Sat Sep 21 2024 01:07:15 UTC

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1354 issues found.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
57190 Writer code issues CONF --- ::_InsertCnt() is called with the wrong SwDoc* 2013-08-07
15524 Writer code issues CONF --- . (dot) should be word separator 2013-08-07
36592 Writer code issues CONF --- .doc import should not set illegal bookmarks in document 2017-05-20
28782 Writer code issues CONF --- .doc: picture is not displayed inside grouped text box (with another inside) 2017-05-20
30663 Writer code issues ACCE --- 'Delete next word' should not delete word + footnote marker. 2017-05-20
94486 Writer code issues CONF --- 'Rename' frame doesn't show up in the 'Undo-history'. 2013-08-07
31110 Writer code issues CONF --- "Delete to end of word" deletes two words instead of one right after a dash 2017-05-20
25610 Writer code issues CONF --- "Falzmarke" for Documents 2013-08-07
33772 Writer code issues CONF --- "Find&Replace" and "table sort" should also work for strings in fields 2013-08-07
50269 Writer code issues CONF --- "Number of words" : Number of displayed words (word count) required 2013-02-07
15251 Writer code issues ACCE --- "Snap to Grid" doesn't work correctly 2013-08-07
19002 Writer code issues ACCE --- "UserField" in all OO applications 2013-08-07
94876 Writer code issues CONF --- [Automation] Check solution for Paragraph Textflow - justified under Lin/unx. 2013-08-07
101694 Writer code issues CONF --- [DE], [FR] [ES ]Send - Create Master Document broken 2017-05-20
23716 Writer code issues ACCE --- [Inconsistency] Hide non-printable fonts from Insert-Special Charcter 2017-05-20
81517 Writer code issues CONF --- [Meta] [Writer] Macro recorder functions not recorded properly 2017-05-20
116988 Writer code issues CONF --- [non-pro] "Error: Could not find fly frame" opening odt with certain Math object 2017-05-20
87069 Writer code issues CONF --- [Notes2] Cursor is set to the wrong location in the Note Window 2022-06-04
100661 Writer code issues CONF --- [Notes2] font color button locked 2022-06-08
89891 Writer code issues CONF --- [Notes2] Hypenation feature does not work in the Note Windows 2017-05-20
85870 Writer code issues CONF --- [Notes2] Spellchecking: Manual spellchecking does not work in notes 2017-05-20
87072 Writer code issues CONF --- [Notes2] Undo does not respect drag-and-drop from Notes to document text 2017-05-20
88223 Writer code issues CONF --- [Notes2] Usability issues with “View – Notes†settings 2013-08-07
87509 Writer code issues CONF --- [notes2]note inside a table not removed properly when table is deleted 2013-08-07
41964 Writer code issues CONF --- [RFE]- Insert Header and Footer option - some additions and deletions 2013-02-07
108103 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] assert in SwAnchoredObject::GetObjRectWithSpaces 2017-05-20
112183 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] copy/paste of RDF metadata not implemented 2017-05-20
112605 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] crash during shutdown: no SolarMutex 2017-05-20
115016 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] difficult to append text to meta(-field) 2017-05-20
108656 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] event "OnLayoutFinished" not sent for every document 2017-05-20
112184 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] linked sections do not properly handle RDF metadata 2017-05-20
110994 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] redline implementation loses format redlines 2017-05-20
101163 Writer code issues CONF --- [sw] undo removes wrong character style 2017-05-20
28437 Writer code issues ACCE --- [Writerperfect] Table styles are not converted 2017-05-20
94202 Writer code issues CONF --- 2 undo steps recorded when changing document language 2017-05-20
46541 Writer code issues CONF --- A border of merged cell should not be also moved 2013-08-07
8167 Writer code issues ACCE --- A dependent function,?Every? of the Line Numbering shows variation in its settings in accordance with changing the values in Text field. 2017-05-20
78774 Writer code issues CONF --- „footer“ and „header“ exist, but unfortunately nothing similar for the right/left/inner/outer border of a page 2013-02-07
102940 Writer code issues CONF --- a11y: provide LABEL_FOR and LABELED_BY relations for caption-object-relationship 2017-05-20
27887 Writer code issues CONF --- A5 RTF document alternates A4 & A5 when opened in OOo 2017-05-20
32894 Writer code issues CONF --- ability to number parts of a document separately 2013-02-07
53900 Writer code issues CONF --- ability to search for hyperlink target text 2013-02-07
26651 Writer code issues CONF --- Ability to search/replace for a footnote mark 2014-04-09
72530 Writer code issues CONF --- adapting sum formula in TextTable when inserting/deleting rows 2017-05-20
1867 Writer code issues CONF --- Add "Keep with previous paragraph" to paragraph style options 2013-02-07
28978 Writer code issues CONF --- add a "keep aspect ratio" check box for resizing graphics 2013-02-07
32374 Writer code issues CONF --- Add a "short caption" property for the index (TOC) 2013-08-07
14712 Writer code issues CONF --- Add a definition dictionary 2013-08-07
42337 Writer code issues CONF --- Add a view in browser option to Writer [Web] 2013-02-07
27476 Writer code issues CONF --- add ability to manually update date(fix) & time(fix) to current date/time 2013-08-07
21713 Writer code issues CONF --- Add ability to vertically center mailing label contents within label 2013-08-07
6764 Writer code issues CONF --- Add AbiWord XML schema to import/export for 2013-02-07
18225 Writer code issues CONF --- Add an option to enable word wrapping for Korean input 2013-08-07
73039 Writer code issues CONF --- Add capability to use DDE-fields as variables 2013-02-07
79412 Writer code issues CONF --- Add category "Figure" to caption dialog 2014-03-17
86149 Writer code issues CONF --- Add configurable color profiles for notes in notes2 and ODF 1.2 2014-02-20
4624 Writer code issues ACCE --- Add individual margins on same page to Writer 2013-08-07
90242 Writer code issues UNCO --- add insertDocumentFromURL with fix-ups 2017-05-20
19064 Writer code issues CONF --- Add one more paper size? 2013-08-29
87914 Writer code issues CONF --- Add option to keep non-<BODY> data in writer - web 2013-02-07
72138 Writer code issues CONF --- Add shortcut keys for moving cells, rows and columns 2013-02-07
113803 Writer code issues CONF --- Add Tower labels 2017-05-20
37866 Writer code issues CONF --- Add undo for 'breaking links' 2013-08-07
14022 Writer code issues CONF --- Add visual feedback for paragraphs that will not be automatically updated 2014-04-09
22323 Writer code issues CONF --- adding a table of bibliography entrys 2013-08-07
11010 Writer code issues CONF --- Additional date and time formats 2013-02-07
55387 Writer code issues CONF --- additional unnecessary undo steps after deletion of picture/frame 2013-08-07
64250 Writer code issues ACCE --- Adjust "Outline Numbering Bullets" to only use supported symbol fonts 2017-05-20
84633 Writer code issues CONF --- adjust font size with Reduce Font, abnormal When reached 2 2017-05-20
71363 Writer code issues CONF --- After enering a calculation in table, the data should be left alignment. 2017-05-20
71144 Writer code issues CONF --- after using find&replace, cursor is placed at the latest change 2014-02-13
58630 Writer code issues CONF --- Agenda wizard cumulative time 2013-02-07
5072 Writer code issues CONF --- Aligning column widths of merged cells problematic 2013-08-07
29920 Writer code issues ACCE --- Alignment error in table of content with 2 columns 2017-05-20
27428 Writer code issues CONF --- Alignment Lost in Table 2013-08-07
78946 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow conditions to bookmarks 2013-08-07
4461 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow for selection of HTML tag types (for plain/basic HTML) 2013-08-07
29279 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow hyperlinks in user-defined indexes 2013-08-07
80395 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow number range fields to have sub-level numbers like 3.1a 2013-02-07
19218 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow numbering restart in style 2013-02-07
16895 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow RTF filter to generate inline images/objects 2017-05-20
79775 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow user fields beside database fields in conditional text 2014-04-07
78929 Writer code issues CONF --- Allow wildcards in fields with conditions 2013-08-07
13366 Writer code issues CONF --- Alow right tab stop to pass right paragraph border 2013-02-07
98937 Writer code issues ACCE --- alphabetic index page number sort order with multiple page number formats and page counts odd 2017-05-20
126766 Writer code issues CONF --- Alphabetical Index not showing Chapter Info 2016-05-10
114115 Writer code issues CONF --- Alphabetical index: controlling sorting 2017-06-26
119689 Writer code issues CONF --- Alternative text for Form Control (Text box) is lost when opening doc file in AOO. 2012-09-18
10348 Writer code issues ACCE --- Althugh the wizard displays a Hebrew date, it is not possible to have one automaticly 2017-05-20
85581 Writer code issues CONF --- Always Promote/Demote Via Tab/Shift Tab Key in Numbering/Bulletlist 2013-08-09
2762 Writer code issues CONF --- an OpenOffice file format viewer would be very convenient when viewing OpenOffice documents on other computers without OO 2013-02-07
66456 Writer code issues CONF --- anchor in link gets html-escaped in pdf export 2014-05-28
101666 Writer code issues CONF --- Anchor picture as character,check record and delete picture,uncheck show,UNDO several times,crashes OOo 2017-05-20
17153 Writer code issues CONF --- Animated text flushes to the left 2013-08-07
23921 Writer code issues ACCE --- Anomality in text flow around frames 2013-08-07
16468 Writer code issues CONF --- another AutoCorrect Cpitalization annoyance 2013-02-07
119702 Writer code issues CONF --- AOO shows the endnote as different page with MSWord. 2013-07-26
25609 Writer code issues ACCE --- API: insertDocumentFromUrl called at the cursorhas no effect 2013-08-07
75246 Writer code issues CONF --- apitest: sw::SwXTextEmbeddedObject stops 2017-05-20
24481 Writer code issues CONF --- Applet codebase attribute 2013-08-07
18863 Writer code issues ACCE --- Application is freezing when inserting grafics via scan input source 2013-08-07
21096 Writer code issues CONF --- application-windows that are open by the auto-pilot are not displayed full-screen 2013-08-07
28189 Writer code issues CONF --- apply-command in stylist context-menu 2013-08-07
62471 Writer code issues CONF --- ASSERT: <InsAttr(..)> - PaM in front of label, but text node has no numbering rule set 2017-05-20
47355 Writer code issues CONF --- ASSERT: Element nicht im Block 2017-05-20
47352 Writer code issues CONF --- ASSERT: Node im falschen Outline-Array 2017-05-20
117942 Writer code issues CONF --- Assertion "No DocShell, cannot do controls!" 2017-05-20
23442 Writer code issues ACCE --- Assertion "what a format" when changing format of number range field 2017-05-20
71534 Writer code issues CONF --- Assertion Error: XHierarchicalNameAccess: Configuration - Descendant Element not found in Node 2013-08-07
115014 Writer code issues CONF --- Assertion when pasting HTML 2017-05-20
115154 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: DomainMapper_Impl::ImportGraphic 2013-01-29
115153 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: DomainMapper::attribute() - Id: 91842 / 0x166c2 value: 0 / 0x0 2013-01-29
114605 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: invalid preview settings - no paint of preview 2013-01-29
115147 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: ListTable::CreateNumberingRules 2013-01-29
114743 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: no charset to remove 2013-01-29
115143 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: no context of this type available 2013-01-29
115736 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: no page found! 2013-01-29
114579 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: sentence indices out of range 2013-01-29
114594 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: some post-it data already exists 2013-01-29
115698 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: SVRect() without Width or Height 2013-01-29
115141 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: unknown sprmid in SettingsTable::sprm() 2017-05-20
115146 Writer code issues CONF --- assertion: wrap not around or not_Beside? 2013-01-29
84237 Writer code issues CONF --- Assertions while opening Stylist 2017-05-20
110534 Writer code issues CONF --- Asturian Hunspell Dictionary Package 2017-05-20
127803 Writer code issues CONF --- attempt to link documents circularly freezes writer 2019-05-12
125399 Writer code issues UNCO --- auto animation preview is absent in the case of apache office 2014-08-11
17449 Writer code issues ACCE --- Auto capitalization broken if field comes first in new sentence (also in DRAW and IMPRESS) 2017-05-20
103729 Writer code issues CONF --- Auto capitalization only works if there is a period at the end of a sentence 2013-02-07
74857 Writer code issues CONF --- Auto correct works inconsistent in all OOo moudules 2017-05-20
19850 Writer code issues ACCE --- auto size pasted images severely broken 2017-05-20
18630 Writer code issues CONF --- Auto text colour should be white when background is >= 70% gray 2014-09-24
70410 Writer code issues CONF --- Auto text files outside of "user/autotext" shouldn't be editable 2017-05-20
24933 Writer code issues CONF --- auto-adjust border to content 2013-02-07
100792 Writer code issues CONF --- AutoCaption with more than one word does not increment caption number 2017-05-20
29293 Writer code issues CONF --- AutoComplete should review its word DB when words are changed in a document. 2013-08-07
19077 Writer code issues ACCE --- autocorrect capitalisation fails in words with apostophes 2017-05-20
22756 Writer code issues CONF --- AutoCorrect defaults; missing "I" capitalizer 2014-04-17
108462 Writer code issues CONF --- AutoCorrect option: "Use replacement table" doesn't work for [M] options 2017-05-20
9402 Writer code issues CONF --- AutoCorrect replacement text list management tool 2013-08-07
21740 Writer code issues CONF --- Autocorrection should correct "capslock error" 2013-02-07
20968 Writer code issues CONF --- Automatic double-line when automatic list is on. 2013-02-07
34211 Writer code issues CONF --- automatic formatting of cross-reference 2013-08-07
21130 Writer code issues CONF --- Automatic non-numbered footnotes 2013-08-07
10096 Writer code issues CONF --- Automatically setting paragraph template 2013-02-07
12922 Writer code issues CONF --- Autosave during Open dialog restores default directory 2013-02-07
27183 Writer code issues CONF --- autosize (autoheight) sometimes doesn't work correctly inside of frames (with influence of zorder) 2017-05-20
9938 Writer code issues CONF --- AutoSpellCheck not stored per document 2013-02-07
125103 Writer code issues CONF --- autotest fails with current trunk 2014-06-16
114860 Writer code issues CONF --- Avoid jumping pages when zooming 2017-05-20
12771 Writer code issues ACCE --- background color assignement via object bar in tables 2017-05-20
71679 Writer code issues CONF --- Bad hyphenation of Polish words with hyphens and n-dashes 2013-08-07
17565 Writer code issues CONF --- Bad performance for opening files with very large tables. 2013-08-07
20024 Writer code issues ACCE --- Bad picture importation from Winword document 2013-08-07
21067 Writer code issues CONF --- Bad RTF from word should be fixed, not dropped 2014-03-20
49872 Writer code issues CONF --- bad scaling of page previev when changing page size 2013-08-07
35496 Writer code issues UNCO --- behaviour of Mouse pointer in and around selections 2017-04-09
108684 Writer code issues CONF --- Better text justification 2017-05-20
21161 Writer code issues CONF --- Bibliographic data not saved in a windows .doc file 2017-05-20
29906 Writer code issues CONF --- Bibliographic endnotes missing from (X) HTML export 2013-08-07
29282 Writer code issues CONF --- Bibliographic Indexes (description text) should be formatted 2017-05-20
3968 Writer code issues CONF --- bibliography reference and index 2013-02-07
92337 Writer code issues CONF --- Bibliography reference text should not be used as references key 2013-08-07
103648 Writer code issues CONF --- bibliography title numbering not working 2017-05-20
107413 Writer code issues CONF --- BiDi contexts should have two text cursors (caret) 2013-08-07
27324 Writer code issues ACCE --- binfilter: vasriablefield contens disappearing after the file is loaded 2017-05-20
16018 Writer code issues ACCE --- Bitmap bullets not printed when print graphic set is off 2013-08-07
67197 Writer code issues ACCE --- Bold Asian characters in vertical writing got rotated. 2017-05-20
32821 Writer code issues CONF --- Bookmark accessibility 2013-02-07
