put Java Requirements in Text of Install 2019-07-23
15192 Writer code issues CLOS WONT XSLT Filters to HTML format? 2017-05-20
15283 Writer code issues CLOS DUPL Add keep with previous attibute for paragraphs 2017-05-20
15375 Impress code issues CLOS NOT_ Separation of templates and backgrounds 2017-05-20
15457 Writer ui issues CLOS IRRE Negative vertical positions of objects are not possible 2017-05-20
15511 General ui issues CLOS DUPL Autocomplete for StarBasic editor 2018-01-09
15663 Writer ui issues CLOS WONT Styles catalogue / stylist hard to use for copying styles 2017-05-20
16036 Impress code issues CLOS OBSO Animations in Macromedia Flash Export 2021-09-12
16233 Writer code issues CLOS FIXE OO asks to save unmodified file (it hasn't been printed) 2017-05-20
16597 Writer ui issues CLOS IRRE Cut and paste between browser 2017-05-20
17748 *Testpro code issues CLOS DUPL The close window icon "X" dispears when opening more than 1 window 2005-07-25
51800 distribu www issues CLOS NOT_ setup was unable to find the MSI package 2010-11-10
14384 Internat code ivo.hinkelmann CLOS FIXE Provide Slovak GSI file for 1.1 2013-08-07
17156 Internat ui ivo.hinkelmann CLOS FIXE gsi file for pt-Br 2013-08-07
14824 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS IRRE new display problem in 1.1beta2 2003-11-27
15531 Writer ui jack.warchold CLOS IRRE Font changes when windows re-sized and zoom decreased 2010-11-11
17828 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS IRRE Bullet lists within master documents 2003-11-27
18253 Writer ui jack.warchold CLOS IRRE unable to inactivate writing aid 2004-09-16
19217 Writer code jack.warchold CLOS IRRE Entering font size for German users 2004-09-16
14848 Build To code jens-heiner.rechtien CLOS IRRE functions atomic_inc and atomic_dec not defined for sparc linux 2013-08-07
14775 General code joachim.lingner CLOS FIXE Installation of OO Beta2 refuses to acknowledge existance of Java RunTime Environments 1.4.0 or 1.3.1_07 under Windows 2000 2003-05-28
14927 Calc code joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Final goto in a macro does not deselect previous data 2013-08-07
15708 ui ui joerg.skottke CLOS NOT_ Basic-IDE / Invalid tabbar names trigger errormessage on focus change 2003-07-01
15812 General code joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Language Default Currency (Tools/Options) not saved 2003-07-23
16139 General code joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE %username% not interpreted in terminal server sessions 2003-07-25
16140 General code joerg.skottke CLOS NOT_ Font ariblk.ttf may not be written to <drive>:\winnt\fonts during workstation installation 2003-07-01
16374 General ui joerg.skottke CLOS NOT_ ImplHandleMouseEvent when pressing "New" Button in all applications 2003-07-10
18767 General scriptin joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE integration of Starbasic runtime to ScriptingFramework provider 2004-06-16
19258 General scriptin joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE implement prototype script selector 2004-06-16
19261 General scriptin joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Event Handling code Modifications for dialogs 2004-06-16
19262 General scriptin joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Event Handling modifications for Forms 2004-06-16
19263 General scriptin joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Modify Event Handling code for ( Object/Graphics ) 2004-06-16
19264 General scriptin joerg.skottke CLOS FIXE Modify event handling for Applications 2004-06-16
15571 Installa ui joergbudi CLOS FIXE The description of Python-UNO module is not translatable 2003-09-08
15866 udk code joergbudi CLOS FIXE win: pyuno build fails when volume of solver and pyuno is different 2003-07-31
16213 udk code joergbudi CLOS FIXE InvocationAdapterFactory doesn't check for outparametercount ->crash 2004-02-15
16214 udk code joergbudi CLOS FIXE Executing python scripts in win32-tcsh environment 2003-07-31
16215 udk code joergbudi CLOS FIXE Pyuno crashes, in case exception statcktrace object is null 2003-07-31
17408 xml external jogi CLOS FIXE docBook XSLT import/export scripts handle itemizedlist badly 2003-12-19
15047 Calc ui john.marmion CLOS DUPL Window > Freeze not imported from XLS file 2003-09-08
15199 porting code Joost.Andrae CLOS FIXE Make crash reporter configurable through .bootstraprc 2003-07-03
15273 Installa code Joost.Andrae CLOS FIXE Create Crash reporter server entries in bootstraprc 2003-09-08
15321 Impress code Joost.Andrae CLOS FIXE VM size grows up when saving an impress document 2003-09-08
13197 Native-L cs josef.cacek CLOS WONT Pri exportu z Calcu pres windowsi clipboard se poskodi cestina 2012-02-15
15644 udk code kay.ramme CLOS FIXE pyuno/source/module/ and Solaris ld 2003-06-22
17782 udk code kay.ramme CLOS DUPL Basic interpreter doesn't check missing parentheses 2003-08-04
6266 Installa ui khendricks CLOS FIXE CDE desktop gull icon appears corrupt when graphics card operating in 8 bit mode 2003-11-23
14432 gsl code khendricks CLOS FIXE Please add Czech and Slovak translation to sysui/desktop/gnome/legacy/printeradmin.desktop 2003-05-24
14815 Writer code khendricks CLOS FIXE Auto Spellcheck option not saved between sessions 2013-08-07
14817 Writer code khendricks CLOS FIXE Spellcheck doesn't initially consult standard.dic 2013-08-07
14863 xml definiti khendricks CLOS FIXE return type mismatch - return by value assigned to reference 2004-02-15
14865 Writer code khendricks CLOS FIXE return type mismatch - return by value assigned to reference 2013-08-07
15672 porting code khendricks CLOS FIXE please add iscii-devanagari to sal/textenc to support Hindi 2003-06-24
12795 General code lars.oppermann CLOS FIXE Unable to create instance of 2004-05-26