110333 Writer code issues CONF --- Bookmarks are merged together 2017-05-20
78146 Writer code issues CONF --- Bookmarks in header are lost and renamed when turning off footer 2017-05-20
46138 Writer code issues CONF --- border of formulas should not be displayed in front of drawing objects (inconsistency to other object borders) 2013-08-07
28539 Writer code issues CONF --- Borders chance table cell size 2013-08-07
28950 Writer code issues CONF --- Borders not showing in 'Borders' dialogue box 2013-08-07
105623 Writer code issues CONF --- Brackets are not handled right when a Hebrew word is bracketed in western (Dutch,English) text 2017-05-20
29406 Writer code issues CONF --- Brochure Creating incorrect PS Page Layout 2013-08-07
6098 Writer code issues CONF --- Brocure option is not persistent 2013-02-07
19183 Writer code issues CONF --- bug importing table from .rtf 2017-05-20
99486 Writer code issues CONF --- Bug in the direct-help system 2013-08-07
58542 Writer code issues CONF --- bug when dragging db records to a text document 2017-05-20
128492 Writer code issues UNCO --- Buggy Index generator 2021-11-14
30960 Writer code issues CONF --- bullet sizing issue 2017-05-20
41684 Writer code issues CONF --- Bullet/numbering icon is not highlighted when paragraph is numbered 2013-03-06
22516 Writer code issues CONF --- bullets turn into > when file imported from Word v.X is reexported to v.X 2013-08-07
44397 Writer code issues CONF --- button in From XML Controls toolbar is kept snapped-in when closing the From Design toolbar via its x-button 2013-08-07
26732 Writer code issues CONF --- cache linked images (in xml file) 2014-04-07
16751 Writer code issues CONF --- calculations in a table in Writer unintuitive and different from spreadsheet 2013-02-07
98158 Writer code issues CONF --- Can not sort cross reference data 2017-05-20
35292 Writer code issues CONF --- can't delete cross reference 2013-08-07
16138 Writer code issues ACCE --- Can't insert that text in table that I want to have (number recognition) 2017-05-20
85420 Writer code issues CONF --- can't replac quotation markse correct in Tools->AutoCorrect->Custom quote 2013-01-29
6958 Writer code issues CONF --- Can't save html fragment 2013-02-07
104401 Writer code issues CONF --- Canceled table calculations set document changed state 2017-05-20
24763 Writer code issues CONF --- cannot center arrow horizontally or vertically 2013-02-07
16184 Writer code issues CONF --- Cannot flow text to/from the default page frame 2013-02-07
15753 Writer code issues CONF --- capitalization doesn't understand initial in Russain 2016-10-17
23957 Writer code issues CONF --- Caption behaviour and layout 2017-05-20
15795 Writer code issues CONF --- Caption for Picture - enable position of first 2014-04-17
18792 Writer code issues CONF --- caret placed wrong after undo and redo with deleted footnotes 2013-08-07
27346 Writer code issues CONF --- case changed shld be preserved on export to HTML 2013-08-07
9256 Writer code issues CONF --- Cell merge incorrect after split in complex table 2013-08-07
15146 Writer code issues ACCE --- Cell protection can be bypassed 2013-08-07
31704 Writer code issues CONF --- Certain character formats give multiple images and distorted view 2013-08-07
26748 Writer code issues CONF --- Change Grafik from embeded to linked 2013-02-07
3982 Writer code issues CONF --- change HTML table attributes from absolute widths to %? 2013-02-07
97957 Writer code issues CONF --- Change in he properties for the numbering style 2017-05-20
22091 Writer code issues CONF --- change record versus redo 2013-08-07
27345 Writer code issues CONF --- changed case should be preserved on export to plain text 2013-02-07
1984 Writer code issues REOP --- Changes should be highlighted in HTML export 2013-11-14
112977 Writer code issues CONF --- Changes to outline numbering in a template not applied to documents linked to that template. 2017-05-20
15550 Writer code issues ACCE --- Changing letters case via menu/popup menu item (Format->Case/Character->U/Lcase) is not kept in doc's 'changelog' 2013-08-07
36035 Writer code issues CONF --- Changing the font color from the font color selector should directly aply to the coming text 2013-08-07
21338 Writer code issues CONF --- Changing the page background-color cannot be undone by the undo function! 2013-02-07
14121 Writer code issues CONF --- Chapter number incorrectly appears in a Word doc 2013-08-07
79562 Writer code issues CONF --- Character count is incorrect for surrogate paired Unicode character 2013-08-07
84558 Writer code issues CONF --- character font changed during Chinese translation 2013-02-07
25442 Writer code issues CONF --- Character is not even on different color 2013-08-07
22540 Writer code issues ACCE --- Character spacing / kerning inaccurate and varies 2017-05-20
25556 Writer code issues CONF --- character subscript / superscript values save incorrectly in MS Word 97/2000/XP format 2013-08-07
19766 Writer code issues CONF --- Characters are incorrectly carried over from Web pages into OO 2013-08-07
28976 Writer code issues CONF --- Check whether a a word occurs twice immedeately, like in this summary line 2013-02-07
17337 Writer code issues CONF --- Chinese punctuation mark misalinged 2013-08-07
101236 Writer code issues CONF --- chinese translation for doc containing "-----" crashes OOo 2013-08-07
96768 Writer code issues CONF --- Chinese Translator - wrong default-conversion. 2013-08-07
42365 Writer code issues CONF --- Chnaged Behavior for Tabs in Indexes and Tables (TOX) 2017-05-20
114746 Writer code issues CONF --- Class: String, Id: 0. Cannot load resource! 2017-05-20
114880 Writer code issues CONF --- Clearly separate model and layout for page descriptions 2017-05-20
18325 Writer code issues CONF --- Click on link to anchor/bookmark in HTML docs fails 2013-08-07
23998 Writer code issues CONF --- Clicking on bibliographic references does not work as expected 2013-02-07
52153 Writer code issues CONF --- Clipboard generating invalid characters if desktop locale is UTF-8 2013-08-07
102372 Writer code issues ACCE --- close document cause call to pure virtual function R6025 2017-05-20
104555 Writer code issues CONF --- Closer disappears by pdf export in pagepreview mode 2013-08-07
26116 Writer code issues CONF --- Closing Macro Recording in a different document 2013-08-07
91112 Writer code issues ACCE --- code cleanup for SID_LANGUAGE_STATUS 2013-08-07
31426 Writer code issues CONF --- Code Improvements for user's ortographycs dictionary 2013-02-07
25113 Writer code issues CONF --- Color of the underlined text 2013-08-07
81625 Writer code issues CONF --- Column break in table ignored 2013-09-13
46037 Writer code issues CONF --- Column width becomes large than the page width in columns dialog 2017-05-20
69720 Writer code issues CONF --- Columns in Alphabetic Index always go from left to right 2013-08-07
118410 Writer code issues UNCO --- URL seems to be an unsupported one. 2013-01-29
116420 Writer code issues ACCE --- do not work 2017-05-20
30913 Writer code issues CONF --- Command field variables are not visible in Word exported document 2017-05-20
82567 Writer code issues CONF --- Common Page Sizes 2013-08-07
103049 Writer code issues CONF --- Compare document between new doc and doc with footnote, Undo, crashes OOo 2017-05-20
16398 Writer code issues CONF --- Compare Document doesn't compare tables 2013-08-07
49217 Writer code issues CONF --- Compare Document should detect formatting difference 2013-08-07
120874 Writer code issues CONF --- Complete the development comments and documentations inside the source code, for TOC enhancement 2017-05-20
65380 Writer code issues CONF --- compress punctuation error 2013-08-07
22263 Writer code issues CONF --- conditional breaking hyphen shown in navigator 2017-05-20
10665 Writer code issues CONF --- Conditional CR/LF at end of page 2013-02-07
12011 Writer code issues CONF --- Conditional Page Breaks 2014-03-11
16127 Writer code issues CONF --- conditional text not working 2014-04-18
101216 Writer code issues CONF --- ConditionalText: inverse logic for property "IsConditionTrue" 2017-05-20
61443 Writer code issues CONF --- Conditions cannot be evaluated when field names contain spaces 2017-05-20
73676 Writer code issues CONF --- Consider using ctrl+H to open Hyperlink dialog 2013-02-07
73675 Writer code issues CONF --- Consider using Ctrl+T to open Special Character dialog 2013-02-07
47349 Writer code issues ACCE --- Content in split table rows sometimes does not flow backward 2013-08-07
66208 Writer code issues CONF --- Content of embedded Writer object not centered correctly when activated 2017-05-20
66217 Writer code issues CONF --- contents of writer OLE visible outside of the object itself 2017-05-20
57352 Writer code issues CONF --- Continuing of Numbering does not work when multi selection is processed 2017-05-20
19094 Writer code issues ACCE --- contour enabling after disabling custom contour glitchy: custom contours not saved 2013-08-07
108647 Writer code issues CONF --- Contours are lost after changing the Graphic.URL from a Picture using the API 2017-05-20
44777 Writer code issues CONF --- control is delete in document when press "BackSpace" in datanavigator 2013-08-07
43981 Writer code issues CONF --- control over numbering-field shading 2013-08-07
4858 Writer code issues ACCE --- Conversion error of graphic when saving as Word98/2000 format 2013-08-07
41431 Writer code issues CONF --- Convert table to text converts the whole table even if a row is selected 2014-03-20
50980 Writer code issues CONF --- Converting nested tables doesn't work 2013-08-07
115012 Writer code issues CONF --- convwatch "writer_42_Text12.odt" looks broken 2017-05-20
58447 Writer code issues CONF --- Copy & paste of numbering into a numbering continuous source numbering 2017-05-20
14303 Writer code issues CONF --- Copy and paste to OO Draw does not paste everything 2013-08-07
90123 Writer code issues CONF --- Copy paste does not copy page break 2013-08-07
31352 Writer code issues CONF --- Copy paste from yahoo messenger problems 2013-08-07
4951 Writer code issues CONF --- COPY PASTE of text adds spaces before and after 2013-02-07
55210 Writer code issues CONF --- Copy-and-Paste from Writer to Calc does not copy properly when not utf-8 2013-08-07
47079 Writer code issues CONF --- copying autotext from one group to another looses textables 2013-08-07
82772 Writer code issues CONF --- Copying cells destroys formula when caculating across two different tables 2017-05-20
19186 Writer code issues CONF --- correct ^= to proper math. sign automatically 2013-02-07
62709 Writer code issues CONF --- corrupt image file results in misleading error "Graphics filter not found" 2017-05-20
86495 Writer code issues CONF --- Could not drag a selection to change the text color in presentation. 2013-03-29
95974 Writer code issues CONF --- Crash after some time of opening a large document (odt) 2021-10-02
54474 Writer code issues CONF --- crash after undo of "split curve" 2013-08-07
83525 Writer code issues CONF --- Crash importing .doc files (originated from WordPerfect) 2013-02-07
99685 Writer code issues CONF --- Crash on exit after working in large document 2017-05-20
64200 Writer code issues CONF --- Crash on Paste (stack dump) 2017-05-20
124314 Writer code issues CONF --- CRASH when "Hidden Paragraph" field outside frame dimension reached from 'Edit Fields: Functions' dialog 2014-03-04
98481 Writer code issues CONF --- crash when exporting document to pdf 2013-01-29
63296 Writer code issues ACCE --- crash when trying to run the launcher macros 2017-05-20
86930 Writer code issues CONF --- Crash while inserting formula 2017-05-20
92310 Writer code issues CONF --- crashes using undo after comparing an empty document with one containing captioned picture 2017-05-20
15878 Writer code issues CONF --- Create labels for multiple pages 2013-08-07
22900 Writer code issues CONF --- Creating a frame anchored as character does not allow sizing to the height of the page 2017-05-20
67878 Writer code issues ACCE --- creation of bookmarks with dimension does not work with some XTextRanges 2017-05-20
25462 Writer code issues CONF --- Cross Reference Not Correctly Shown If Redlining is Active But Not Shown 2017-05-20
9115 Writer code issues CONF --- Cross references don't make it across to HTML documents 2013-08-07
2593 Writer code issues ACCE --- cross-references from Word documents; not possible to refer on paragraph number 2017-05-20
94661 Writer code issues CONF --- Ctrl + Shift + Right doesn't accept ; as a separator. 2013-08-07
111336 Writer code issues CONF --- Cursive scripts are incompatible with expanded/condensed spacing 2017-05-20
78360 Writer code issues CONF --- Cursor does not open where one left off 2014-04-06
11573 Writer code issues ACCE --- Cursor doesn't show to the right of a forbidden char at end of line 2013-08-07
92652 Writer code issues CONF --- Cursor goes to wrong place in a "drop cap" paragraph 2013-08-07
101542 Writer code issues CONF --- Cursor placement in spell check dialog does not work for RTL / CTL text 2017-05-20
58523 Writer code issues CONF --- Cursor returning from footnote 2013-02-07
79658 Writer code issues ACCE --- Cursor traveling and Writer input when a non-CTL script needs CTL processing 2017-05-20
26024 Writer code issues CONF --- custom numbered list 2013-02-07
42185 Writer code issues CONF --- Custom pages not correctly recognised even though the page size is set in Printer > Properties 2013-08-07
30014 Writer code issues CONF --- customize on toolbars (right clicking) does support undo and cancel does not undo changes made 2013-02-07
24081 Writer code issues CONF --- Cut & paste of adjacent cells fail in table. 2013-08-07
52038 Writer code issues CONF --- Database connection should be closed if not needed 2017-05-20
19494 Writer code issues ACCE --- Date format not saved 2017-05-20
78741 Writer code issues CONF --- DDE itme lost in the "Paste Spacial" dialog 2017-05-20
26270 Writer code issues CONF --- DDE links in embedded OLE - CALC- Table in WRITER document will not be refreshed correctly 2017-05-20
55050 Writer code issues CONF --- DDE links set to Manual update don't work with non-OpenOffice apps 2013-08-07
104126 Writer code issues CONF --- Default Formatting adds undo step without effect (bullets and numberings) 2017-05-20
26352 Writer code issues CONF --- default in Print Options should be landscape 2013-08-07
30538 Writer code issues CONF --- Default limit on data entry fieldsis to short 2013-08-07
21292 Writer code issues ACCE --- default tabstops missaligned to ruler 2017-05-20
12288 Writer code issues CONF --- Delete word should also delete a space 2013-02-07
39405 Writer code issues CONF --- delete/cut also table, not only contents 2013-02-07
31816 Writer code issues CONF --- Deleted redlining text shows up in Hyphenation dialog 2013-08-07
31817 Writer code issues CONF --- Deleted redlining text shows up in Navigator 2013-08-07
58533 Writer code issues CONF --- Deleted texts are exported into Text format. 2013-08-07
87756 Writer code issues ACCE --- deleting a table with the navigator with selected draw object does not work 2017-05-20
114895 Writer code issues CONF --- Deleting an applied page style does not undo correctly 2017-05-20
108341 Writer code issues CONF --- deleting bookmark doesn't influence modified status 2017-05-20
31964 Writer code issues CONF --- Deleting conditional text function changes following function 2017-05-20
26416 Writer code issues CONF --- Deleting or Drag-N-Drop from a table leaves a blank table 2013-08-07
112763 Writer code issues CONF --- Deleting text with activated change tracking duplicates text frame 2017-05-20
12608 Writer code issues CONF --- Detect problems in evaluating database expressions 2013-08-07
80049 Writer code issues CONF --- Diagonal_TableHeader 2013-02-07
55649 Writer code issues CONF --- Dialog "Frame" in Writer / accuracy of size when using mm as measurement unit 2017-05-20
48421 Writer code issues CONF --- Disable Repeating Header Function for Tabels with one Row or Row Larger than Page 2013-08-07
88911 Writer code issues UNCO --- Display a double byte character of all by Asian text font. 2014-03-12
30151 Writer code issues CONF --- Display warning if text colums and line numbering are both activated 2013-02-07
9721 Writer code issues ACCE --- displaying line impression as it is moved to a new position 2017-05-20
30080 Writer code issues CONF --- Division of table possible only with lower part selected 2013-08-07
31701 Writer code issues CONF --- DnD of character selection into Stylist creates paragraph style instead of character style 2013-02-07
19177 Writer code issues CONF --- do not change object position when changing anchor type 2014-03-25
56471 Writer code issues CONF --- Do not spell check abbreviations listed in Tools - AutoCorrect - Exceptions 2013-02-07
24885 Writer code issues CONF --- Do not sub-hyphenate hyphenated compounds 2013-02-07
13428 Writer code issues CONF --- DocInfo saved in UTF8 when saving as Word 6/95 2017-05-20
9495 Writer code issues CONF --- Docs created/opened within OO writer don't appear on KDE "recent documents" menu 2013-12-15
72077 Writer code issues ACCE --- Document causes OOo to lock when viewing page 2017-05-20
15859 Writer code issues CONF --- Document comparison synchronises poorly 2013-08-07
64892 Writer code issues CONF --- document is repainted a lot of times after opening 2017-05-20
82276 Writer code issues CONF --- Document opens with undo enabled and document changed 2013-08-07
10112 Writer code issues ACCE --- Document prints fine in Word and not in open office writer 2013-08-07
13707 Writer code issues ACCE --- document with many column sections hangs in Writer online layout 2017-05-20
45674 Writer code issues CONF --- Documents shift and scroll when changing on editing mode 2013-08-07
121975 Writer code issues CONF --- docx import patch: fixing table width (relative table width is now supported) 2017-05-20
93786 Writer code issues REOP --- Docx: Page numbers in footer are not aligned, frame too large 2017-05-20
21051 Writer code issues ACCE --- Dots not displayed in certain MathType objects 2013-08-07
118676 Writer code issues CONF --- Double Quotes counted as words 2013-01-29
121885 Writer code issues CONF --- Double Strike and bidi ignores w:val value 2013-03-12
98373 Writer code issues CONF --- Drag and Drop of objects outside sheet area possible at left margin 2017-05-20
52957 Writer code issues CONF --- Drag&Drop of file into a Writer document is not undoable 2013-08-07
70934 Writer code issues CONF --- dragged text in table cell (breakingacross pages) is pasted in incorrect cell and not visible 2013-08-07
24012 Writer code issues CONF --- Draw frames cannot contain special fields 2013-02-07
43582 Writer code issues CONF --- drawing bar first contains some more buttons and then shrinks 2017-05-20
52259 Writer code issues CONF --- Drop-down thesaurus? 2017-05-20
72353 Writer code issues CONF --- Duplicate bibliography type entries 2017-05-20
102229 Writer code issues UNCO --- Dutch version: Conditional field doesn't work when DB field name contains a dot 2014-03-14
56700 Writer code issues CONF --- DXF: rectangle shape to small 2013-08-07
99285 Writer code issues CONF --- Dymo LabelWriter Extension Enhancement Request 2013-08-07
33182 Writer code issues CONF --- Dynamic height of footer doesn't work under certain circumstances 2017-05-20
52714 Writer code issues CONF --- Dynamic Watermark using text frame 2013-02-07
31455 Writer code issues ACCE --- Edit/Exchange Data Source is not case sensitive for data source name 2017-05-20
110725 Writer code issues CONF --- EditEngine has problems with mixed BiDi in RTL-contexts 2017-05-20
111876 Writer code issues ACCE --- EditEngine: Introduce new clipboard format 2013-08-07
48193 Writer code issues ACCE --- editing document with pictures and frames is jumpy 2017-05-20
109521 Writer code issues CONF --- Editing hidden cross reference crashes OOo 2017-05-20
29420 Writer code issues CONF --- Ellipsis are not recognized as a punctuation mark in spellcheck 2013-08-07
72265 Writer code issues CONF --- email merge pausing at bad addresses 2017-05-20
98153 Writer code issues CONF --- email merge problem single letter domain name 2019-12-10
2584 Writer code issues CONF --- embedded wmf metafile is not cropped correct 2013-08-07
12760 Writer code issues CONF --- embedded wmf rendered incorrectly 2013-08-07
29934 Writer code issues CONF --- empty hyperlinks lead to invalid RTF, and other problems 2017-05-20
99883 Writer code issues CONF --- Enable auto complete in XPath expression builder 2014-03-05
35785 Writer code issues CONF --- Enable Repeat after paste/paste special + fix the freeze caused by repeating paste 2017-05-20
29287 Writer code issues ACCE --- End of document Foonotes are numbered based on chapters 2017-05-20
33192 Writer code issues CONF --- Enhance Selection behaviour of Numberings (CS2C) 2013-08-07
68246 Writer code issues CONF --- enhance work with embedded graphics 2013-02-07
66979 Writer code issues CONF --- Enhanced Bookmarks to Include Formatted Text 2013-08-07
23566 Writer code issues CONF --- enhanced numbering in sublevels 2013-02-07
24118 Writer code issues CONF --- Enhancement to Autocomplete 2013-02-07
21993 Writer code issues CONF --- enhancement: enable the possebility to select objects behind other objects by doubleclicking on the position of the background object 2013-08-07
21553 Writer code issues CONF --- Enter and Ok in dialogs don't work the same in the Numbering/Bullet dialog 2017-05-20
60386 Writer code issues ACCE --- Envelope orientation changes using the Mail Merge Wizard 2017-05-20
25980 Writer code issues CONF --- eps export missing for oo writer 2014-03-11
14373 Writer code issues ACCE --- EPS graphic function appears broken in OO Write 2013-08-07
103531 Writer code issues CONF --- EPS rendering very slow while scrolling 2017-05-20
77068 Writer code issues CONF --- eps rendering very slow while scrolling 2017-05-20
17571 Writer code issues CONF --- Erroneous printing of envelopes vertically placed in printer trays 2017-05-20
115855 Writer code issues CONF --- ERROR : "<SwAnchoredObject::GetObjRectWithSpaces> - cache for object rectangle inclusive spaces marked as valid, but it couldn't be. Missing invalidation of cache. Please inform OD." 2017-05-20
20049 Writer code issues REOP --- Error 'An API call exited abonormaly' 2017-05-20
30560 Writer code issues CONF --- Error Importing MSWord docs with an arrow that is too long. This shifts content out of the screen. 2017-05-20
16918 Writer code issues CONF --- Error in File > Properties > character count 2013-08-07
110281 Writer code issues CONF --- Error: DEPRECATED! ... filterfactory.cxx at Line 254 2013-01-29
100948 Writer code issues CONF --- Error: Exception in SwDBMgr::GetColumnSupplier 2017-05-20
49700 Writer code issues CONF --- Error: File O:\SRC680\src\xmloff\source\transform\StyleOOoTContext.cxx, Line 442 2013-08-07
100949 Writer code issues CONF --- Error: ORowSetBase::getValue: Illegal call here (we're before first or after last)! 2017-05-20
11756 Writer code issues ACCE --- Errors Importing MSWord docs with Equation Editor Math Typeset 2013-08-07
31619 Writer code issues CONF --- Errors importing paper size; need option to adapt size 2013-02-07
22016 Writer code issues ACCE --- ESC behaves inconsistently when inserting formulas 2013-08-07
29610 Writer code issues ACCE --- export .doc with animated images to html. animated become gone (because images converted to png) 2013-08-07
22174 Writer code issues ACCE --- Export to html layout problem: right, center alignment lost. 2013-08-07
26042 Writer code issues CONF --- Export to iSilo format (PDA format) 2013-02-07
34863 Writer code issues CONF --- Export to Word97 replaces calculations in a table with the current field value 2013-02-07
30950 Writer code issues CONF --- Export to Word97 replaces fields such as calculations and mail merge fields with the current field value 2013-02-07
109145 Writer code issues CONF --- Exported PDF dont include the PlaceHolders 2017-05-20
22776 Writer code issues CONF --- Exporting to external formats -- provide list of formatting that will be lost 2014-04-09
49050 Writer code issues CONF --- Extend the Cross-Reference facility to include Bibliographic entries. 2013-08-07
19686 Writer code issues CONF --- Extra chapter appears after import from Word 2017-05-20
29410 Writer code issues CONF --- Extra or missing spaces when cutting/pasting words near punctuation marks 2013-08-07
24025 Writer code issues CONF --- Faking small caps 2013-02-07
84888 Writer code issues CONF --- faulty expression in a linked table when the source table is in a hidden section 2017-05-20
20042 Writer code issues CONF --- Faulty graphic import from MSWord when cropped. 2017-05-20
51856 Writer code issues CONF --- Feature Request: Signature/Draw Widget For Writer Documents 2013-02-07
85024 Writer code issues CONF --- field editor doesn't allow spaces in fields 2014-04-06
103144 Writer code issues CONF --- field shading list labels not switching off immediately as intended 2017-05-20
30502 Writer code issues CONF --- Fields with 'conditional text' lost the dates when printing 2017-05-20
92805 Writer code issues CONF --- Figure numbering unorders on page preview or pdf 2017-05-20
99879 Writer code issues CONF --- File | Send options of OpenOffice XForms do not work. 2014-03-05
93340 Writer code issues CONF --- File wont get saved with filter "Office 2003 XML" 2013-08-07
7597 Writer code issues CONF --- File|Reload does not report errors 2017-05-20
65317 Writer code issues CONF --- Files format is defected 2017-05-20
26691 Writer code issues CONF --- Fill character - widely separated dots 2014-04-11
114976 Writer code issues CONF --- Find & replace regular expression behaves strangely 2013-02-06
10158 Writer code issues CONF --- Find & Replace: Add "Find then Replace" and just "Replace". 2013-02-07
10157 Writer code issues CONF --- Find & Replace: Add back find *button*. 2013-02-07
10160 Writer code issues CONF --- Find & Replace: Add MS style pattern matching 2013-08-07
92291 Writer code issues CONF --- Find & replace: Improve to what WordPerfect can do 2013-02-07
10156 Writer code issues CONF --- Find & Replace. Option to start at beginning 2013-02-07
23759 Writer code issues CONF --- Find and Replace eats too much memory (crashing most systems) 2017-05-20
41315 Writer code issues CONF --- Find and replace in multiple openoffice documents 2013-02-07
31172 Writer code issues CONF --- Find and Replace not accepting direct inputing of unicode characters 2013-02-07
89318 Writer code issues CONF --- Find function fails to capture chars typed before search box appears 2017-05-20
102103 Writer code issues CONF --- find replace searching for font with color white finds color black/automatic instead 2013-08-02
21513 Writer code issues CONF --- Firsttime "execute" Autotext not possible if autotext path is changed 2017-05-20
24038 Writer code issues CONF --- Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level readability statistics 2013-02-07
52645 Writer code issues CONF --- Flip a page same MS Word 2013-02-07
7911 Writer code issues ACCE --- Floating tables: Word file with large table doesn't open properly 2013-08-07
16547 Writer code issues CONF --- Follow HTML link in OO without browser 2014-03-18
31683 Writer code issues CONF --- font and format changing while importing MSword2000 2013-08-07
57198 Writer code issues CONF --- Font color button for draw text doesn't work 2017-05-20
84632 Writer code issues CONF --- font effects will effect paragraph mark (paragraph break) 2013-02-07
30164 Writer code issues ACCE --- font shadow clipped on some characters 2017-05-20
114870 Writer code issues CONF --- Fontwork Can't use multiple fonts 2013-08-07
17383 Writer code issues CONF --- footer 2013-08-07
13205 Writer code issues CONF --- Footer style tab settings do not change when page orientation changed 2013-08-07
23997 Writer code issues CONF --- Footnotes cause page breaks and page or column layout to be destroyed 2013-02-07
9652 Writer code issues CONF --- Form Controls Date Field - Adding user-defined formats 2014-04-14
29208 Writer code issues CONF --- Form Letter page break on field in header 2013-02-07
72773 Writer code issues CONF --- Format - Font effect: 'Effect' has no mnemonic 2017-05-20
23315 Writer code issues ACCE --- Format of Numbering Label Copied when Deleting 2017-05-20
28841 Writer code issues CONF --- formated formulas are not recognized as number in expresions 2013-02-07
25516 Writer code issues CONF --- formatting problem: tab spacing calculated differently than MS Word 2013-08-07
65951 Writer code issues CONF --- forms handling in OpenOffice 2.x / 3.0 (writer) 2016-01-28
5092 Writer code issues CONF --- formula styles 2013-02-07
16803 Writer code issues CONF --- Frame positioning option: "exclude other frames" 2014-03-23
18697 Writer code issues ACCE --- Frame Style Type TAB loses several settings 2017-05-20
48246 Writer code issues CONF --- frame undersize indicator comes to late 2013-08-07
57984 Writer code issues CONF --- Frequent flicker of document after load 2013-08-07
85953 Writer code issues CONF --- Function needed to combine text from different table cells (like & in Calc does) 2013-11-02
10074 Writer code issues ACCE --- Gamma settings ingored for EPS images 2013-08-07
54792 Writer code issues CONF --- garbled screen after moving image with guides 2017-05-20
91960 Writer code issues ACCE --- GCF - gciterator automativ vs interactive checking 2013-08-07
91957 Writer code issues CONF --- GCF - grammar checking and fields 2013-08-07
91956 Writer code issues CONF --- GCF - grammar checking in Writer drawing objects 2016-06-05
98862 Writer code issues CONF --- GCF - max number of suggestions? 2013-08-07
92584 Writer code issues ACCE --- GCF - SwViewOption should know IsOnlineGrammar 2013-08-07
91967 Writer code issues ACCE --- GCF - white space handling 2013-08-07
14600 Writer code issues ACCE --- Generated HTML changes default spacing 2013-08-07
12296 Writer code issues ACCE --- Generated HTML contains nested DL elements 2013-08-07
12299 Writer code issues CONF --- Generated HTML contains unneeded code 2014-03-23
12297 Writer code issues ACCE --- Generated HTML has DIV with invalid type attribute 2013-08-07
14601 Writer code issues CONF --- Generated HTML should not display footer, or at least display correctly 2013-08-07
32733 Writer code issues CONF --- Generates an empty LANG attribute in <BODY> 2013-08-07
80642 Writer code issues CONF --- Ghost-Frames cannot be deleted 2017-05-20
31654 Writer code issues CONF --- Global Document Loads My Recent Documents List 2013-08-07
10634 Writer code issues ACCE --- Graphics and other objects don't stick to their paragraphs 2017-05-20
2288 Writer code issues ACCE --- Graphics in word doc don't import correctly. 2017-05-20
17924 Writer code issues CONF --- Graphics should display even outside text wrapping contour. 2013-08-07
5713 Writer code issues CONF --- Handling of Word-textboxes as frames causes compatibility problems! 2013-08-07
23333 Writer code issues ACCE --- Handling wrong for non-breaking, en- and em-space characters 2013-08-07
68105 Writer code issues CONF --- Hanging characters get truncated in Japanese vertical writing 2013-08-07
41178 Writer code issues CONF --- hangs when backwards similarity search is made 2017-05-20
39017 Writer code issues ACCE --- Hangul/Hanja conversion doesn't work well in multiple languages . 2013-08-07
106915 Writer code issues CONF --- hard disk access when acting on certain controls with the mouse 2013-01-29
59658 Writer code issues CONF --- Hard formats like Bold, Italic, Underline should correctly recognize end of word 2017-05-20
123873 Writer code issues CONF --- Harvard crashes OO 2017-05-20
4784 Writer code issues CONF --- Harvard Referencing Wizard 2013-02-07
14885 Writer code issues CONF --- Harvard style outlines in writer 2014-03-14
21668 Writer code issues CONF --- Hatching doesn't work in embedded VISIO object 2013-08-07
22728 Writer code issues CONF --- Header enhancement needed for dictionary-like style (first and last entry) 2013-08-07
31266 Writer code issues CONF --- Header Numbers Don't Sequence Properly in Word document 2017-05-20
77320 Writer code issues CONF --- header or footer NOT in margins as in MS Word 2013-02-07
16182 Writer code issues CONF --- Headers and footers are limited to the page frame 2013-02-07
32806 Writer code issues CONF --- Heading 1 with border and shadow wrong in masterdocument 2017-05-20
89859 Writer code issues CONF --- Headings in nested table shown at the top of Navigator 2013-08-07
78718 Writer code issues CONF --- Headline Numeration in PDF Bookmarks 2013-08-07
18054 Writer code issues ACCE --- Hidden paragraphs are still counted in paragraph numbering 2013-08-07
77637 Writer code issues CONF --- hide/unhide of text sections is not reliable 2017-05-20
24317 Writer code issues CONF --- Highlighting - incorrect export to DOC 2015-03-12
28967 Writer code issues ACCE --- Horizontal lines appear in a picture at some zoom levels 2013-08-07
82761 Writer code issues CONF --- horizontal ruler is ugly, change default style 2013-02-07
22058 Writer code issues CONF --- Horizontal ruler mismatch with page borders 2017-05-20
13134 Writer code issues CONF --- How can I import file of smartsuite?? 2013-02-07
14639 Writer code issues ACCE --- HTML conversion makes entire document bold 2013-08-07
27334 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML documents embed styles instead of producing a CSS 2013-08-07
24958 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML Editing: no <P> on <LI> items 2013-08-07
27424 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML editor as XML editor too 2013-02-07
52749 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML import does not import "height" attribute from "table data" in css file 2013-08-07
19666 Writer code issues ACCE --- HTML import/export: should be HTML (4.01 or later) compliant 2019-02-04
12127 Writer code issues ACCE --- HTML page displayed as 3 pages in online layout 2017-05-20
6723 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML page margins can only be set in HTML source code 2013-08-07
59828 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML Source view shows garbage characters. 2017-05-20
17230 Writer code issues CONF --- HTML to PDF Export does not insert page breaks 2013-02-07