13209 Draw ui marc.neumann CLOS FIXE In an exported document in the SWF format, the text overlaps when reloading file 2003-09-08
14649 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Entering text via Data source window destroys line feed information 2006-05-31
14656 Base code marc.neumann CLOS NOT_ error message in postgres database window when open a table 2006-05-31
14870 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE ALTERING field names via the UI deletes all the dataHi, 2006-05-31
14892 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE report autopilot: unable to leave "sort options" page in special circumstances 2006-05-31
14940 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE filename problem on Linux 2006-05-31
14945 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Fields that use a drop down box do not appear on printed form 2006-05-31
14997 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Forms using JDBC display the time portion as 23:59:59 2006-05-31
15027 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE too much error messages when copying table rows fails 2006-05-31
15052 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Unable to go to final absolute record, goes to n-1 under 1.1 beta 2006-05-31
15083 Base code marc.neumann CLOS DUPL Opening Tables node for Addresses crashes OOo 2006-05-31
15513 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE Autopilot crashes when connecting to Outlook 2006-05-31
15824 Base code marc.neumann CLOS FIXE java fails to load for Report Autopilot 2006-05-31
16072 Base code marc.neumann CLOS NOT_ Form searches very slow 2006-05-31
16073 Base code marc.neumann CLOS DUPL Form searches very slow 2006-05-31
16087 Base code marc.neumann CLOS IRRE Impossible to add new records to an empty table 2006-05-31
14175 General code massimo_coletti CLOS FIXE Not able to enable DocBook option 2005-04-14
15521 Calc ui Mathias_Bauer CLOS FIXE CSV Import not working 2013-08-07
15865 gsl code Mathias_Bauer CLOS IRRE Invalid menus sensitive in shell ... 2003-06-30
14109 ucb code matthias.huetsch CLOS FIXE GCC 3.3 and " inside #if 0 2003-05-05
15065 Writer ui matthias.mueller-prove CLOS DUPL Tools menu - duplicate hot key 2013-08-07
29874 Writer ui matthias.mueller-prove CLOS FIXE Menu Format Writer: unable to customize - Spec 2013-08-07
30269 Calc ui matthias.mueller-prove CLOS FIXE Menu Format Calc: unable to customize - Spec 2013-08-07
30405 Impress ui matthias.mueller-prove CLOS FIXE Menu Format Impress/Draw: unable to customize - Spec 2004-11-29
14915 Writer code michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE math fonts 2003-10-15
15031 Writer ui michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE Number range formatting in captions 2003-10-01
15617 Writer ui michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE header displays wrong 2003-10-16
15649 Writer code michael.cziebalski CLOS FIXE Many section document problems 2003-11-20
15825 ui ui michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE UI unresponsive when machine under heavy loads 2003-12-04
15925 Writer code michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE Field "author-name" is saved as author-initials 2003-11-13
17507 Writer code michael.cziebalski CLOS IRRE Replaced Quotation marks in Font Courier messed up on the screen 2003-11-12
13793 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Some values for writing aids options are ignored 2013-08-07
13832 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE MS Word import: no wrap around a figure 2013-08-07
13833 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE MS Word import: wrong indentation 2013-08-07
14676 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Formula imports result in huge formulas (1.1beta2) 2013-08-07
14795 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Turkish chars in a Word 95 document doesn't handle correctly by OpenOffice 2013-08-07
14805 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Characters rendered with wrong widths leading to different page counts when importing .doc files 2013-08-07
14838 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE spell checker does not retain or recognize user defined words in dictionary 2015-02-11
14916 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL speelchicking on the fly does not work in online view 2013-08-07
14937 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ Format problem opening Word-Document 2004-04-27
14982 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE RTF import - wrong pagebreaks before paragraph 2013-08-07
15099 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ Bad formatting after importing a document. 2004-04-27
15169 Math ui michael.ruess CLOS FIXE The mouse wheel does not move the vertical scrollbar in the command window 2013-08-07
15267 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Spellcheck problem with straight and typographic apostrophes 2013-08-07
15287 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Unable to import .doc files created by 602Pro PC SUITE 2013-08-07
15341 Writer ui michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ Copy and paste from Word 2000 2003-09-08
15472 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE Word document with many form inputs does not render correctly 2013-08-07
15486 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS FIXE "Always ignore" and "Add" have no effect in spellcheck 2013-08-07
15551 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS NOT_ Broken import tables and images from MS Office .doc 2003-09-08
15558 Writer code michael.ruess CLOS DUPL Problems with code page while exporting to MS Word 6 format. 2003-10-06
This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.