98211 Writer code issues CONF --- Hyperlink to local file in filesystem generate a wrong relative path 2017-05-20
63851 Writer code issues CONF --- Hyphenation gets stuck when an object is in the way 2013-08-07
90863 Writer code issues CONF --- I want to use "the Password to modify" in Writer in the same way as Microsoft Word. 2013-08-07
9547 Writer code issues CONF --- Icons in titles are not visible in tables of contents 2013-08-07
8592 Writer code issues CONF --- if-clause for table-calculating 2014-03-25
76796 Writer code issues CONF --- Illogical behaviour of Conditional Text Fields which are not being evaluated 2017-05-20
25518 Writer code issues ACCE --- Image at top of each page is not displayed correctly 2013-08-07
22753 Writer code issues ACCE --- Image Cropping with jpeg preview ok but on the page wrong 2017-05-20
19818 Writer code issues ACCE --- images resize footer frame when moved above them 2017-05-20
98220 Writer code issues CONF --- images without absolute address failed to get url and can't display while copy html to writer 2017-05-20
3692 Writer code issues CONF --- Implement 90 deg text rotation in table cells 2019-06-27
58382 Writer code issues ACCE --- Implement style name localisations as list of strings 2017-05-20
91561 Writer code issues ACCE --- Implement support for ODF 1.2 meta data in Writer 2017-05-20
31372 Writer code issues CONF --- Implementation: Numbering/Bullet specification 2 2017-05-20
32885 Writer code issues CONF --- Import from winword: Extra rows added to first table if the second table has text wrapping 2017-05-20
19739 Writer code issues ACCE --- Import problem: paragraph with border 2013-08-07
21383 Writer code issues ACCE --- Import Template archives of word documents 2013-08-07
5352 Writer code issues CONF --- Import/Export filters for KWord docs 2013-08-07
13026 Writer code issues ACCE --- import/export of connectors needs to be improved 2013-08-07
11428 Writer code issues ACCE --- imported word doc incorrect formatting 2013-08-07
26649 Writer code issues CONF --- Importing MS Word footnote file 2013-08-07
7517 Writer code issues ACCE --- Importing SO5-Documents replaces protected spaces. 2013-08-07
2362 Writer code issues REOP --- Importing: Office2000 import/save problems 2013-08-07
22614 Writer code issues CONF --- impossible to center text vertically in border 2013-08-07
55983 Writer code issues CONF --- impossible to drag image into header area. 2017-05-20
7824 Writer code issues CONF --- impossible to insert MATHCAD objects because of missing OLE2 support 2017-05-20
13142 Writer code issues CONF --- Impossible to insert multiple files 2017-05-20
7747 Writer code issues CONF --- Impossible to select all with menu 'Edit -> Select all' if document starts with Table 2014-03-21
32205 Writer code issues CONF --- Impossible to select two diff. objects 2013-08-07
65799 Writer code issues CONF --- impossible to set cursor by mouse-click left of objects that are anchored as character 2014-02-18
24563 Writer code issues CONF --- Improve capturing of misplaced (above first page) objects 2017-05-20
81479 Writer code issues CONF --- Improve maintainibility Writer model by introduction of interfaces 2013-08-07
64721 Writer code issues CONF --- improve memory management of pdf converter; crashes 2017-05-20
110237 Writer code issues ACCE --- Improve writer doc comparison 2013-08-07
40957 Writer code issues CONF --- improved caption management 2013-02-07
13308 Writer code issues CONF --- Improving footnotes in Word-DOC export 2017-05-20
126048 Writer code issues UNCO --- in a debug-build each repaint of a table results in a mass of identical error messages 2017-05-20
121928 Writer code issues UNCO --- In Doc to pdf conversion PDF font issue after (2000 approx.) pdf generated 2017-05-20
27547 Writer code issues ACCE --- In Insert.Frame dialog it is not possible to select existing frame as "linked to" though offered 2017-05-20
99890 Writer code issues CONF --- In XForms, the data navigator "Insert Controls" functionality does nothing 2017-05-20
78127 Writer code issues CONF --- Inaccuracy values in "Word Counts" when documents includes surrogates' characters 2015-08-10
29846 Writer code issues CONF --- Include a selected table into a text frame erases the undo buffer 2013-08-07
19961 Writer code issues CONF --- inconsistency in the naming convention of style elements 2013-02-07
74188 Writer code issues CONF --- inconsistency on positioning the cursor after deleting components of combined indic characters 2013-08-07
19948 Writer code issues ACCE --- Inconsistent layout 2017-05-20
115526 Writer code issues CONF --- Inconsistent letter generation using MailMerge to send E-mails 2017-05-20
121976 Writer code issues CONF --- Inconsistent use of STRING_NOTFOUND with indexOf 2013-03-29
30898 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect behaviour of hidden paragraph fields 2017-05-20
42412 Writer code issues CONF --- incorrect borders in table after deleting rows 2013-08-07
10242 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect Bullet Conversion in Files Saved as RTF 2017-05-20
5195 Writer code issues ACCE --- Incorrect capitalizing in Auto spellcheck/correct Dutch 2017-05-20
25905 Writer code issues ACCE --- incorrect conversion of word document 2013-08-07
19970 Writer code issues ACCE --- Incorrect cross reference in merged documents 2017-05-20
54785 Writer code issues CONF --- incorrect cursor placement near a picture 2013-08-07
22887 Writer code issues CONF --- incorrect display of text fields of odbc-postgres databases in reports 2013-08-07
41792 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect Handling of Surrogate Pair 2013-08-07
28686 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect layout for fixed-position elements in RTF document. 2017-05-20
32650 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect Page size when importing MSWord documents 2017-05-20
63077 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect recognizing of text files with BOM (Byte-order-mask) 2017-05-20
41960 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect Selection of cells with keyboard [shift + left / right arrow keys] 2013-08-07
44307 Writer code issues CONF --- incorrect table column dragging 2013-08-07
27602 Writer code issues CONF --- incorrect tabulators 2013-08-07
92434 Writer code issues CONF --- Incorrect zoom display after leaving OLE mode and using slider 2017-05-20
27371 Writer code issues CONF --- incorrectly displayed diacritical symbols in word document 2017-05-20
9687 Writer code issues ACCE --- Incorrectly formatting of a document in HTML format 2017-05-20
54473 Writer code issues CONF --- incorrectly split curve (location changed) 2017-05-20
28226 Writer code issues CONF --- increase maximal zoom 2014-03-23
23541 Writer code issues CONF --- Index from concordance file to ignore optional hyphens in doc 2021-11-01
24250 Writer code issues ACCE --- Index markers do not support cross references or bookmarks 2013-08-07
41963 Writer code issues CONF --- Indicate in title bar whether "XML Forms Mode" is active 2013-08-07
10776 Writer code issues ACCE --- Inefficient saving of graphics file 2013-08-07
87155 Writer code issues CONF --- InputField in AutoText is broken: value entered is not displayed 2017-05-20
102693 Writer code issues CONF --- Insert a chart, then fail to close F&R dialog 2017-05-20
22401 Writer code issues CONF --- Insert Envelope doesn't automatically get the address... 2014-04-11
82757 Writer code issues CONF --- Insert Horizontal Ruler fails to break bullets/numberings 2017-05-20
97551 Writer code issues CONF --- Insert Object into Index and edit Index, Undo-Redo crashes Writer 2013-08-07
15512 Writer code issues CONF --- Insert symbol ergonomics ... 2013-08-07
92307 Writer code issues CONF --- insert very large table into Right-to-left(vertical), Writer stop responding. 2013-08-07
20680 Writer code issues CONF --- Inserted fields from spreadsheet database don´t preserve number formatting 2017-05-20
23662 Writer code issues CONF --- Inserting a formula in a table only through F2 Key? 2023-11-14
75658 Writer code issues CONF --- inserting a String with paragraph breaks on a bookmarks anchor doesn't work properly 2013-08-07
26981 Writer code issues CONF --- Inserting linked sections kills Undo function 2013-08-07
75679 Writer code issues CONF --- Inserting paragraph breaks in FieldMaster.User fails 2013-02-07
9607 Writer code issues ACCE --- Inserts incorrect number of columns 2017-05-20
51106 Writer code issues CONF --- insertTextContent opens a error message window via uno api 2017-05-20
13375 Writer code issues ACCE --- installing fonts while running Writer doesn't make them available before restart 2017-05-20
15476 Writer code issues CONF --- Instant right-justification that does not interfere with the text already on the same line 2013-02-07
74574 Writer code issues CONF --- interactive spell checking in two Writer documents 2017-05-20
10738 Writer code issues CONF --- Interface for Tablet PC's 2013-08-07
116491 Writer code issues CONF --- Introduction of a List Level attribute for paragraph styles 2014-03-07
23343 Writer code issues CONF --- Invalid section definition which prevents file loading 2013-08-07
118919 Writer code issues REOP --- IP clearance: remove WriterPerfect module 2021-06-15
14907 Writer code issues CONF --- ISIS/Draw object rendered too small 2015-02-28
57937 Writer code issues CONF --- Japanese RTF smaple files 2017-05-20
10075 Writer code issues CONF --- JPEGs images should use DCTDecode filter in print output 2013-02-07
31830 Writer code issues CONF --- jumping when selecting image 2013-08-07
50047 Writer code issues CONF --- Keyboard Shortcut for Moving Frames Does not Work for Linked Frames 2017-05-20
102218 Writer code issues ACCE --- Labels-Entries no longer sorted from A to Z. 2017-05-20
10149 Writer code issues CONF --- Lack of typeover / overstrike support 2013-02-07
99115 Writer code issues CONF --- language setting for typed text should be set to current input locale (keyboard setting) on Linux, too 2013-02-07
20825 Writer code issues ACCE --- Large HTML documents cannot be exported to PDF 2013-08-07
27565 Writer code issues CONF --- Latvian characters / diacritics mangled in RTF 2017-05-20
31506 Writer code issues CONF --- Layout wants to paint even if window isn't completely visible 2017-05-20
4638 Writer code issues CONF --- ligature support 2017-05-20
18984 Writer code issues ACCE --- line break on lines with images set to optimal page wrap cause image glitches 2013-08-07
20568 Writer code issues CONF --- Line numbering and frames: Numbers placed outside frame 2014-03-26
5131 Writer code issues CONF --- Line Numbering: Allow different line numbering schemes for each section/style/paragraph 2013-08-07
58434 Writer code issues CONF --- Line numbering: Line numbers have different font-size 2013-08-07
10615 Writer code issues ACCE --- Line Numbers for PHP, HTML 2013-08-07
72348 Writer code issues ACCE --- linebreaks in FieldMaster.User are deleted after STRG-F2 2017-05-20
9756 Writer code issues ACCE --- lines on the left margin disappears after opening the saved file 2013-08-07
10928 Writer code issues CONF --- Link to index.html in a web page does not work 2014-05-15
55160 Writer code issues CONF --- Linking Arabic characters with Hindi numerals 2013-08-07
108735 Writer code issues CONF --- List entries in Word completion behaves wrong with keyboard (focus, selecting) 2017-05-20
68622 Writer code issues CONF --- Listening for Writer document selection changes from Java does not give expected results 2017-05-20
53392 Writer code issues CONF --- loading wps file crashes OOo under Solaris 2017-05-20
21068 Writer code issues ACCE --- Long alphabetical index at start of document gets page numbers wrong 2017-05-20
111243 Writer code issues CONF --- loop - hang when inserting object in a special way 2017-05-20
65313 Writer code issues CONF --- Loop on opening file in 2-column format 2017-05-20
97385 Writer code issues CONF --- Loop when inserting an object into "hidden" text 2017-05-20
18528 Writer code issues ACCE --- Loss of page numbers on DOC import 2013-08-07
17099 Writer code issues CONF --- Lotus Notes, NSF Files as Database Source? 2014-03-20
11215 Writer code issues CONF --- Lotus Wordpro Filters Needed 2017-01-02
109967 Writer code issues CONF --- macosx: treat wheel events as pixel based 2017-05-20
101296 Writer code issues CONF --- Macro Recording unable to record keystrokes in Auto Correct dialog box 2017-05-20
28323 Writer code issues ACCE --- Macro recording/replaying problem ? 2017-05-20
16158 Writer code issues ACCE --- Macro: Changes in dialog Format/Page are not recorded 2017-05-20
115861 Writer code issues CONF --- mail merge - user defined salutation not correctly inserted into document 2017-05-20
85199 Writer code issues CONF --- mail merge address list/data source: spaces not allowed in filenames or table names 2013-01-29
20084 Writer code issues CONF --- Mail Merge Form-Field Defect 2013-02-07
18651 Writer code issues CONF --- mail merge images fields 2021-02-13
85133 Writer code issues ACCE --- Mail Merge Issue using datasource - csv file locks 2017-05-20
100826 Writer code issues CONF --- Mail merge prints bad (temporary) document name 2017-05-20
108034 Writer code issues CONF --- mail merge shouldn't stop email sending on error 2013-08-07
71595 Writer code issues CONF --- Mail Merge to single file without formfeeds 2014-03-17
35053 Writer code issues CONF --- Mail merge with spreadsheet documents loses non-default date formats 2017-05-20
84156 Writer code issues CONF --- Mail Merge Wizard - Limitations 2017-05-20
73068 Writer code issues CONF --- Mail Merge: REGEX in Filter 2014-03-17
26878 Writer code issues CONF --- mail merge: see values in current document 2013-08-07
42527 Writer code issues ACCE --- Mailmerge wizard - Don't allow datasource to have blank records 2017-05-20
42052 Writer code issues CONF --- Mailmerge wizard - Setting up a blank address block causes OO.o to crash 2017-05-20
56615 Writer code issues ACCE --- MailMerge: Second page disappeared by specific step 2017-05-20
97237 Writer code issues ACCE --- mailmerge: when browsing for DBF files, user should be allowed to select a character set 2017-05-20
85198 Writer code issues CONF --- Maimerge Wizard does not accept CSV address data source with space in name 2014-03-13
18473 Writer code issues CONF --- Make data sources portable with document (to make Mail Merge similar to MS Word) 2013-02-07
25097 Writer code issues CONF --- Make format for illustrations captions more flexible 2013-08-07
114879 Writer code issues CONF --- make management of SwPageDescs unit testable 2017-05-20
27153 Writer code issues CONF --- Make number of level in outline numbering user defined 2013-08-07
67629 Writer code issues ACCE --- make spacing view information for headings available for PDF bookmarks/navigator/TOC 2013-08-07
114882 Writer code issues CONF --- make SwDoc/PageDescManager handle creation of duplicate names correctly 2017-05-20
32141 Writer code issues CONF --- manual page break with style change in masterdocument ignored 2017-05-20
9907 Writer code issues CONF --- Manuscript vs. book format. 2013-02-07
112766 Writer code issues CONF --- Massive 64bit Memory Leak when run on Linux Server 2013-02-07
115708 Writer code issues CONF --- Master document drops over-sized graphics in a frame 2017-05-20
32171 Writer code issues CONF --- Master documents cannot also be subdocuments (reliably) 2013-08-07
50818 Writer code issues ACCE --- Masterdocument - Include documents in reverse order 2017-05-20
14252 Writer code issues CONF --- MathML copy and paste support 2013-02-07
12255 Writer code issues CONF --- Measure readability/sentence length, and list "most complicated"/longest sentences 2014-03-17
48642 Writer code issues CONF --- Memory leak after making Writer tables via PyUNO session 2017-05-20
70100 Writer code issues CONF --- memory leak(?) when opening empty file as certain filetype 2017-05-20
4955 Writer code issues CONF --- Menu item "Format->Page..." is inactive when cursor is in Table or Index 2013-02-07
74433 Writer code issues CONF --- merge button should be disabled if only one cell is selected 2017-05-20
21575 Writer code issues CONF --- Merged cells make Writer set wrong row parameters for some of adjacent cells on export to .doc 2013-08-07
12013 Writer code issues CONF --- Microjustification via character spacing 2013-02-07
20265 Writer code issues ACCE --- Microsoft Word 97 document needs 2 pages instead of 1 2013-08-07
29227 Writer code issues CONF --- Microsoft Write import filter 2013-02-07
27706 Writer code issues CONF --- Missed font tranformation 2013-08-07
19630 Writer code issues ACCE --- Missing background on MS Word 97 flyer 2013-08-07
87537 Writer code issues CONF --- missing data while Chinese-translation with a draw object selected 2013-01-29
15142 Writer code issues CONF --- missing functions in writer's formula 2013-02-07
52434 Writer code issues CONF --- missing GetAttr at document for table selections 2013-08-07
42853 Writer code issues CONF --- Missing reapeat functionality 2017-05-20
8449 Writer code issues CONF --- Mixed Landscape and Portrait docs difficult to manage in master doc 2013-02-07
54863 Writer code issues CONF --- MLK: possible memory leak in SwSvxUnoDrawPool when using SfxItemPool 2013-08-07
54891 Writer code issues CONF --- MLK: possible memory leak in SwTxtFormatter::NewFldPortion 2013-08-07
14619 Writer code issues CONF --- Modal dialogs for Input Fields prevent API programming 2014-03-25
41947 Writer code issues CONF --- Modifications to 'Insert Footnote' dialog - Add a [Settings...] option 2013-02-07
7816 Writer code issues ACCE --- Modified page background graphic not updated unless doc is reloaded 2017-05-20
31829 Writer code issues CONF --- modify objects position if it's anchoring is changed 2013-02-07
75555 Writer code issues CONF --- More comments inside source code of new table model needed 2013-08-07
53425 Writer code issues CONF --- more flexibility in the grid layout 2021-01-09
27634 Writer code issues CONF --- More formulae/functions for Writer tables 2013-02-07
13524 Writer code issues CONF --- More options for PDF export 2013-02-07
97474 Writer code issues CONF --- Move table-formula, split cell and merge the whole table, Undo and Redo many times, crashes Writer 2013-08-07
27031 Writer code issues ACCE --- move-by-sentence-backwards broken 2013-08-07
18853 Writer code issues ACCE --- Moving Chapters in Navigator loses/gains text and subchapters 2017-05-20
25363 Writer code issues CONF --- MS Office: graphics rottens on import(.doc) and on export(.pdf) 2013-08-07
3884 Writer code issues CONF --- MS Word Input filter cannot handle linked Visio objects 2017-05-20
28647 Writer code issues CONF --- MS Word8 import: Paragraph attributes attached to piece table of complex document not interpreted correctly 2017-05-20
6250 Writer code issues ACCE --- MSCompatability: Decimal align places trailing nonnumbers on right of decimal tab 2013-08-07
18771 Writer code issues CONF --- MSInteroperability-18: watermarks 2017-05-20
100187 Writer code issues CONF --- multiple input fields all get the same text 2017-05-20
40273 Writer code issues ACCE --- mytexts.bau needs to get its category name from resource 2017-05-20
26527 Writer code issues ACCE --- Name of a table in writer cannot contain space character 2017-05-20
34240 Writer code issues CONF --- Names for new added slots in svx 2017-05-20
41349 Writer code issues CONF --- Naming grouped Draw object is not tracked by Undo 2013-08-07
67183 Writer code issues CONF --- Native numbering strings: twice in the source code? 2017-05-20
6138 Writer code issues ACCE --- navigator>titles: moving title up & down confused when sublevels are filtered 2017-05-20
15673 Writer code issues CONF --- Need Header be at the narrower side of a page 2013-02-07
8692 Writer code issues CONF --- Need to be able to select before numbered or bulleted list at top of document 2013-02-07
9412 Writer code issues CONF --- Need to break HTML by more than one heading style. 2013-02-07
30804 Writer code issues CONF --- Need to have 'backsllash' <-> 'Yen mark' conversion option 2013-08-07
72354 Writer code issues CONF --- New bibliography entries get lost 2014-04-11
15570 Writer code issues CONF --- New character style from selection function in stylist behaves unexpectedly 2013-02-07
98056 Writer code issues CONF --- new debug assertions when starting Writer 2017-05-20
27848 Writer code issues CONF --- new format for field-formula to display a+b=c 2013-08-07
70154 Writer code issues CONF --- New MailMerge will not work with database-query 2017-05-20
34262 Writer code issues CONF --- New MailMerge: Saving started document works not spec related. 2017-05-20
70579 Writer code issues CONF --- New option for footnotes without new lines 2013-08-07
23870 Writer code issues CONF --- Next element in list as previous 2013-02-07
111183 Writer code issues CONF --- nextpage field behaves differently when saved into single mailmerge document 2017-05-20
21701 Writer code issues CONF --- No context-menu if table of contents nested in table 2013-08-07
107870 Writer code issues CONF --- No DDE connection to document after opening it directly (Calc in Writer) 2017-05-20
9964 Writer code issues CONF --- no difference between officewriter and quickstart 2013-02-07
45927 Writer code issues CONF --- No need to mess with the display font 2013-08-07
8153 Writer code issues ACCE --- no new layouting after setting a paragraph attribute 2013-08-07
13116 Writer code issues ACCE --- No redline after text-to-table 2013-08-07
26333 Writer code issues ACCE --- no save button for html edit graphics alt text 2017-05-20
114821 Writer code issues CONF --- no undo of bookmark deletion 2017-05-20
67242 Writer code issues CONF --- Non ASCII characters prevent links from being recognised 2013-08-07
19894 Writer code issues ACCE --- Non-breaking hyphen in HTML wrong 2013-08-07
18215 Writer code issues ACCE --- Non-Printing Character Alignment when Non-Printing Characters have unexpected width 2013-08-07
10179 Writer code issues CONF --- Non-printing characters 2013-02-07
30361 Writer code issues CONF --- Nonprinting Characters On/Off should handle IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE 2013-02-07
21855 Writer code issues CONF --- Not applied character styles should not show up as "Applied" in the stylist 2017-05-20
5260 Writer code issues CONF --- Not reading/handling complicated MS-Word template files 2013-02-07
78430 Writer code issues CONF --- note is lost while paste table including note . 2013-08-07
31798 Writer code issues CONF --- Number of characters - wrong count for German typewriter-teachers 2013-08-07
29751 Writer code issues CONF --- Number of variables in text document is limited 2017-05-20
33749 Writer code issues CONF --- Number recognition does not function in combination with word completion 2017-05-20
29858 Writer code issues CONF --- number+dot breaks TOC hyperlink 2017-05-20
21116 Writer code issues ACCE --- Numbering corrupted after export to HTML 2013-08-07
24201 Writer code issues REOP --- numbering is not even when opened in OOo 2017-05-20
26315 Writer code issues CONF --- Numbering style can't be deleted when used by paragraph 2013-08-07
91348 Writer code issues ACCE --- Numbering: Changed Bullet Does not Respect Current Font Size under certain condition 2017-05-20
16522 Writer code issues ACCE --- numbering/bullets direct formatting cannot be applied when multiple table cells are selected 2017-05-20
34309 Writer code issues REOP --- Numbers in Arabic are reversed at the beginning of a line 2013-11-15
119693 Writer code issues CONF --- NumChar in AOO is not the same with that in MS Word. 2012-09-18
28273 Writer code issues CONF --- NUMPAGES in RTF format not supported 2017-05-20
24482 Writer code issues CONF --- Obfuscating HTML 2013-02-07
33435 Writer code issues CONF --- objects anchored at page loses their position by manual page breaks 2013-08-07
53664 Writer code issues CONF --- Objects anchored to single paragraph are not copied 2013-08-07
73491 Writer code issues CONF --- objects cannot be moved by cursor keys if their size (not the position!) is protected 2017-05-20
49668 Writer code issues CONF --- Odd behavior with Writer, Formula bar and new document 2017-05-20
79877 Writer code issues CONF --- ODF: Justify Vertically: Fixed Lower Page Boundary 2016-10-10
9370 Writer code issues CONF --- Off-margin page background 2020-01-26
71340 Writer code issues CONF --- Office can not be "exited" in case of open "Letter Wizard" 2013-08-07
23714 Writer code issues ACCE --- ole object (msexcel pie chart with gradient fill) is displayed incorrectly 2013-08-07
6511 Writer code issues CONF --- ole2 object wmfs created under mac displayed with incorrect symbols 2013-08-07
22944 Writer code issues CONF --- On return from equation editor. cursor should be placed after OLE 2013-08-07
8311 Writer code issues ACCE --- online layout with negatively aligned tables inconsistent 2013-08-07
33543 Writer code issues CONF --- only one submenu under Insert-Header and Insert-Footer 2013-02-07
55829 Writer code issues CONF --- Only writer: inconsistent rotational center behaviour with objects 2017-05-20
58605 Writer code issues CONF --- OO 2.0 freezes for 5 min when i paste special from OO 1.1.5 2013-08-07
99936 Writer code issues CONF --- OO.o doesn't save XForm XML data model properties properly when using multiple models/instances 2017-05-20
107775 Writer code issues CONF --- extremely slow upon opening a particular (damaged?) document 2017-05-20
18507 Writer code issues CONF --- OOo inserts extra bullet points and has spacing problems in Word documents... 2013-08-07
59836 Writer code issues CONF --- OOo writer entering infinite loop when scrolling an embedded Impress document 2017-05-20
97566 Writer code issues CONF --- Open Sina index page hangs OOo 2017-05-20
41438 Writer code issues CONF --- OpenDocument: elliptical arc command 'a' in svg:d should be supported 2017-05-20
3770 Writer code issues CONF --- Opening MS Word documents in Open Office displays text frames incorrectly 2013-02-07
8776 Writer code issues CONF --- Opening MSWord 97 document: text clipped 2013-08-07
32227 Writer code issues CONF --- OpenOffice should not hang when opening corrupted file 2016-03-12
98145 Writer code issues CONF --- OpenOffice writer doc filetype Prl Parsing Heap Overflow Vuln 2017-05-20
32919 Writer code issues CONF --- option needed to show changes to document 2013-02-07
11063 Writer code issues ACCE --- option to compare two open documents 2013-08-07
8900 Writer code issues CONF --- Option to disable "use printer metrics to lay out document" 2013-02-07
22947 Writer code issues CONF --- Option to leave equation editor open between equations 2014-04-09
52330 Writer code issues UNCO --- Ordered Lists are not nested correctly in the flat XML 2017-05-20
11788 Writer code issues ACCE --- Outline Numbering->Format->Save as doesn't save Paragraph styles 2017-05-20
5758 Writer code issues ACCE --- Outline numbers of master document saved in HTML incorrect on inserted file pages 2013-08-07
10868 Writer code issues CONF --- Outlining Feature 2014-05-19
82870 Writer code issues CONF --- Page adjustment and ODF standard 2017-05-20
93536 Writer code issues CONF --- Page anchored frame jumps to top of page when moved 2017-05-20
23956 Writer code issues CONF --- Page and Paragraph Anchored Objects 2013-02-07
59277 Writer code issues CONF --- page break before a bullet acts as 'enter' 2017-05-20
24889 Writer code issues ACCE --- Page count field saved or loaded as Page number 2017-05-20
25662 Writer code issues CONF --- Page Count Problem 2013-08-07
13453 Writer code issues CONF --- page format precedence inconsistency (?) 2013-02-07
98267 Writer code issues CONF --- Page numbers increase continuously when inserting a video file as linked section 2017-05-20
65391 Writer code issues CONF --- page preview changes text position in table cell 2022-12-29
16181 Writer code issues CONF --- Page Style graphics cannot exceed frame 2013-02-07
116909 Writer code issues CONF --- PageCount (DocumentStatistics) via Macro is not correct 2017-05-20
69506 Writer code issues CONF --- PaperTray settings not always saved 2017-05-20
10117 Writer code issues CONF --- Paragraph numbering reset from style fails. 2013-02-07
78896 Writer code issues CONF --- Paragraph spacings stll active though hidden via character format 2013-08-07
54320 Writer code issues ACCE --- Paragraph Style's Default settings 2017-05-20
3941 Writer code issues CONF --- paragraph styles cannot be added 2013-02-07
19101 Writer code issues ACCE --- Paragraphs don't move back after Undo of moving graphics 2017-05-20
103339 Writer code issues CONF --- Parts of drawing groups missing after adding via "Insert.File" 2017-05-20
30875 Writer code issues CONF --- Password protected doc linked in section won't ask for password 2019-01-17
32500 Writer code issues CONF --- Paste doesn't copy attribtues properly 2013-08-07
19058 Writer code issues CONF --- paste of pure text inserts column break 2014-03-24
76560 Writer code issues CONF --- pasting a numbered list will create one numbered paragraph too less 2017-05-20
43923 Writer code issues CONF --- Pasting a partial table with merged cells misaligns columns 2013-08-07
78095 Writer code issues ACCE --- Pasting a surrogates character from MS office word to OOo produce an additive device. 2017-05-20
102289 Writer code issues CONF --- Pasting content of colliding styles 2013-08-07
125803 Writer code issues CONF --- Pasting short text does not erase display of longer text 2015-02-20
42948 Writer code issues CONF --- Pasting text does not work correct 2013-08-07
19499 Writer code issues CONF --- pasting text into a new document set paragraphstyle to caret positions Style 2013-08-07
74504 Writer code issues CONF --- pasting to multiple selections does not work 2013-08-07
56609 Writer code issues CONF --- Paths not parsed properly 2013-08-07
20899 Writer code issues CONF --- PDB import/export filter doesn't support non ISO-8859-1 characters 2013-08-07
24208 Writer code issues CONF --- pdf error message 2013-02-07
21947 Writer code issues CONF --- PDF export into *.pdb produces unreadable text 2013-08-07
96257 Writer code issues CONF --- pdf export loses footnote/endnote-link back to anchor 2019-12-22
43362 Writer code issues CONF --- PDF Export options to reduce file size 2013-08-07
66802 Writer code issues CONF --- Pdf export: exported bookmark levels and expansion control 2017-05-20
108674 Writer code issues CONF --- PDF: font formatted as "Times;Times New Roman" becomes exported as if has extra character spacing 2017-05-20
16419 Writer code issues ACCE --- Performance problem on zooming in online layout 2017-05-20
103168 Writer code issues CONF --- Performance problems with enabled Navigator when having many tables/graphics 2017-05-20
83554 Writer code issues ACCE --- performance: svx::HangulHanjaConversion is way too expensive 2013-08-07
116466 Writer code issues CONF --- performance: writer autotext *.bau files can cause delays during typing 2017-05-20
25978 Writer code issues CONF --- pics are shrinked when inserted at the bottom of a page 2013-02-07
28604 Writer code issues CONF --- picture inside ms word document is distorted 2013-08-07
19546 Writer code issues CONF --- please enable alignment of drawing objects in the writer 2013-08-07
121853 Writer code issues CONF --- Please enable Mongolian in UI 2014-03-31
13462 Writer code issues ACCE --- pls. set the pagesize on the printer object 2017-05-20
72445 Writer code issues CONF --- Polish: Wrong default endnote numbering scheme 2013-08-07
81525 Writer code issues CONF --- Poor performance converting text to table of very larga amount of data 2013-08-07
11785 Writer code issues CONF --- Pop up db browser in form letters 2014-03-14
10231 Writer code issues CONF --- Position of arrow in table creation outline 2013-02-07
19612 Writer code issues CONF --- possibility to insert page 2013-02-07
127451 Writer code issues UNCO --- Possible access to unintended variable in "main/sw/source/core/txtnode/txtedt.cxx" line 1815 2018-09-17
21294 Writer code issues CONF --- possible optimizations 2013-08-07
118651 Writer code issues CONF --- potential memory corruption in MS filter 2017-05-20
117748 Writer code issues CONF --- pOutDevDoc unused 2017-05-20
33682 Writer code issues CONF --- Powerful UI of Envelope auto-create based on database is needed! 2013-02-07
77221 Writer code issues CONF --- Pressing RETURN with the cursor left before a bullet does not remove highlighting of the bullet(s) 2017-05-20
23859 Writer code issues CONF --- Pressing Tab with a selection should indent the paragraph(s) 2013-08-07
75110 Writer code issues CONF --- Preview in Numbering dialog - Chinese num characters overlap with text 2017-05-20
62904 Writer code issues CONF --- Previewing fonts, etc. like in WordPerfect 2013-02-07
5273 Writer code issues CONF --- Print current page command 2013-02-07
2895 Writer code issues CONF --- Print Effects Map & the wavy-underscore 2013-02-07
23195 Writer code issues ACCE --- Print Mailmerge to file is missing some parameter (Linux+Unix) 2017-05-20
26509 Writer code issues CONF --- print to pdf and Fields showing 2013-08-07
42044 Writer code issues CONF --- Printing a Selektion with Redlining Does not Work 2013-08-07
29924 Writer code issues CONF --- Printing doesnt work properly by several specific page format 2016-06-21
17466 Writer code issues CONF --- Printing Envelopes apparently not working 2014-11-18
19445 Writer code issues CONF --- Printing mail merge to file with individual jobs overwrites file to print to 2014-03-18
87175 Writer code issues CONF --- printing mixed portrait/landscape brochure doesn't rotate landscape pages 2013-08-07
41118 Writer code issues CONF --- printing of even and odd pages (add odd/even to left/right-pages string in UI) 2013-08-07
26054 Writer code issues ACCE --- problem when inserting frames 2017-05-20
27892 Writer code issues ACCE --- problem with a checkbox in the options: flag is not saved when grayed out 2017-05-20
21287 Writer code issues CONF --- problem with button to set original image size 2013-08-07
17896 Writer code issues ACCE --- Problem with copy/paste from oocalc to oowriter 2013-08-07
4279 Writer code issues CONF --- Problem with fontsize in style when expressed in percentage (%) 2017-05-20
21284 Writer code issues CONF --- problem with locked height/width-ratio 2017-05-20
25007 Writer code issues CONF --- Problem with Microsoft Filters 2013-02-07
14613 Writer code issues CONF --- problem with pictures copied from msword, slash/backslash issue 2014-01-27
126104 Writer code issues UNCO --- Problem with Text align in SVG 2015-10-28
22346 Writer code issues CONF --- Problems with Change Tracking and Bookmarks 2013-08-07
23888 Writer code issues ACCE --- Problems with textlabels in OLE 2.0 objects created by OpenOffice 1.1 Word processor 2013-08-07
19772 Writer code issues CONF --- Property adjustment Windows 2013-02-07
4260 Writer code issues ACCE --- Proposals for Bibliographic facility enhancements. 2017-05-20
7483 Writer code issues CONF --- Protect page containing envelope from addition of non-related text 2013-02-07
47076 Writer code issues CONF --- Provide a menu item to switch from/to Edit mode 2013-08-07
46277 Writer code issues ACCE --- Provide Import- and ExportGraphicObjectResolver services at text document model 2013-08-07
2548 Writer code issues CONF --- Punctuation marks after frames and fields go to new line. 2013-08-07
25090 Writer code issues CONF --- Putting a border in a cell in a borderless table with spacing to content 0.00 makes that that cell gets a spacing to content 2013-08-07
20408 Writer code issues ACCE --- Q-PCD MSInteroperability-28 2017-05-20
20143 Writer code issues ACCE --- Q-PCD MSInteroperability-MIB-14 2017-05-20
19112 Writer code issues CONF --- Question mark is always used for ANSI equivalents in RTF files 2017-05-20
51772 Writer code issues CONF --- Quotes in Hebrew workbreaking don't work during spellcheck 2013-08-07
72458 Writer code issues CONF --- Recalculate space for italicized DropCaps; right part displayed cut-off 2013-08-07
43790 Writer code issues CONF --- record case changes 2014-03-25
17921 Writer code issues CONF --- Record Changes does not record inserted equations 2013-02-07
94972 Writer code issues CONF --- recorded macro from writer ignores actions in math 2013-08-07
41681 Writer code issues CONF --- Redesign - Paragraph, Page, Character Dialogs regarding border and background tab 2013-02-07
41704 Writer code issues CONF --- Redesign the page dialog 2013-02-07
111294 Writer code issues CONF --- Redlining is lost when inserting a document containing redlinings as Section 2017-05-20
64307 Writer code issues CONF --- redo is wrong after undo insert plug-in object 2013-08-07
43080 Writer code issues CONF --- redraw errors with opentype stacking diacritics when scrolling 2013-08-07
18673 Writer code issues ACCE --- redundent <font> tags when saving Hebrew doc as HTML 2013-08-07
100754 Writer code issues CONF --- Refactor code generation for OOXML parser. 2017-05-20
100405 Writer code issues CONF --- refactor smooth scrolling to event loop 2017-05-20
100875 Writer code issues ACCE --- Refactoring of Writer's usage of the Drawing layer 2017-05-20
125601 Writer code issues UNCO --- Reference pointing to wrong illustration in the master document 2017-05-20
21170 Writer code issues CONF --- Reference to Bookmark not printed in "Selection" Print 2013-08-07
10166 Writer code issues CONF --- Reference/bibliography management is sorely lacking 2017-05-20
64556 Writer code issues CONF --- References in headers aren't automatically updated when importing a SXW document 2017-05-20
75601 Writer code issues CONF --- References to bookmarks are not listed in the navigator 2013-08-07
53780 Writer code issues CONF --- References to illustration are lost after moving chapters. 2013-08-07
61735 Writer code issues CONF --- References to numbering sequence lost after drag and drop 2017-05-20
93164 Writer code issues CONF --- refresh problem with OLE object out of paper range 2017-05-20
33096 Writer code issues ACCE --- Register-true not evaluated properly 2013-08-07
15295 Writer code issues CONF --- Register-truth in frames 2013-08-07
89203 Writer code issues ACCE --- regression: "Nonprinting Characters" are displayed while generating printer data although they are switched off 2017-05-20
82473 Writer code issues CONF --- Regular Expressions that replace-all can match the result of the replace 2013-08-07
25861 Writer code issues CONF --- Remove form field borders (optionally) when being printed. 2013-08-07
51405 Writer code issues CONF --- remove global variables in /sw/source/core/layout/paintfrm.cxx 2017-05-20
5416 Writer code issues CONF --- remove highlight 2016-05-25
34234 Writer code issues ACCE --- Remove MailDispatcher from Writer's e-Mail implementation 2017-05-20
125153 Writer code issues UNCO --- Remove property GraphicRotation 2014-06-24
81370 Writer code issues CONF --- remove special lazy-paint 2017-05-20
32959 Writer code issues CONF --- removing a column in html table removes the whole table 2013-02-07
21339 Writer code issues ACCE --- removing a line below a table in the headline does not work 2013-08-07
7749 Writer code issues CONF --- removing hyperlinks not uniform 2013-02-07
23867 Writer code issues ACCE --- Removing the "target" of hyperlink does not affect the hyperlink 2017-05-20
24546 Writer code issues ACCE --- Renaming Text Tables breaks referencing 2017-05-20
125598 Writer code issues CONF --- Renumbering problems in master document 2022-09-30
27966 Writer code issues CONF --- Repaint error during section split 2017-05-20
52147 Writer code issues CONF --- Repaint error when moving numbering labels in selection 2013-08-07
14946 Writer code issues ACCE --- repaint failure when pasting a picture into a table 2013-08-07
41287 Writer code issues CONF --- Repeat Convert tex to table doesn't work correctly and show correct string 2017-05-20
51544 Writer code issues CONF --- repeated redrawing of a document 2013-08-07
75491 Writer code issues CONF --- Replace deprecated HTML export option text "Netscape Navigator" by "HTML 4.0 Transitional" 2014-05-10
25057 Writer code issues CONF --- Replacement with “Replace with” in Autocorrect not only after the typing of a following space, enter, etc. 2013-08-07
93972 Writer code issues CONF --- Replacement does not follow through with selected text 2013-03-01
100121 Writer code issues CONF --- Replacement for Words "Document variables" needed 2017-05-20
5839 Writer code issues CONF --- Replacement of single quote/apostroph does not always work 2013-08-07
24049 Writer code issues ACCE --- Replacing first characters in a text portion sets a wrong formatting 2013-08-07
31217 Writer code issues CONF --- Replacing in single-word documents looks like it does not work 2013-08-07
40951 Writer code issues CONF --- Report Wizard: Tablename in Section of template is not correctly imported 2017-05-20
12930 Writer code issues CONF --- Request for command-line translation programs 2013-02-07
70544 Writer code issues REOP --- Reuse the original stream of OLE object from the MS document on loading. 2017-05-20
41776 Writer code issues CONF --- RFE- A new Styles and Formatting Dialog in addition to Stylist - easier modification / organising of styles 2013-02-07
10708 Writer code issues CONF --- RFE: implement CSS3 text mode - text decoration 2013-08-07
41923 Writer code issues ACCE --- RFE: PDF Export of multiple outline numberings 2017-05-20
32859 Writer code issues CONF --- Roundtrip Export / Import OO <-> Word97 produces table formatting misalignments 2017-05-20
70991 Writer code issues CONF --- row height extends to page size when dragging border with mouse in table breaking across pages 2017-05-20
15020 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF document asserts on load 2017-05-20
32690 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF saved by OpenOffice will re-open as empty document 2017-05-20
58237 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF Specification, version 1.8 2013-08-07
29618 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: Files with format error will not open in OOo 2013-08-07
111670 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: import ignores pagebreak in 3rd party document (Nisus Pro) 2017-05-20
3790 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: Import Word 97-2000 RTF for Drawing Objects (Shapes) 2017-05-20
89525 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: inserting RTF file crashes OOo 2013-08-07
23824 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: Loop when opening file created by Omnipage 2017-05-20
70537 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: Objects positioned wrongly when imported 2017-05-20
16781 Writer code issues CONF --- RTF: Pictures mis-located in BiDi doc. MSWord shows OK. 2017-05-20
26964 Writer code issues ACCE --- RTF: Vertical Cell merging in tables not imported correctly 2017-05-20
27701 Writer code issues CONF --- rtfnum.cxx - sanity check with /listtext 2017-05-20
7916 Writer code issues CONF --- rtfnum.cxx does not support listoverridestartat\levelstartat1? 2017-05-20
24510 Writer code issues CONF --- Ruby in vertical text causes OOo to ignore character spacing 2013-08-07
16974 Writer code issues CONF --- Save As AportisDoc nulls line breaks 2013-08-07
971 Writer code issues CONF --- Save as HTML causes charset problems with Russian 2013-08-07
10100 Writer code issues CONF --- Save as HTML: table of content improvment 2013-02-07
14894 Writer code issues CONF --- Save as Word document loses formatting with picture 2017-05-20
58030 Writer code issues CONF --- save command greyed out after exchanging object via paste from draw 2017-05-20
31198 Writer code issues CONF --- Save of Selected passage 2013-02-07
31429 Writer code issues CONF --- Saved/reloaded document looses header/footer 2013-08-07
31389 Writer code issues CONF --- Saved/reloaded document looses header/footer 2013-08-07
48268 Writer code issues CONF --- Saving an UTF-8 encoded could result in losing encoding 2013-08-07
26426 Writer code issues CONF --- Saving embeeded objects (images et al) 2014-03-25
14988 Writer code issues ACCE --- Screen image defects, particularly with smooth scrolling 2017-05-20
66218 Writer code issues CONF --- scrolling an embedded writer object shrinks the object window 2017-05-20
15501 Writer code issues CONF --- Search and Replace "within selection" loses selection after one operation 2013-08-07
10569 Writer code issues CONF --- Search for formatted text sometimes doesn't work 2013-08-07
119375 Writer code issues CONF --- Search for hexadecimal code (eg \x41 ) with regular expressions works wrong or not at all. 2017-05-20
31004 Writer code issues CONF --- Search in Hebrew 2018-12-16
85419 Writer code issues CONF --- Search text with specific attribute fail with font selected 2013-01-29
31757 Writer code issues CONF --- Search wrap 2013-02-07
16211 Writer code issues CONF --- second level headings in page header 2017-05-20
104756 Writer code issues CONF --- Section names aren't recognized from bookmark names when linking 2017-05-20
68287 Writer code issues CONF --- sections in headers are duplicated but can't be altered 2013-08-07
7001 Writer code issues ACCE --- Select not to print drawings - text boxes are printed with crosses in them. 2017-05-20
11901 Writer code issues ACCE --- Selecting a paragraph and end of paragraph marker 2013-08-07
19446 Writer code issues CONF --- Selecting all records using upper left button doesn't merge all records 2013-08-07
55824 Writer code issues CONF --- selection follows tab in tables 2013-02-07
84755 Writer code issues CONF --- Selection in ListBox in dialog should be removed by mouse click on ListBox entry 2013-08-07
92831 Writer code issues UNCO --- Serializing the selected text in Writer and preserving its formatting (in Java) 2017-05-20
20019 Writer code issues CONF --- set a start path 2014-04-09
22561 Writer code issues CONF --- Set heading of document as file name and title 2013-08-07
69706 Writer code issues ACCE --- setName(name) on a bookmark throws an undocumented RuntimeException if the name already exists 2013-08-07
1755 Writer code issues CONF --- setting default attributes of drawing objects in Writer 2013-08-07
28966 Writer code issues CONF --- Setting SmallCaps ratio 2013-08-07
36888 Writer code issues CONF --- Setting Unavailable fonts in documents 2013-02-07
41949 Writer code issues CONF --- Setting up a page to new dimensions/paper without creating a page style/ creating new Page style from Page Break dialog 2013-02-07
114919 Writer code issues CONF --- SfxStateCache not destroyed after removeStatusListener 2013-08-07
86426 Writer code issues CONF --- Shade is not removed after an iconified object has been deactivated. 2017-05-20
29435 Writer code issues CONF --- shape prevents from selecting text 2017-05-20
20162 Writer code issues ACCE --- shifting text in columns when using pgup/pgdown 2013-08-07
73677 Writer code issues CONF --- Shortcut key needed for inserting footnote 2013-02-07
19928 Writer code issues CONF --- Shortcut with number 2013-02-07
24511 Writer code issues CONF --- Should be able to set rubies on graphic set "as character" 2013-02-07
14013 Writer code issues CONF --- Should not export "Asian" formatting if "Asian languages support" is off 2013-02-07
48340 Writer code issues CONF --- show captions in navigator 2013-02-07
32791 Writer code issues CONF --- Show Changes enabled after table modification 2013-08-07
25891 Writer code issues CONF --- Show changes: Implement the function of not showing deleted Text like Word does 2013-08-07
24845 Writer code issues CONF --- Show the bars only when recording changes 2013-02-07
59734 Writer code issues CONF --- similarity search for multiple words failed 2020-05-30
103885 Writer code issues CONF --- slow or crash with documents in web layout 2017-05-20
42855 Writer code issues CONF --- Some actions don't need Reapeat functionality 2017-05-20
41708 Writer code issues CONF --- SOME Changes get lost, after save of a global document 2013-08-07
119695 Writer code issues CONF --- Some characters does not display completely when opening it in AOO. 2012-06-12
70326 Writer code issues CONF --- Some elements in drawing group are moved after save/reload 2017-05-20
21444 Writer code issues ACCE --- Some equations aren't displayed properly 2013-08-07
21640 Writer code issues CONF --- Some fonts cheat with soft hyphens 2013-02-07
32751 Writer code issues CONF --- Some footnotes look "crushed" in bug doc 2017-05-20
121633 Writer code issues ACCE --- some regular expressions fail unless "match case" is also ON 2017-05-20
42857 Writer code issues CONF --- Some Repeats (menu Edit - Repeat) have problems 2017-05-20
121066 Writer code issues ACCE --- Some warning message show up, when building sw/source/filter/ww8/wrtww8.cxx 2017-05-20
28944 Writer code issues CONF --- some zoom factor items are disbled in print-preview 2017-05-20
14263 Writer code issues CONF --- spacing (expended) printing and fax(WinFax) 2013-08-07
25528 Writer code issues CONF --- Spacing is too big. one page -> three pages 2013-08-07
72164 Writer code issues ACCE --- special chars in FieldMaster.User cause wrong values by using conditions 2017-05-20
56348 Writer code issues REOP --- Special letter characters in first letter position is not handled by spell checking in Writer 2013-02-07
21387 Writer code issues CONF --- Specify separator characters BETWEEN numbers in outline numbering 2013-02-07
12541 Writer code issues CONF --- Spell check should check if space inserted in word 2013-02-07
21776 Writer code issues ACCE --- Spell Checker changes formatting 2013-08-07
48544 Writer code issues ACCE --- Spell checker do not appear in visible box 2017-05-20
89436 Writer code issues CONF --- Spell Checking does not notice errors in Outline Numbering Separators 2013-02-07
54401 Writer code issues ACCE --- Spellcheck dialog, context menu and character attributes 2017-05-20
18737 Writer code issues ACCE --- spellcheck rejects uppercase version of word after lowercase added (capitalization) 2013-08-23
53895 Writer code issues ACCE --- spellchecking and "ignore all" not ignoring same wrong word in same sentence 2017-05-20
85924 Writer code issues CONF --- Spellchecking: Option "check special regions" does not have an effect 2013-08-07
59692 Writer code issues CONF --- Spelling checker - "Change All" problem 2017-05-20
31218 Writer code issues ACCE --- Spelling checker - minor annoyance 2013-08-07
62749 Writer code issues CONF --- spelling dialog repeats suspected phrase in some cases 2017-05-20
49897 Writer code issues CONF --- Spelling Replace All also replaces punctuation dot 2013-08-07
59030 Writer code issues CONF --- Spelling: "Change all" does not work when typing custom suggestion in preview box 2017-05-20
21398 Writer code issues ACCE --- StarBasic can't tell one end of a range from the other 2013-08-07
112743 Writer code issues ACCE --- starmath/qa/unoapi sm.XMLSettingsExporter failure 2013-08-07
76283 Writer code issues CONF --- StarOffice fails to remember (restore) the cursor position when entering or leaving tables 2013-08-07
103128 Writer code issues CONF --- step0 for IVS-support in Writer and EditEngine: neutralize VS chars 2013-08-07
117956 Writer code issues CONF --- stlport debug assertion in Writer loadsave.bas test 2017-05-20
15922 Writer code issues CONF --- strange behaviour when dropping pictures on Writer window 2013-02-07
97275 Writer code issues CONF --- Strange table naming strategy when renaming to already used name 2017-05-20
49363 Writer code issues CONF --- Stripping Footnotes 2013-02-07
5223 Writer code issues CONF --- Style and stylist proposal 2013-02-07
102138 Writer code issues CONF --- style category reset after selecting a picture 2013-08-07
18627 Writer code issues CONF --- style name collisions, user defined style with same name as inbuilt style 2017-05-20
12295 Writer code issues ACCE --- Style tag in header is missing type attribute 2013-08-07
17489 Writer code issues ACCE --- STYLE="page-break-before: always" causes blank page when printing web page 2013-08-07
18342 Writer code issues CONF --- Styles of lines (e.g. around table cells) not imported correctly 2014-04-03
31864 Writer code issues CONF --- Sub/superscript > Different relative size when dialog or context menu is used 2013-08-07
11522 Writer code issues CONF --- Subtle problem: multiple page styles lost when saving MS Word .doc files 2013-02-07
125638 Writer code issues UNCO --- Sug: Ability to change fonts live 2015-04-24
25065 Writer code issues CONF --- Superscript on a field reference does not carry to MS-Word97 2017-05-20
24254 Writer code issues CONF --- Supply a warning when loading EPS without preview 2013-02-07
25794 Writer code issues CONF --- Support Mac screengrab/quicktime TIFF images embedded to documents 2013-02-07
88607 Writer code issues CONF --- Support narrow no-breaking space 2017-05-20
20386 Writer code issues ACCE --- Support vertical centering of text in a page 2017-03-12
24329 Writer code issues CONF --- Suppress header on first page 2013-02-07
78162 Writer code issues CONF --- Surrogate's character dispeared when updated the font type(size, color ...) 2013-08-07
116733 Writer code issues CONF --- sw: crash in ~SwDrawContact (forms/qa/unoapi) 2017-05-20
117438 Writer code issues CONF --- sw: DEV300_m102 WaE 2017-05-20
106481 Writer code issues CONF --- sw: docxattributeoutput.cxx: 2 * bad call to erase 2017-05-20
100060 Writer code issues CONF --- sw.SwAccessibleTextFrameView fails 2017-05-20
111186 Writer code issues REOP --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.PageStyle::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet::setPropertyValue() failure 2020-11-11
111197 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwAccessibleDocumentPageView failure 2017-05-20
114637 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwAccessibleFootnoteView(?) crash 2013-01-29
113136 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwAccessibleParagraphView::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleEditableText failure 2017-05-20
111218 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwAccessibleParagraphView::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleEventBroadcaster::removeEventListener() failure 2017-05-20
114205 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwAccessibleParagraphView::com::sun::star::accessibility::XAccessibleText::copyText() failed 2013-01-29
111190 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwXShape failure 2017-05-20
111273 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwXTextEmbeddedObject::com::sun::star::document::XEmbeddedObjectSupplier::getEmbeddedObject() crash 2017-05-20
113020 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwXTextGraphicObject::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet failure 2017-05-20
114889 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.SwXTextViewCursor::com::sun::star::view::XScreenCursor 2013-01-29
111220 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.XMLContentExporter::com::sun::star::document::XFilter::cancel() failure 2017-05-20
111194 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.XMLExporter crash 2017-05-20
111332 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi sw.XMLStylesExporter::com::sun::star::document::XFilter crash 2017-05-20
113142 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi SwAccessibleContext::RemoveFrmFromAccessibleMap crash 2017-05-20
111178 Writer code issues CONF --- sw/qa/unoapi SwView::SelectShell crash 2017-05-20
22115 Writer code issues ACCE --- SwTxtFly::DrawTextOpaque( SwDrawTextInfo &rInf ) does not work 2013-08-07
71605 Writer code issues ACCE --- SwXTextDocument::reformat() is empty 2017-05-20
30987 Writer code issues CONF --- Symbol conversion to UNICODE not triggered for StarBats/Math font 2018-09-03
91139 Writer code issues CONF --- T602 import filter dialog is not shown 2017-05-20
52540 Writer code issues CONF --- Tab key should demote whole selected level of list 2017-05-20
83364 Writer code issues CONF --- Tab positsioning (and table border) guides should appear on click - not only on move 2013-02-07
15184 Writer code issues CONF --- Table background image problems on HTML export 2013-08-07
86716 Writer code issues CONF --- Table border preview shows double line incorrectly 2017-05-20
9790 Writer code issues CONF --- Table format accept an impossible combination. 2017-05-20
29412 Writer code issues CONF --- table formatting of complex table bad example 2013-02-07
108148 Writer code issues ACCE --- Table formatting wrong in hidden documents after insertion of rows 2017-05-20
45090 Writer code issues CONF --- Table formulas: Deleting a cell value does not change computed values 2017-05-20
69975 Writer code issues ACCE --- Table in writer counts sum incorrectly 2017-05-20
60759 Writer code issues CONF --- Table leaves section at page break 2013-08-07
78328 Writer code issues CONF --- table lost when pasting frame via RTF clipboard 2013-08-07
25102 Writer code issues CONF --- Table marked as "keep with next paragraph" can't be splitted 2013-08-07
55511 Writer code issues CONF --- table merge cells misaligns unrelated columns in certain zoom levels 2013-08-07
32712 Writer code issues CONF --- Table of Authorities 2019-07-12
26408 Writer code issues CONF --- table of content: page number at left instead of right when heading length is exactly one line 2013-08-07
63353 Writer code issues CONF --- Table of Contents - Problems with hyperlinked entries starting with "." 2017-05-20
21703 Writer code issues ACCE --- Table of contents (TOC) has to be updated twice 2017-05-20
82186 Writer code issues CONF --- table-formulas are not covered by the undo function 2013-08-07
18179 Writer code issues CONF --- Table: Draw table manually, resizing the table more flexible 2017-05-20
24951 Writer code issues CONF --- table's do not line up horizontally 2013-08-07
5631 Writer code issues CONF --- Tables from Online layout mode saved incorrectly 2013-02-07
25874 Writer code issues CONF --- Tables in Writer have Number Format alignment problem 2013-08-07
23075 Writer code issues ACCE --- Tabs lost with negative first-line indent 2013-08-07
44148 Writer code issues CONF --- Template not recognizide??? 2013-08-07
10222 Writer code issues CONF --- Text box break between pages 2013-07-19
20037 Writer code issues ACCE --- text cursor disappears after failed attempt to insert a table 2013-08-07
94579 Writer code issues CONF --- Text Direction for frames is visible even if CTL is deactivated. 2017-05-20
2081 Writer code issues ACCE --- Text Document does not print properly on a 3 x 5 card (problems printing envelope) 2017-05-20
10813 Writer code issues ACCE --- Text flow around picture adds left margin value 2013-08-07
25526 Writer code issues CONF --- text highlight different color 2013-08-07
17246 Writer code issues CONF --- text in Windows Meta File graphics in OOo 1.0.0 files scaled wrong by OOo 1.1 RC 2013-08-07
14253 Writer code issues ACCE --- Text section of master document loses page style 2013-08-07
113112 Writer code issues CONF --- text selected with ctrl+mouse won't be shown in insert.index_entry dialog 2017-05-20
98372 Writer code issues CONF --- Text selection does not vanish when Drawing an object 2017-05-20
10301 Writer code issues CONF --- TextFieldMaster.User enhancement for storing variables (xml) 2013-08-07
89845 Writer code issues CONF --- TextFrame - can't remove hardcoded formatting 2017-05-20
24444 Writer code issues CONF --- TextPortionType returns "Frame" not "TextContent" 2013-08-07
40882 Writer code issues ACCE --- TGA graphics cannot be saved as link 2013-08-07
96263 Writer code issues CONF --- The "anchor" setting of an inserted picture will be modified after saving as .doc files. 2019-05-12
60635 Writer code issues CONF --- The "target in document" window holds up editing 2017-05-20
33645 Writer code issues CONF --- The Apply style combobox should display non applied custom styles 2013-08-07
14068 Writer code issues CONF --- The caption dialog doesn't include the category Equation 2014-03-18
115680 Writer code issues CONF --- The code in source/core and source/filter should compile and link without the code in source/ui 2017-05-20
70087 Writer code issues CONF --- The empty string is an (undocumented) invalid item for a 2017-05-20
107396 Writer code issues CONF --- the font used to display the text should be the same of the one in the font list box 2013-02-07
42334 Writer code issues CONF --- The hyperlink of a picture is not shown in Hyperlink dialog 2013-08-07
93479 Writer code issues CONF --- The imported embedded objects from OOXML format have wrong placement. 2017-05-20
99875 Writer code issues CONF --- The mailto: submission does not work in XForms 2013-06-21
30506 Writer code issues CONF --- The Order of Sheets in the Page Preview Window for Right-to-Left Documents 2013-08-07
120926 Writer code issues CONF --- The para applied with the para styles with List Level Attribute should be counted into numbering correctly 2017-05-20
19631 Writer code issues ACCE --- The Star Border is missing from this MS Word 97 diploma 2013-08-07
24251 Writer code issues CONF --- Ther are no chapter and page number seperators in indexes 2013-08-07
90368 Writer code issues CONF --- there is no UNO API for lists/list items 2017-05-20
14077 Writer code issues CONF --- There is not a default name for save a doc (writer) 2013-02-07
16448 Writer code issues CONF --- there's no (trivial?) way to deident autonumbering 2013-02-07
81605 Writer code issues CONF --- Thesaurus replaces period when cursor is AFTER period at end of sentence 2013-08-07
66344 Writer code issues CONF --- Title Case and More Advanced Casing 2013-08-07
10373 Writer code issues CONF --- TITLE in HTML pages and charset? 2013-08-07
22122 Writer code issues ACCE --- Toolbar button "table border" also changes inner cell margins 2017-05-20
116156 Writer code issues CONF --- toolkit/qa/unoapi crash in SwAccessibleMap::RemoveContext 2017-05-20
116550 Writer code issues CONF --- toolkit/qa/unoapi crashes OOo in ~SwAccessibleParagraph vs. SwXTextDocument::close 2017-05-20
83072 Writer code issues UNCO --- Tools | Language | Chinese translations broken when recording changes 2014-04-14
105408 Writer code issues CONF --- Tools->Bibliography database crashes when libdbu??.so missing 2017-05-20
84293 Writer code issues CONF --- Tools->Options->OOo writer->view->Ruler logical problem 2017-05-20
31214 Writer code issues CONF --- Tools/Calculate doesn't work well after inserting page number more than 2 2013-08-07
33137 Writer code issues CONF --- Trailing hyphens not handled correctly WRT cursor position 2013-08-07
90746 Writer code issues CONF --- Transparency for character background and foreground 2014-04-06
31002 Writer code issues CONF --- Tray selections lost in doc format 2017-05-20
110075 Writer code issues CONF --- Treatment of ODF Author Fields 2017-05-20
8312 Writer code issues CONF --- Tripple-click should select entire paragraph 2013-10-20
22202 Writer code issues UNCO --- truetype embedding in documents 2014-03-16
24656 Writer code issues CONF --- Trying to save a loaded Word97 document in OOo format and the aplication crashes. 2017-05-20
29316 Writer code issues CONF --- Turning off collecting words from opened documents for the WordCompletion feature. 2013-08-07
100539 Writer code issues CONF --- typing is really slow in print layout with notes 2017-05-20
6716 Writer code issues CONF --- UI action results in counter intuitive document display position 2013-02-07
40378 Writer code issues CONF --- unability to draw an object if cursor is out of page area 2013-08-07
33799 Writer code issues CONF --- unability to insert fields into objects 2013-02-07
7855 Writer code issues ACCE --- Unable to create requested number of columns in a table. 2013-08-07
54475 Writer code issues CONF --- unable to edit curve outside of page area 2017-05-20
50694 Writer code issues CONF --- Unable to search for default format (asian text) 2017-05-20
56630 Writer code issues CONF --- Unassigned outline attribute "Show Sublevel" is set to "1" when saved 2017-05-20
26448 Writer code issues CONF --- undesirable line break when object is followed by a punctuation mark 2013-08-07
17922 Writer code issues CONF --- Undetected changes with change tracking 2013-08-07
21620 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo 'Insert File' leaves document altered 2013-08-07
83806 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo code needs clean-up 2013-08-07
62635 Writer code issues CONF --- undo does not restore numbering level after pasting into different level 2017-05-20
24864 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo doesn't undo while recording changes 2013-08-07
19574 Writer code issues CONF --- undo function has bugs with undoing changed font sizes 2013-08-07
96780 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo of Style Change in "Text Body" won't work 2013-08-07
97481 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo on sorting in nesed tables crashes Writer 2013-08-07
102310 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo-History for renaming Bookmarks not registred. 2017-05-20
94530 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo-History wrong with Freeform-Line-Object. 2013-08-07
94534 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo-String Wrong for "Format:Asian Phonetic Guide..." 2013-08-07
119157 Writer code issues CONF --- Undo/Repeat menu isn't translated correctly for simpled Chinese langauge package 2012-03-31
111147 Writer code issues CONF --- Undoing changes in table structure messes up some structual table information 2017-05-20
78501 Writer code issues CONF --- uneven charwidth in non-proportional fonts 2013-08-07
16679 Writer code issues ACCE --- Unnecessary information loss when saving in MS Word format 2013-08-07
41264 Writer code issues CONF --- unnecessary reformatting when dragging rows 2017-05-20
14568 Writer code issues CONF --- Unrequested scrolling in writer 2013-02-07
79861 Writer code issues CONF --- Unwanted empty paragraph if "New (text only)" autotext inserted 2017-05-20
7013 Writer code issues CONF --- Update just page numbers in ToC 2013-02-07
12225 Writer code issues ACCE --- Update of AutoText dialog too slow 2017-05-20
19767 Writer code issues CONF --- Update problem in conditional fields with serial letters / Mail Merge 2017-05-20
46156 Writer code issues CONF --- updating table of contents deletes the undo stack 2014-11-11
10645 Writer code issues CONF --- Upon saving, elements in a table auto-format, even if the cell is not finished 2013-02-07
96531 Writer code issues CONF --- URL containing brackets not handled properly by Autocorrect 2017-05-20
17051 Writer code issues CONF --- URL's copied from Konqueror into OOWriter can't be pasted with normal Paste 2013-08-07
95899 Writer code issues CONF --- usability enhancement for I18N: "use surname" and "given name" instead of "First Name" and "Last Name" 2013-08-07
32375 Writer code issues CONF --- Use the object name when inserting a reference 2013-02-07
21084 Writer code issues CONF --- User datas not correctly filed in letter with autopilote 2013-02-07
16809 Writer code issues ACCE --- User frames restricted movement 2017-05-20
84511 Writer code issues CONF --- User selection for action on copy/paste from Calc 2013-02-07
110015 Writer code issues CONF --- UserField property IsFieldDisplayed gives wrong values 2017-05-20
99872 Writer code issues CONF --- Using XForm we can no longer click and drag form controls from form into instance data 2014-03-05
77486 Writer code issues CONF --- value of date-fields impossible to change in writer 2013-08-07
107446 Writer code issues CONF --- variable date field in odt -> save as doc -> reload -> changed format 2017-05-20
16054 Writer code issues CONF --- version number 2013-08-07
111376 Writer code issues CONF --- Versions feature does not work for office documents 2014-01-07
80171 Writer code issues CONF --- Vertical rules appears for active page only 2013-02-07
24732 Writer code issues CONF --- Very poor MSO compatibility: columns/pictures/text out of position. 2013-08-07
54478 Writer code issues CONF --- view jumps when a point is added 2013-08-07
67751 Writer code issues CONF --- view->toolbars->formula only able to toggle it on, not off 2017-05-20
31073 Writer code issues CONF --- Viewing page numbers in Online layout 2013-02-07
88204 Writer code issues CONF --- WaE: sw 2017-05-20
106576 Writer code issues UNCO --- wbutton.cxx: bad call to erase 2014-04-09
30185 Writer code issues CONF --- We should be able to unprotect a subsection even thought the parent section is protected 2013-02-07
42338 Writer code issues CONF --- web page using a stylesheet not displayed /laid out correctly within writer window 2013-08-07
42502 Writer code issues ACCE --- Web Page Wizard Preview prints messages to stderr 2013-08-07
62601 Writer code issues ACCE --- WebWizard doesn't export the pdf files to the content folder 2017-05-20
36086 Writer code issues CONF --- when a table is deleted, document is corrupted 2017-05-20
84634 Writer code issues CONF --- When Drop caps characters greater than page, text will disappear 2013-08-07
19232 Writer code issues CONF --- When recording changes (Show=off) - deleted paragraphs appear as extra blank lines 2013-08-07
44438 Writer code issues ACCE --- when selecting text, not all objects, which are anchored at the selected text, are deleted 2013-08-07
44395 Writer code issues ACCE --- while xml form object is selected, arrow of the paste button vanishes 2017-05-20
43811 Writer code issues CONF --- Window Manager Resize Please On "Tab Order" Dialog Screen 2013-02-07
117740 Writer code issues CONF --- Windows Magnifier doesn't follow the insertion point 2013-10-08
119109 Writer code issues CONF --- Windows Metafile File (WMF) image missing some visual elements 2017-05-20
21263 Writer code issues ACCE --- winword characters before footnote anchor 2013-08-07
12933 Writer code issues ACCE --- Winword footnote anchor character does not have to appear at the start of the footnote 2013-08-07
22581 Writer code issues CONF --- Without Characters outside of Paragraph Border, Cursor cannot be moved 2013-02-07
63231 Writer code issues CONF --- Wizard ignore Locale 2013-07-30
9866 Writer code issues CONF --- WMF graphic truncated on right 2013-08-07
2061 Writer code issues CONF --- wmf/emf import: hatch support needs to be implemented 2013-08-07
19633 Writer code issues ACCE --- Word 97 compatibility issue: OLE objects don't have graphical attributes 2013-08-07
19628 Writer code issues ACCE --- Word 97 compatibility problems: table floats behind frame 2013-08-07
30137 Writer code issues CONF --- Word compatibility - incorrectly thinks text is bold 2017-05-20
99434 Writer code issues CONF --- Word Completion activate after number of characters typed 2013-08-07
40987 Writer code issues CONF --- Word Completion completes numbers too 2017-05-20
51585 Writer code issues ACCE --- Word Completion including "umlauted" characters fails on sparc/solaris 2017-05-20
89041 Writer code issues CONF --- Word count differs from MS Word because of page footer text 2013-08-07
89040 Writer code issues CONF --- word count does not count form fields correctly 2013-01-29
59060 Writer code issues CONF --- word count does not include Bullet and Numbering character 2013-02-07
121672 Writer code issues CONF --- word count error 2015-04-04
108680 Writer code issues CONF --- Word count includes "tracked changes" when these are hidden 2013-08-07
19692 Writer code issues CONF --- Word count should exclude words within brackets 2013-08-07
14410 Writer code issues CONF --- word count: list by main doc, headers, footers, endnotes, etc 2019-07-12
4173 Writer code issues CONF --- Word frame's default wrapping is optimal wrap with a value of 1 inch 2013-08-07
109213 Writer code issues CONF --- Word joiner dosen't work with words containing diacritics 2013-08-07
109215 Writer code issues CONF --- Word splitter dosen't work with word joiner 2013-01-29
6312 Writer code issues CONF --- Word table row height incorrect when opened in Writer 2013-02-07
53919 Writer code issues CONF --- Word wrap broke near endnote reference. 2013-08-07
16292 Writer code issues ACCE --- Word wrapping allows figures/graphics to overlap 2013-08-07
25292 Writer code issues CONF --- Word-Export:Rotated 270 degree is not saved to MS word 2017-05-20
25631 Writer code issues CONF --- Word: Formulas in tables not properly imported 2013-08-07
27742 Writer code issues CONF --- Word6: text following hor. line graphic is missing 2013-08-07
32027 Writer code issues CONF --- WordML export: orientation of the page got lost 2013-08-07
32026 Writer code issues CONF --- WordML export: pageborderstyles not correctly exported 2013-08-07
32029 Writer code issues CONF --- WordML export: sections are not exported 2013-08-07
29582 Writer code issues CONF --- WordML import: 3d art not displayed imported 2013-08-07
16697 Writer code issues ACCE --- Wrapping text arround objects does not work with chained frames containing text 2013-08-07
78112 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer as a stand alone app 2013-02-07
108709 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer corrupts comments larger than 16448 characters 2017-05-20
91786 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer crash when close text formula after opening "help" and "Text formula" at the same time 2017-05-20
97632 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer Crash: copy any DBC case punctuation from MS Word to Writer, then operate Chinese translate 2013-08-07
97420 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer crashes after Undo-Redo-Undo with tracked changes not shown 2013-08-07
92306 Writer code issues CONF --- writer crashes when doing undo/redo after inserting objects to TOC 2017-05-20
92308 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer crashes when edting a TOC which is changable 2013-08-07
76045 Writer code issues ACCE --- writer database stuff crashes when database stuff not present 2017-05-20
55377 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer does not saves files with large tables 2019-12-06
90936 Writer code issues CONF --- WRITER fails to undo automatically created hyperlink in expected order 2013-08-07
72194 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer leaks memory working with large tables 2013-08-07
23118 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer merges borders of 2 touching paragraphs, if border format is equal 2018-09-08
69842 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer needs a rounddown operator 2013-02-07
30223 Writer code issues ACCE --- Writer needs to use new Events tab for forms, hypertext, autotext 2017-05-20
104513 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer notes containing hyperlink cannot be read by API 2014-03-13
22482 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer should look in gallery for backgrounds 2013-02-07
44141 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer stops responding when a table with large no of rows is inserted 2013-10-29
40604 Writer code issues CONF --- writer table: footnote disturbes table calculation 2013-08-07
118862 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer: Find&Replace fails for single-replacement if text is selected 2013-01-23
113700 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer: problems with surrogate handling 2017-05-20
78849 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer: undo of charts when modifying tables needs better implementation 2013-08-07
54781 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer: yet another problem with merging of text attributes 2013-08-07
26777 Writer code issues CONF --- Writer>Load styles user options not preserved 2013-02-07
82652 Writer code issues CONF --- Writing protection passed when drag-n-droping text inside a protected frame 2017-05-20
112608 Writer code issues CONF --- Wrong (cross-)reference format to caption with option "Caption order - Category first" 2017-05-20
31463 Writer code issues CONF --- wrong heading numbering compared to MS 2017-05-20
30281 Writer code issues CONF --- Wrong highliting of selected text when using text beside a frame 2013-02-07
25448 Writer code issues CONF --- wrong image position at page 10 2013-08-07
40984 Writer code issues CONF --- Wrong language attribute after calling chinese translation 2017-05-20
10886 Writer code issues ACCE --- Wrong layout with sections in combination with borders around content 2013-08-07
31790 Writer code issues CONF --- Wrong line wrapping of text and formulas flowing around frames 2013-08-07
21911 Writer code issues ACCE --- wrong numbering if files share list numbering in master document 2017-05-20
8484 Writer code issues ACCE --- wrong page shown when switch from online layout to normal layout 2013-08-07
13606 Writer code issues ACCE --- Wrong ruler in text. Correct in header and footer 2017-05-20
106163 Writer code issues CONF --- wrong sorting result for paragraphs in Writer (long text) 2017-05-20
105800 Writer code issues CONF --- wrong SUM range calulated if merged cells in SUM lines breaks across page 2017-05-20
103101 Writer code issues CONF --- wrong view update after changing CharHidden via API 2017-05-20
24195 Writer code issues CONF --- WW Import: Cell height is too big when opened in OOo 1.1.1a (due to CJK-Grid) 2013-08-07
26854 Writer code issues CONF --- WW6: can't not open an Asian docfile correctly 2013-08-07
25437 Writer code issues CONF --- WW6: Empty lines numbered, and other lines too 2017-05-20
64592 Writer code issues CONF --- WW6: some OLE objects missing when open the doc 2013-08-07
81759 Writer code issues CONF --- WW6: Writer needs 5 minutes to open a specific MS word file. 2013-08-07
39120 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8 filter does not import tabs between numbering 2017-05-20
123877 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8 import/export: support for annotations on text ranges 2013-12-18
24088 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: "Watermark" Graphics Problem, not in background after import 2013-08-07
109927 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: 3rd party OLE objects become exported as graphic 2017-05-20
18525 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Add paragraph spacing at top of pages isn't exactly equivalent to what word does 2017-05-20
21960 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Allow sublevels to override numbering type of inherited levels 2017-05-20
68701 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: blanks in Cross-references cannot be re-imported 2017-05-20
19297 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Change tracking not handling bulleted paragraph correctly 2017-05-20
25155 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Complete shadows and bordering for all elements 2017-05-20
56904 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Conditional Text Broken in Ver. 2.0; worked in 1.1.5 2017-05-20
68514 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Continuous section break interpreted differently 2013-08-07
19654 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Default tab stop behaviour 2017-05-20
19853 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: Difference in section balancing with tables in section between word and writer 2013-08-07
9544 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: docvariable fields not imported 2017-05-20
51076 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Drawing Callouts in groups appear in the wrong place 2017-05-20
25756 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: drawings inside frames cannot be exported 2017-05-20
26731 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: exporting (drawing-)Chart into word files loses text of objects 2017-05-20
27340 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Exporting sxw to doc breaks the tables 2017-05-20
25757 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Frame position imported wrong 2017-05-20
28617 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Hard return in notes should be exported 2017-05-20
21966 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: Hybrid "Paragraph and character" styles 2013-08-07
25751 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: import of graphical bullets not supported 2017-05-20
25834 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Import/export fly frame shadows does not work 2017-05-20
25837 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Import/export of character border shading does not work 2017-05-20
25835 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Import/export of Page border shadows does not work 2017-05-20
25836 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Import/export of paragraph spacing does not work 2017-05-20
81640 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: importing password-protected section looses the password 2017-05-20
31377 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Importing WordPerfect created MS Word file 2017-05-20
31928 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Improve vertical positioning of floating screen objects 2017-05-20
92483 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: layout-in-table-cell fix 2013-07-30
101417 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: MS doc containing chinese characters, hangs OOo 2017-05-20
113826 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: no target/format set for reference to footnote 2017-05-20
25573 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: OO can't display mathtype without operands 2017-05-20
24003 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: open in OOo save as word text become outside right limit 2017-05-20
11023 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: page background color not re-imported 2017-05-20
29543 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: paragraph with "snap to grid" invisible in table 2013-08-07
81641 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: protection of first section also protects header in MS Word 2013-08-07
11450 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Redline Fix 1st. Winword redlines *can* overlap, our cannot. 2017-05-20
31267 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Relative hyperlinks exported as static links 2017-05-20
81643 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: some exported bookmarks cannot be recognized by MS Word 2017-05-20
68704 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: Space numbering in Outline Numbering is not retained 2017-05-20
19981 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: StyleRef field doesn't have an existing good match in writer 2017-05-20
96033 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: table content initially not displayed 2013-08-07
77735 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: table width increases by 0,01 cm with each doc export/import 2017-05-20
25291 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: text on Split table cell is cutted on export 2017-05-20
78011 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: The location of indexs and tables are wrong when open the document contain the indexs and tables by MS office. 2017-05-20
27661 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: values (grouped text objects) are not displayed 2017-05-20
19608 Writer code issues ACCE --- WW8: Word wraps its "local variables" around to the top of the page on the next update 2017-05-20
25295 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Writer engraving treats font colour black the same as white 2013-08-07
103312 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: Wrong default bullet size after saving and re-loading as doc 2017-05-20
50683 Writer code issues CONF --- WW8: WW97 master document links not correctly imported (not relative) 2017-05-20
79127 Writer code issues CONF --- XCellRange in Writer doesn't support XChartDataChangeEventListener 2017-05-20
123460 Writer code issues CONF --- XCloseable interface vs the Dispatch Call to using .uno:closeDoc 2014-04-24
76171 Writer code issues CONF --- XForms: Invalid decimal separator in XPath calculations in XForms 2017-05-20
49557 Writer code issues CONF --- XFORMS: one datatype is missing in the new element in korean 2013-08-07
97788 Writer code issues CONF --- XIndexReplacer is not working in OOo3.0 2013-08-07
68878 Writer code issues CONF --- XSelectionChangeListener doesn't receive all selection change events 2017-05-20
29596 Writer code issues CONF --- xslt import: oleobject not displayed 2013-08-07
29599 Writer code issues CONF --- xslt import: slow performence in certain files 2013-08-07
109360 Writer code issues ACCE --- XTextCursor: bExpand doesn't work for go-Methods anymore 2017-05-20
89852 Writer code issues CONF --- XTextMarkup enhancement 2013-08-07
102348 Writer code issues ACCE --- XTextRangeCompare throws IllegalArgumentException when compairing two XTextRange of two XTextTable 2017-05-20
92048 Writer code issues UNCO --- XTextViewCursor should give the correct position even if the controllers are locked 2017-05-20
58353 Writer code issues CONF --- XViewCursor::goDown() gets stuck in certain situation 2013-08-07
24618 Writer code issues CONF --- Zaner Bloser Font converstion broken. 2017-05-20
19983 Writer code issues CONF --- zoom level should not use the cursor position 2013-02-07
19982 Writer code issues ACCE --- Zoom Option does not act if no new selection happens 2017-05-20
1354 issues found.


File a new issue in the "code" component of the "Writer" product